
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 20: Cringe

(Third person POV)

Ali put his hand on the side of his mouth to cover it from a certain someone's watchful eyes as he whispered :"and I think you should hurry up, cause Dr Crawler is staring at you really hard."

Dr Crawler had arrived at the class just a little while ago, but he would probably use every chance to get Jaden down.

After all, he went far and beyond to get Jaden thrown out in the original. But surprisingly, he wasn't salty about losing to Ali.

Ali was surprised at first when Dr Crawler greeted him with a happy smile, but he thought that the reason is because he's an Obelisk Blue.

So, since Dr Crawler had Ali who had scored the highest and had defeated him, he was actually happy about such a talent being in the academy.

Honestly, Ali didn't really have anything against him. In fact, he liked him. The reason for that was because of how he stood up and protected everyone when those shadow whatevers attacked.

He was J.Jonah Jameson. Everybody hated him, but when he did even one good thing, it was really satisfying.

The reason for that was because both of these bitches are so fucking annoying that one good deed feels like putting ice on a burned mark.

And besides, even though he doesn't do it right, he just wants the school to become a better place.

Even though Ali didn't want to admit it, the fact that Slifer Reds were trash wasn't a lie. You have to be a real dumbass to get a low score in an exam that is all about simple stuff.

So Ali could see Dr Crawler's logic on getting Slifer Reds out of this academy. Yeah, Jaden was a really good duelist, but not everyone was Jaden.

"Huh?" Jaden said before he looked at where Ali was sneakily pointing at before he gulped when he saw Dr Crawler glaring at him.

He laughed awkwardly as he looked at Ali :"alright, I will see you later, Al, Alexis. Let's go, Sy."

Ali snickered when he saw how Dr Crawler was clenching his chin and had his lips raised up :"he's mad as fuck."

Alexis nodded with a sigh :"yeah, Dr Crawler really doesn't like Slifer Reds. And since Jaden actually beat him in a duel, he definitely wouldn't like him."

Jasmine from beside Alexis leaned forward with a confused face :"wait, you two know that Slifer kid?"

Ali deadpanned her :"what do you mean "kid"? We're all the same age here, genius. And yeah, we do know him.

In fact, he's a real close friend of mine. Why ಠಿ_ಠ? You have something against my bud, Jasmine? Hmm?"

Jasmine sweated a little at Ali's questioning look. Fortunately for her, they were already friends with how much they talked, otherwise, Ali doesn't appreciate people talking about his homies behind their backs.

Honestly, it was easy as fuck to become friends with Ali. After all, he believed in one more friend is better than one more enemy.

But honestly, he really didn't give a damn about how many enemies he had. After all, he already had an army at his disposal.

He just had to be careful for a while. But after his soul became strong enough to bond with his powerful monsters and strong enough to absorb spells and traps, he didn't need to give a single fruck about anyone.

Jasmine gulped before she shook her head :"no, no, I was just a little surprised. After all, it's not common to see Obelisk Blues and Slifer Reds become friends."

Ali couldn't help but sigh in response :"and I can't blame them. Even though most Obelisk Blues are pansy, arrogant bitches, Slifer Reds are really... Unimpressive.

I mean, come on! How did you nearly fail that kind of an easy exam?! The exam was so damn easy that I thought it's a joke or some kind of prank!"

But unlike the ranting reincarnated, the girls were deadpanning him. After all, among the three, Alexis had gotten the most with a score of 90 and something.

And the other two, they scored just a little over 80. So they were a little speechless at what he was saying.

"Hey! Where do you think you're sitting?!" Suddenly, an angry voice came. The four turned with confused looks to see a guy wearing the Obelisk Blue uniform staring Ali down.

Ali raised a confused eyebrow as he frowned :"uhh... At my seat? Where else? You blind, buddy, or what?"

Of course he knew what was going on, but he couldn't help but want to mess with the ass hat that wanted to mess with him.

And the said ass hat glared at him with a haughty look :"who said you can sit next to Alexis?! Who do you think you are?!"

Ali actually scoffed with a smirk as he made himself even more comfortable on his seat with his hands behind his head :"I don't think, but I am sure that I'm Ali Ashborne.

First thing first, Alexis decided to sit next to me because we're friends. And second, little shit, I said that I can sit next to her. What? Got a problem, pussy?"

The Obelisk Blue gritted his teeth as his glare intensified :"you're not worthy to sit next to Alexis! Only someone like me is! Now get up before I teach you a lesson!"

... You've got to be shitting me... What kinda cringe ass bullshit is this??? You really think that the pretty girl will like you for your cringe ass acts?

The said pretty girl face palmed with an annoyed look as she sighed. Heck, even Ali couldn't help but look at him as if he's the biggest dumbass there is.

Heck, the look was so intense that you could name it the signature look of "are you a fucking retard?".

