
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 14: Unexpected card

(Third person POV)

Zane gave a quick glare before sighing through his nose :"you told me to wake you up, remember? And since you said that you want to build a new deck, I figured I will show you where the store is.

Heh, I also have a surprise for you. Which I'm sure you will definitely love. So, come on. Get dressed and let's go."

Ali who was leaning against the door frame because his brain still hadn't fully turned on, frowned as he nodded and said with a deep voice :"fiiiiiine. Give me a sec."

He nodded as he stood outside while Ali kept the door slightly open as he walked back to his drawer and took out his clothes after washing his face in the bathroom of his room.

After sleepily putting his clothes on and nearly falling sleep while standing, he put his clothes on.

Everything but his blue jacket. He walked to the desk beside his bed which had his strap <ಠಿ_ಠ>. Not that kind, the strap that had his decks on.

"Hey, guys. G'morning." He said in a volume that Zane wouldn't hear. And got his answer in a form of "good morning, master" and "good morning, my lord's" from who knows how many voice.

And after putting the comfortable strap on <ಠಿ_ಠಿ>... No, dang it. He took all of his decks and cards before walking towards the door after another yawn. Causing everyone to yawn as well.

After getting to the door, the still sleepy teenager opened it as he gave an upward nod :"what up, ho?"

Zane rolled his eyes as he pointed at the hallway :"come on, let's go. You can also get something to eat at the store.

They sell sandwiches that have cards in them. Maybe if you get lucky, you might find a good card.

Heh, but who knows. Your luck might be bad and not only will you get a bad card, you will also get a bad sandwich."

Ali frowned as he cocked an eyebrow :"bad sandwich??? The hell does that mean??? Don't we get to choose them?"

Zane gave a tilted nod as he shrugged :"well yes, but actually no. The sandwiches are all in bags and put in the same box.

And after paying, you can pick one sandwich. But there isn't a single taste. I'm not sure how many flavors there are.

But there are all kinds of flavors. Beef, steak, orange, etc. I haven't bothered to remember them. But... There are some disgusting one's too. Like, there are actually fermented bean flavor."

A look of disgust appeared on Ali's face as they walked :"ew. The fuck??? They put those kinds of flavors there?"

Zane nodded after a sigh :"yeah. Basically, they want to test your luck in drawing. And if your luck is good, you might even get the golden egg sandwich.

There's a chicken here that lays a golden egg. I had the luck in the past to get it a few times, and it's very delicious. And I found a pretty good card in it too."

A look of interest appeared on Ali's face as he nodded a few times :"well, I guess I will give it a try. Specially since you will treat me to it."

A look of confusion formed on Zane's handsome face as he looked at him with a raised eyebrow :"what? Who said I'm treating you?"

Ali snarled as he gave a glare :"bitch, you woke me up at 6. Don't you think that you should make it up to me?

Believe me, you're my friend, that's why nothing happened. If it was anybody else, I would've smashed their face in."

Zane rolled his eyes as he sighed :"I help you by waking you up. And what I get? Threats. Fine, I will treat you. It's only 50 DP anyway.

Why are you so tired anyway? Are you always like this at morning? Or did you have trouble sleeping?"

Ali took a deep breath and exhaled as he put his hand on the back of his neck as he rolled his neck with closed eyes :"well, I don't take kindly to getting woken up.

But yeah, it's not this bad, but I'm not good with mornings. And yeah, I didn't sleep so well last night."

Zane raised an eyebrow :"why's that? Feeling uncomfortable because it's an unfamiliar place here?"

Ali shook his head as he tilted his head and cracked his neck :"nope. I can sleep anywhere. Heh, I was just too excited for the new deck."

Zane deadpanned at him before he shook his head with a sigh :"Ali, you're really something else. Idiot."

But the dragon human hybrid took offense to that as he snorted :"hey! I just get excited easily, alright? And deck building is a hobby of mine, but I haven't done it in a while. So I'm excited to make a new deck."

Zane shrugged :"fine, whatever. What suits you best I guess. Let's go now. The sooner we get there, the better."

Even though it was so fucking early in the morning, there were still some people that were up and awake.

And they really confused Ali. Like, bro, the fuck you doing so early in the morning ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯??? The classes start at 8, you know?

But he didn't bother with rich idiots who would probably act like young masters if he talked to them.

So he ignored them as he and Zane walked towards the academy, where the store was. The two did talk a little, but not that much since Ali was still loading his brain.

After finally reaching the academy, Zane led the way towards the store. And luckily for Ali, people hadn't come to the academy yet, so it was quiet.

After the sliding door opened automatically, the two walked in as Zane presented :"here it is, the store where you can but cards, magazines, and other stuff in."

