
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 13: Broken soul

(Third person POV)

Ali nodded with a look of understanding :"yeah, I figured as much. But, why does their effects also count?"

"Normally, it wouldn't." Priestess said with a smile :"but you see, master, even though your soul is as powerful as any normal human, it is very, very special.

Not only is it extremely adaptable, which shortens the time of fully bonding and getting used to a duel spirit by a large amount, it also has a nice ability.

The Omniverse wasn't going to send you to such a dangerous multiverse without any abilities after all.

And so, he gave your soul a very, very powerful ability. Your soul actually has the ability to gain the effects of duel spirits!

The omniverse actually made your soul as if it's an artifact like the millennium puzzle. Just like how they have abilities of their own, your soul also has abilities.

And that ability, is that you can actually gain the effect of a duel spirit after bonding with it. And you can use them in a shadow game!"

Hearing her explanation, Ali's eyes flew wide open as he gulped. This was way too broken! Especially in this multiverse!

Do you know what kind of broken ass monster effects there were? And Ali could actually perform them however he wanted according to her after bonding!

He gulped once again as he stuttered out :"a-are you sure??? That is an extremely powerful ability, you know?"

And Priestess nodded after a giggle :"yes, master, I'm sure. After all, I'm not the only one who knows it.

You can ask Maiden and Dark Magician as well. Being such a strong magicians, they can of course see it in you as well."

Ali's head shakily turned towards the other two as they nodded and Dark Magician confirmed her words :"that's right, my Lord.

Your soul, is far from normal. Even though this ability has made it harder for you to bond with spirits since your soul needs to be stronger to get their effects if they have any, it is extremely powerful.

Specially in the long run. After bonding with duel spirits, you can perform their effects however you want in a shadow game.

But that's just for now, because your soul is still very weak. But in the future, when your soul is stronger, you can perform those effects in real life as well."

Ali put his hand over his mouth as he gulped :"holy cow... That's just... Broken... There are a lot of effects that in real life, are just..."

And as if he wasn't shocked enough, Maiden decided to drop another bomb on his head :"and not just that, master.

After getting stronger, you can actually absorb spell or trap cards and do whatever the spell could do.

For example, if you absorbed Raigeki, you can use its effect without even having the card in your hand and destroy all of your opponents monsters."

"Or you could absorb a spell card that let's you see your opponent's hand." And before Ali could say anything, Priestess flirtatious voice sounded as she folded her arms under her huge breasts and pushed them up, causing them to look even bigger :"since in a sense, it's a form of "seeing through", you could use it for a lot of things~."

The perverted smile returned to his face as he looked at her bossom and what she suggested.

Ali bit his lip as he gave a breathy chuckle :"huhuhu. Oh? I guess I should really try my best to get stronger then~.

Alright then, since I know what I should know, what are we waiting for?! Let's get to bonding already so I can obtain powerful. Because fucking hell am I motivated! <Vergil would be proud of this paragraph>

The two beauties giggled, and even Dark Magician couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm.

But Maiden shook her head :"sorry, master. Even though it's our greatest wish to bond with you, we can't.

After all, even though our ATK and DEF points are only 0, as weak as it can get, our effects are extremely strong.

For example, if you bond with me, your opponents can't even attack you directly. Because if they do, you can just summon a Blue Eyes White Dragon because of my effect."

Ali tightened his lip before a sadistic smile formed on his handsome face at the image :"Damn~. Personally, I would if that happened to me.

But imagining someone else's expression and disbelief, it's hella fucking funny. Hehehehe, I'm looking forward to it now~."

Seriously, he couldn't help but feel sadistic from just how shocked and hopeless the opponent would be if that happened.

Just seeing Maiden With Eyes Of Blue on the field is scary as fuck unless you have something to counter her effect.

But with Ali, it's like playing against Maiden herself. And you can't counter either, so you're basically as fucked as one could get.

Ali seriously couldn't help the excitement that formed in his heart at the thought of all of the cards with hella broken abilities.

And he was planning on getting all and every one of them. Like, if he bonded with Subterror Behemoth Speleologeist, he could choose any monster on the field and turned its ATK points to 0!

Or if he bonded with Blue Eyes Alternative White Dragon or Red Eyes Black Dragoon, he could literally destroy them!

And because of him not having a limit, he could destroy as many as he wanted. But he didn't know if he had a limit or if it depeded on how many duel spirits with these kinds of abilities he bonded with.

For example, Blue Eyes Alternative White Dragon can only destroy a single monster each turn.

And Red Eyes Black Dragoon could destroy two if both of the monsters used for it were normal monster.

