
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 12: Maiden and Priestess

(Third person POV)

In front of Ali, Dark Magician looked like a giant with a height of definitely higher than 6 foot. Ali assumed that he would at least be 2 meters.

And Ali? He looked like a dwarf since he was a little over 5 foot 9. Maybe 5 foot 10. After all, the teenager was only a... Well, teen.

Since this body was only 15 years old, he hadn't gotten that tall yet. But surely, with the overall increases that his bonds were going to bring him, he would get taller really quickly.

Ali smiled at him, he thought that the way the magician acted was either because he was more comfortable like that, or they weren't that familiar.

But he wasn't in any rush. After all, this was the multiverse that he was going to live for who knows how long.

And considering that bonding with enough duel spirits can also grant immortality, he knew that they will get along with each other well.

He nodded at the illusion like man in front of him :"hello, Dark Magician. It's nice to meet you too.

I hope that we can get along. Yes, I have something that I want to ask of you. But first, let me take out one or two more cards before getting down to the business."

Dark Magician put his hand over his chest and slightly bowed in respect as he gave a small smile :"yes, my Lord. Go ahead, I'm sure that each and every duel spirit will be delighted to be of help to you."

Ali nodded in response with a smile on his face :"well, I'm happy to hear that." And he opened the deck holder that contained the Blue Eyes cards.

As he gave a quick look through them, he whistled with an impressed look at the collection :'damn, each and every card that I knew is here.

Even some that I don't know are here. Heck, there are even three copies of Blue Eyes Chaos Max Dragon!

And he found the card that he was looking for, Maiden With Eyes Of Blue. It was hard to not find it.

After all, the image was of an extremely beautiful, decently dressed woman with long, blue hair that passed her buttocks and probably reached the ground.

But there was also another card that pulled his attention, Priestess With Eyes Of Blue. The image of the very, VERY, EXTREMELY beautiful woman that was totally his type and just screamed MILF with that huge bust!

And it seems the duel spirit residing in the card noticed his eyes, because the beautiful MILF smiled as she gave a teasing, flirtatious wink.

Busted, Ali pursed his lips with a small smile, looking like a smiling dock as he smirked back before taking out the two cards and put the deck back.

As Ali held the two cards in each of his hands, he called out :"Maiden With Eyes Of Blue, Priestess With Eyes Of Blue, please come out."

And the two obeyed as a light exited from each card. But unlike Dark Magician and Red Eyes which had black lights, these lights were blue and white.

As the extremely pure lights exited from the cards, they expanded like Dark Magician before two extremely beautiful women stood in front of Ali.

"hello, master. It's an honor to meet you." Maiden said as she gently held her hands together in front of her crotch and bowed slightly with a polite smile.

Priestess gave a flirtatious smile as she winked :"hello, master~. It's nice to finally meet you.

I really wanted to meet you, you know? I felt lonely when you just met with Red Eyes Black Chick and then went outside."

But Maiden shot her a small glare as she sighed helplessly :"Priestess, you should be polite. It's our first time meeting master after all."

But Priestess gave a small, cute, but sexy snort as she put her knuckles on her hip bone and rolled her eyes :"as if you're one to talk.

I'm just trying to be truthful because I want to get along with master. And besides, don't talk as if you weren't the same.

You were also really looking forward to meeting master. But when he just met with Red Eyes and then walked out, you were almost sulking."

A crimson, charming blush formed on Maiden's beautiful face as she stuttered :"P-Priestess!

D-don't say that stuff in front of master! Geez, you're going to ruin my image. This is our first time actually meeting each other, you know?"

But the sexy Priestess didn't seem to want to not tease her as she smirked teasingly :"oh? But isn't it better to be truthful?

After all, you were so excited that you were almost jumping around when master finally decided to meet his duel spirits."

The blush on Maiden's face deepened as she stuttered while her eyes unintentionally turned to Ali who was smirking :"I-I...!..."

But she didn't seem to be able to form any words as she just looked down with a huge blush on her face as she played with her fingers.

Ali gave a low chuckle as he raised his eyebrow in interest :"oh? You were that excited to see me, Maiden?

But Priestess is right, I would rather have easy conversation. So you can just speak your mind without acting too polite."

The blushing Maiden sighed as she nodded :"understood, master. Yes, I was very excited to meet you.

After all, the Blue Eyes deck was second to the Red Eyes deck for you. You really liked playing either of the two.

And that's why, like Red Eyes, me and the other spirits are also very familiar with you. Hmph, but that Red Eyes Black Chick got the lead and became your Ka."

Ali couldn't help the chuckle that left him at the cute, sexy woman as Priestess also giggled. A black light exited Ali's eye as Red Eyes appeared.

He smirked smugly as he held his head high :"hmph, I'm master's favorite card, spirit and deck. Of course he would pick me!"