Ali looked around as he nodded with an impressed look on his slightly more awake face :"not bad. Pretty good in fact."

As the two walked in, they saw two women working around the store. One was a plus sized <translation= fat, in case you didn't know>, middle aged woman and the other was a cute girl in her twenties.

The two ladies noticed the sound of footsteps as they looked at the door to see the two handsome boys walking in.

"Hey, Zane." The older woman said with a smile :"welcome. I don't see you often around here anymore. And who is this handsome boy next to you? A new friend of yours?"

Zane nodded both in agreement and in greeting :"hey, Dorothy, Sadie. Good morning. Yes, this is my new friend, Ali Ashborne.

He is a first year that arrived just yesterday. We happened to be neighbors, and had a few things in common, so we became friends.

Ali, this is Ms Dorothy, but everyone just calls her Dorothy. She runs this card shop. And she is Sadie, she works here."

Ali raised his hand to his forehead as he gave a salute with his index and middle finger with a smile :"hello, you two, it's nice to meet you.

As mu buddy Zane introduced, my name is Ali Ashborne. It's nice to meet you, Dorothy, Sadie. Haha, Dorothy seems to young to address her with a Ms."

Heh, this guy trying to sweet talk the sharp owner. Well, at least she seemed to appreciate it as she put her hand on her cheek and shook the other :"oh, please.

You've got quite a silver talk, Ali! It's nice to meet you two. Now, what are you two boys doing here?"

Ali nodded with the smile not leaving his face :"I was here to buy a few cards and booster packs. I'm planning on making a new deck, so I wanted to get the cards."

Dorothy smiled as she pointed at Sadie :"alright, tell Sadie whatever you want and she will see if we have what you need. Excuse me for now, I have to prepare the shop for today."

Ali nodded as he and Zane walked to the desk where Sadie stood. The beauty smiled at him as she nodded :"hello, Ali. I'm Sadie, it's nice to meet you. Now, tell me what you need and I will get it for you."

The black haired boy nodded as he hummed :"then, can you tell me which booster packs contain dragon cards and dragon related cards in them?"

"Oh, then what you're looking for is the Dragon Drive booster pack." She said before she turned around to look for something.

And Ali couldn't help but nod with an impressed look at her round, full butt and wide hips.

Seriously, he was in love with this schools female uniform and clothes. The skirts could barely reach a little lower than the thigh!

All it would take to get an eye candy was for the girls to bend a little and the boys day was made! And Sadie's skirt wasn't that much longer than the academy girls' either.

He glanced at Zane with tight lips as he nodded a few times with an impressed look. Seems like Zane knew what he was saying, cause he gave a few tilted nods, as in "yeah, I guess.".

Sadie finally turned around with a smile and a small box with 20 booster packs in it in her hand :"here, the Dragon Drive booster packs.

Even though you can also find dragon cards and dragon related cards in other decks, these ones are the ones that you have the most luck in. Each pack is 100 DP, good luck."

Ali nodded and reached out to the booster packs. But Red Eyes voice suddenly sounded in his head :(hey, boss, look at down there.)

He's eyes flashed to where Red Eyes was telling him to look at, and what he saw, shocked him a little :' Serpent Night Dragon?!'

Of course he would know the exquisite looking dragon on the cover of the card. Even though he didn't have it, it was one of his favorite dragons!

The design was cool as hell! Who with good taste wouldn't love it?! But, it seems like it was catching dust there.

(Boss, I can sense it, there's a duel spirit in that card! A very powerful one at that! Not as powerful as Dark Magician and my Red Eyes Black Dragon form, but not that much weaker either!)

Seeing his hand just over the booster packs, Sadie was confused as she looked at his handsome face before following his gaze :"oh? The Serpent Night Dragon? Here."

She said before she turned around once again before she bent down to get it. Unfortunately for Zane, he was looking elsewhere, so he didn't get the eye candy that Ali did.

The eye candy that was in the form of a white panties that gave rather good view of the curve of her pussy!

It was just for a second, but Ali still saw it. And had to keep his hand to his Red Eyes Black Dragoon in his pants to guide and calm it a little so it wouldn't make a show.

She turned around towards the two and put the Serpent Night Dragon on the shelf :"a little while ago, just a few days, I was taking a walk when I saw n Obelisk Blue boy throw this card away with an angry look.

I was curious and would feel bad if the card was just left outside, so I picked it up. But I didn't expect it to be the Serpent Night Dragon.

Sigh, I guess the boy couldn't summon it or lost with it and was angry about it, so he threw it away in a fit of rage.

Ali brought his hand to the card with the beautiful and intimidating dragon on it as he picked it up and looked at it :(hey, Red Eyes, can you call for it? I can't just call out for it here after all.)


DP: 3,200