In conclusion, would that let him destroy three monsters each turn??? He had to keep that in mind and test it out later on.

But he sighed as he put his hands on his hip bones :"and unfortunately, all of my monsters are effect monsters.

And with powerful ones too. So I can't bond with any of you for now. I guess after I've fully bonded with Red Eyes, I have to look for weak monsters. But that's all for tomorrow and beyond. It's time to sleep now."

They all smiled and nodded before bowing slightly in respect :"goodnight, master/my Lord. We will return to our cards."

And a light enveloped them before they all returned to their cards and Ali put them in their decks.

He stretched his body as he yawned before going into his extremely comfortable bed and covering himself.

A habit that he picked up. He couldn't sleep without a cover. Even if it was hot, he would just strip and then cover himself.

But with all the information dropped on him, he was finally beginning to think rationally again as different thoughts and ideas came into his mind.

As he looked up at the ceiling, he wondered :'hold the fuck up... if I can use spell cards once my soul is stronger, doesn't that mean that I can just spam them?!

Like, Pot Of Greed ain't banned or limited here, but you can still only have three in your deck. But since I can use it myself, doesn't that mean that I can use it as many times as I want?!

... Holy fuck... I'm gonna spam the fuck out of the spells and traps once I have absorbed them. And if some fuck turd dares to challenge me to a shadow game, I will fucking make them cry HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!'

Seriously, the ability that he got is hella broken. Like, he could literally just put monster in his deck and not worry about spells or traps since he IS the spells and traps!

Just the Red Eyes deck. He could literally spam the shit out of Red Eyes Fusion! But he doesn't know if he will have the limits too.

For example, you can't special summon or normal summon after using Red Eyes Fusion. You can only set.

But even if that was the case, he could just spam Foolish Burial, send all of his monsters to the graveyard, then spam Monster Reborn to summon all of them!

Or he could use Foolish Burial to send the monster to the graveyard, then use Dragon's Mirror to summon Five Headed Dragon or any other monster!

After all, his favorite type was dragon cards. So once someone challenges him in a shadow game, he can be like:

Ali :"you dare challenge me to a game where I will lose my soul and die?! Then don't mind me if I give it my whole, cunt!"

After all, it's alright to cheat if it's for your safety. Even though he wouldn't lose, he still wanted to make anybody who targeted him regret it.

And since there wasn't few of them, the sadist inside of him was going to be completely satisfied.

He can already imagine the hopeless cries and begging of people ballsy enough to challenge him :"heheheh... Hahahaha... HAHAHAHAHA!!"

Thank goodness the walls here are sound proof. Or people would have thought that he's gone crazy... Well, not that he's that sane anyway.

But fortunately, the duel spirits in his decks had already gotten used to their insane and crazy master.

And in fact, had begun to see it as a good thing. After all, a cunning and insane master is far better than a foolish and sane master.

Besides, who wouldn't laugh like an insane psychopath if they found out they could do whatever is written on a piece of paper???

In the future, if Ali actually decided to use his spells and traps on someone, it would probably be considered as a "fuck you in particular" case.

- (next morning)

Let's say, Ali had a little trouble falling sleep. When Dark Magician, Maiden and Priestess informed him of his abilities, he was far too shocked to actually think about the combos and shit that he could do.

It was one of those moments where you forget everything about yourself when someone asks you what your name and hobbies are.

You literally forget who the fuck you are. The same was kinda Ali's situation. He was too shocked to notice the bitchuary that his soul has turned into.

And for a while last night, he was just awake because he couldn't stop his mind from racing about all the possibilities.

And now, a little passed 6 o'clock in the morning, as he laid on his chest and his head turned to the right, the position that would probably fuck your neck, multiple knocks sounded on his door.

Loud knocks. Like, loud loud ones. "Ali, get up already!" Zane's slightly angry voice sounded :"I've been knocking on the door for who knows how long, get the hell up already!"

Ali's already shut eyes squeezed together as he frowned. But as the knocking continued, his eyes slowly fluttered open :'what the fuck...???'

Ali took in a deep breath before he turned around and sat up :'who am I? What am I? Where am I?' the normal questions floated in his head before the answers appeared as well.

But he frowned as the knocks just kept on going :"hold the fuck up! I'm coming!" He said between a yawn before he put aside the cover that was between his legs and sat on the edge of the bed.

He took another deep breath before he pushed himself off of the bed and walked towards the door.

But it's to be notted that he almost fell because of still being sleepy. After reaching the door with great difficulty, his hand grabbed... Well, more like fell on the door handle before he opened the door.

"Hey, Zane." He greeted as he rubbed his eyes :"why the fuck did you wake me up so early??? It's barely past 6."


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