But Maiden and Priestess both glared at him as Maiden snorted :"quiet, lizard. The only reason for why you are his favorite is because of how much harder it was to complete the Blue Eyes deck in that game.

Priestess also joined in :"Otherwise, we would definitely be master's favorite deck! After all, the Blue Eyes White Dragon is far stronger than you.

And with Maiden and the other cards, it was a lot easier to summon as well. But those damn developers made it so damn hard to complete our deck!"

Red Eyes glared back as he shot back :"lizard?! I'm a proud dragon, you wenches! And who said that the Blue Eyes deck is stronger than the Red Eyes deck?!

Sure, normally, the Red Eyes Black Dragon is weaker than the Blue Eyes White Dragon. But I dare you to say that when my other forms are summoned!

I want to see you talk when my Red Eyes Black Dragoon form is negating all of your effects! I will see how you talk big then!"

The three glared at each other. Heck, Ali even thought that lightning might form like animes. But he couldn't let his duel spirits fight and argue now, could he?

So he raised his hands and held each side back with a small smile :"hey now, you all. Calm down.

There's no need to fight. In fact, why are you arguing anyway. Shouldn't the rivalry be between Blue Eyes and Dark Magician?

In fact, there's a literal card because of it. Destined Rivals, was it? So why are you arguing with Red Eyes here?"

After he said that, Dark Magician who was a little behind them tightened his lips slightly :'my lord, why are you dragging me into this???'

Priestess sighed with a cocked eyebrow :"well, that's how it would normally happen. But we aren't from this multiverse to begin with.

In a sense, we are completely different duel spirits. The reason is because of how you used the Red Eyes deck more than the Blue Eyes deck.

And so, this little rivalry between the Red Eyes deck and our Blue Eyes deck was formed."

Ali chuckled awkwardly as he scratched his cheek with his index finger :"well, you can't blame me.

Who would have known that I would be reincarnated and get to make those broken wishes? I didn't know you would have memories of then either!

But for now, can you all calm down? It's not nice to fight and argue, you know? After all, I have some matters that I need your help with."

Maiden and Priestess narrowed their eyes at Red Eyes :"you're lucky that master has business with us."

But Red Eyes snorted proudly :"screw you. I'm master's Ka and that can't be changed. Anyway, I will go back to my home, at my amazing master's soul who I have bonded with~."

The two MILFs glared at him as he laughed and returned into a light before he entered Ali's eye again.

Ali chuckled with an amused shake of his head before Priestess snorted and smiled as she came to Ali's side as she hugged his arm :"well, master~.

What do you need my help with? Please tell me and I will fulfill anything you want~. Please don't be shy~."

Feeling the phantom feeling of her extremely soft breasts squeezed his arm, Ali couldn't help the perverted smirk that formed on his face.

But unfortunately, it didn't feel completely real since she was just a spirit right now. And unfortunately, Maiden decided to take away that little of a feeling as well.

Seeing Priestess's shameless act, Maiden's beautiful lips twitched as she grabbed onto her arm and pulled her away :"Priestess, don't act so shameless! Act ladylike please!"

And Priestess pouted before snorting :"oh, please. Master seems to really like how I'm acting if that smirk was anything to go by~.

You're just jealous because your too shy to do that kind of thing, that's why you are stopping me too."

Maiden blushed once again as she whipped her head away :"N-no way! I just don't want master to see us as weird woman."

Ali shook his head in amusement as he sighed through his nose with a smile :"alright, that's enough for today.

As much fun as this is, I would rather have it another time and after my confusion has been cleared away."

The two stopped playing around as they turned to him and nodded along with Dark Magician who walked forward :"please ask ahead, master/my Lord."

Ali nodded with a slightly serious face :"alright. Then, can you explain the bonding thing and how long it will take for me to completely fuse with Red Eyes Black Chick?"

Dark Magician who had stayed silent before nodded :"my Lord, let me explain. As you already know, the bonding process depends on how strong the duel spirit is and how strong your own soul is.

So, since the Red Eyes Black Chick is quite a weak monster, it will only take you a day or two to completely bond with him."

Ali nodded as he pinched his chin with index finger and thumb :"I see. Is it normally that fast though?"

Dark Magician shook his head in denial :"no, my Lord. Even though your soul is as powerful as any normal human at the moment, its adaptability is far higher.

For a normal human who wanted to bond with a spirit, even if it was a weak spirit, it would take weeks for him or her to fully bond and get used to the duel spirit."

Ali nodded once again :"And what decides how strong a duel spirit is?"

This time, it was Maiden who answered him :"Master, mainly, it's the level, effect, ATK and DEF points of a monster.

There are also some other factors, such as how old the duel spirit is. But they aren't that important unless the duel spirit is very old."


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