Ali cringed so hard that he actually shivered with disgust unhidden on his face :"who the fuck is you, bitch?

Get your cringe ass outta here because you're really messing up my vibes. Holy shit you're cringe. I couldn't even think that there could be this level of cringe."

The Obelisk Blue clenched his fists as he snorted :"I, Pablo, challenge you to a duel! If you lose, you will go and sit somewhere else and will not talk to Alexis again!"

... This was way too cringe... But fortunately, Alexis decided to put a stop to it with a rather angry face :"listen here, you-"

But she was cut off by a smirking Ali :"alright, I agree." Causing Alexis to raise an eyebrow at him :"Ali?

Why would you agree to such a stupid challenge? Why would decide to waste your time? This won't even be a challenge."

Ali shrugged with a smirk :"would I say no to DP? It's free, easy DP, you know? Why would I disagree to that?"

Alexis sighed as she nodded :"yeah, I get that you like DP. And you really need it since you are making a new deck.

But even so, even with the incomplete deck, I don't think you will even enjoy this duel. Didn't you say that you want to enjoy your duels?"

Ali snorted with a smirk :"yeah, but honestly, my standards are low when it comes to what kind of opponent I have.

My standards are high on which deck I will be using. This guy isn't worthy of being against my real deck, so I will enjoy screwing him up with my new deck."

Alexis was silent for a second before she sighed with a helpless look :"I get it, but the class is about to begin, you know?"

Ali snickered as he shrugged once again :"yeah, but wouldn't a duel be a good start to the first day of school?

Besides, don't you want to see my new deck in action? I really want to try it out, you know? I wanna show off."

Alexis sighed once again :"yeah, I guess I can't say no to that. I'm really interested in what kind of deck you've built. But you should get Dr Crawler's permission first."

... You know, if I didn't know that these two hadn't met up, I would have said that they had practiced this.

Cause damn, the poor guy was shaking with anger at their interaction. And his look of rage caused Ali to snicker before he raised his hand :"Dr Crawler!"

Seeing that it was Ali who called out to him, Dr Crawler smiled happily as he clapped his hands in excitement :"my, what is it, Ali?"

Honestly, his smile made Ali's skin crawl. But even though he is insane, as mentioned before, he is a polite psycho.

So wouldn't it be too much of an asshole thing to do if he acted like an ass hat to someone who smiled at him?

He smiled back, although a shaky one as he blinked :"Dr, this dumb fuck is actually dumb enough to challenge me to a dual.

If it's that much of a problem, can I take a little bit of the class's time to teach him his place. I promise it won't take long, just 5 or 10 minutes at most."

Hearing that someone actually challenged Ali, Dr Crawler looked at the person. But he got mad when he saw that it was just an ordinary Obelisk Blue who wasn't actually that much of a big deal :"Mr Pablo! Why are you troubling dear Ali?!"

'Even I lost to his deck with those weird monsters! How dare you try to embarrass the rising star of my Obelisk Blue dorm, you little brat?!'

But Ali just waved his hand nonchalantly :"no, no, Dr Crawler, he isn't troubling me at all. He is just dumb, we can't hold that against him.

In fact, I have made a new deck, so this is the perfect chance to try it out. And besides, this is the perfect chance to make an example out of this dumbass."

As he said that, he casted a taunting smirk at Pablo's way. And the poor guy who had been trash talked for a while, was too angry to contain himself.

So with a look of rage, he reached out and grabbed Ali's collar :"how dare you talk to me like that!"

"Mr Pabl-!" Dr Crawler called out with an angry look. But before he could finish, Ali's hand moved like a bolt of lightning before it grabbed Pablo's neck and squeezed.

The dumb Obelisk Blue chocked as Ali pulled him down with a devilish and evil smile on his face :"I talk however the fuck I want, to whoever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want. You got that, little shit?"

He snorted before he pushed the Obelisk Blue guy that was beginning to turn purple. He sighed through his nose before he got up after throwing away the guy who started coughing.

Ali fixed his collar before he looked down at the guy with a look that could only be casted on trash :"you wanna begin our duel, or what, little cunt? Come on."

As he walked down the stairs, he flashed a kind smile, with closed eyes, which we know never mean good if they come from a psycho towards Dr Crawler :"so, can we duel, Doc?"

Dr Crawler coughed with his fist over his mouth before he nodded :"I guess a duel to start off the year would be good. Alright, you have my permission. You can duel in front of the class."

And he then closed the distance a little before he whispered to Ali :"and, please go easy on him, okay?

Even though he is just someone who got in through money and connection, he is still an Obelisk Blue. So I wouldn't want him to be traumatized by you."

Ali chuckled before he shrugged :"I don't know, Doc. Going easy on a duel is kinda against my way of dueling.

The dumbass challenged me, and now he has to face the consequences of his dumb actions. I won't be satisfied otherwise."


DP: 1,950