
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 049: Creeps

Ali smiled, pushing the deck back as she tried to hand it back :"Actually, I was planning on giving it to you as a present on your birthday. But since it's right around the corner and you need to be sure about your victory, I figured I'd give it to you now.

"But still..." However, Alexis was still reluctant :"Giving a gift is one thing. I'm thankful for you seeing me as such a dear person. But an entire deck is still too precious! Especially this! I only saw a few cards, but they're all powerful. There was even a monster with 3,000 ATK points!"

Jaden :"Oh, wow, that is a lot."

"Alexis." Ali smiled, making her grab the deck with both hands :"I'm happy that you're not a greedy person, but this is a present. And you're supposed to accept presents from your friends. I'm giving this deck to you out of free will and because I want to, not because I'm forced to. I don't use it much anyway, so I think it's better suited in the hands of someone that resembles the monsters in it. Strong and beautiful. So just take it."

"I... Well, I..." Speechless, she didn't know what to say. But looking at his eyes, and knowing that she can't refuse and give it back, she could only give up. Blushing slightly at his compliment, she nodded as she looked at the deck :"Alright, thanks, Al. I promise I'll treasure it forever."

"You better!" Returning to his carefree self, he laughed loudly :"Believe me, even though that isn't one of my ace decks, that is one strong deck! Heck, I'm sure you can win even against Zane with that deck!"

Jaden :"Whoa, seriously? Isn't Zane, like, the strongest student in the academy?"

Alexis :"Yeah, aren't you exaggerating it, Al? I mean I've seen two of your decks already, but still..."

Zane :"No, if I know one thing about Ali, it's that he doesn't exaggerate things. In fact, he tends to understate things. If he says that deck is so powerful, then something tells me that it's even more powerful than what he says."

Alexis :"You're taking this rather well, even though he says I can defeat you."

Zane :"What kind of a duelist would I be if I got mad about somebody saying they can win against me? Also, if it comes from someone skilled like Al, then I'd simply be a loser for getting mad. Instead, I should get stronger myself and strengthen my deck so I won't lose."

"Spoke like a true duelist." The noiret hummed in approval, giving him a fist bump :"Zane's right. Instead of getting annoyed, you should either be strong, or get strong enough to beat their asses instead. That's what I do. Why trash talk when I can trash them? And also, I'm exaggerating it.

Remember what I taught you about what is important in decks? Synergy. Making it so your cards can assist each other. Your deck got so much stronger because of synergy between your cards. That deck doesn't just have synergy, the entire deck focuses on a single type of card. It's a theme. You'll realize how powerful it is when I teach you its strategies."

Zane :"Well, I guess that's our cue to leave. We can't just stay and listen to your strategies. That's not right."

Jaden :"Yeah, you're right, Zane. Alright, happy to see you're okay, Alexis! Bye now!"

"Goodbye, you two. And take care, Alexis." Zane also bid farewell before walking out with Jaden. After saying goodbye as the door closed, Ali pulled out a small infirmary table and put the deck on it. Smirking mischievously as he spread the cards :"Now, let's get down to business, and show you what a real deck is like!"


"Tsk, look at that bastard."

"It's all his fault."

"Yeah! Poor Alexis is gonna get expelled because of that asshole!"

Having taken his prepared food, Ali walked in the giant cafeteria of the Obelisk Blue dorm, one that was basically a huge ballroom. A giant grin on his face the entire time. Honestly, forget about two shits, he couldn't give even a single shit about what those trash Obelisks said.

An entire day had passed since Titan's incident and where the noiret gifted his Cyber Angel deck to Alexis. Classes had been canceled for the day and the security had begun to search the entire island for Titan. The students were also confined in their dorms for safety. None of them could go anywhere unless it was through a path filled with guards or with a guard escorting them. Some students were panicking at first, but they calmed down a day later.

Yet in that single day, the news had spread to the entire island. The news of a criminal entering the island, Alexis getting hurt, and receiving a punishment because of breaking the rules. One that she could redeem herself of, but nobody was confident in her to do so.

At least none of the simps that were crying about it. Pointing their jealous hatred towards Ali, who they blamed for the entire incident. Even though he was the one who saved the day. Because God forbid their precious Obelisk Queen doing anything wrong or being remotely in the wrong. But well, why else would they be simps who Alexis didn't even look at?

Of course, she wasn't in the wrong either, but the fact that they would rather put the entire blame on him instead would piss him off most of the time. Key word, most of the time. But at the moment, even the world ending wouldn't wipe that smile from his face. Why?

The duels with Crowler.

He felt like he could fly even without the powers and support of his cards. 500,000 DP for a single duel! 500k! That was literally 10 times what he thought he could get from dueling Crowler. But because of him being the Vice-Chancellor, the DP was a lot juicier than he expected! And of course, that had made his resolve of dueling him 50 times a day even firmer. So how much DP did he gain? Oh, not much. Just about,

25,000,000 DP!

He earned 2.5m dollars in a single day! He felt like he was gonna pass out when he looked at his PDA and saw the numbers. His DP had increased from 1,300,000 to a total of 26,300,000. Poor Crowler looked like a walking corpse afterwards, but that was none of his business or concern.

He hadn't been able to wipe that grin off of his face and neither could feel any negativity. The world looked so beautiful. Even with those bugs yapping, the beauty of the world shined bright enough to overshadow them. He simply ignored them, because his mind wouldn't allow him to acknowledge their presence at all.

He kept walking until he saw the table his friends and acquaintances had surrounded. Zane, Alexis, Jasmine and Mindy were all gathered around the table. And of course, their group was surrounded by even more Obelisks who wanted to chat or get close to them. But Zane was enjoying a delicious steak, while the girls chatted. Just ignoring the extra who talked and talked.

Mainly the two asking Alexis about her new deck. Which she refused to answer, saying they'll see it in action at the upcoming duel. Normally, they should've been in their own dorm, but Zane had called for them to gather. Seemingly because of having something important to talk about.

Alexis wasn't injured, so she had made an almost full recovery after a day of resting. And after going through the deck and learning the strategies, her confidence had skyrocketed. Ali was right about her being able to win, she had never seen such a powerful deck!

The deck was mainly ritual cards. And it was the most powerful one she had ever seen. Not only were there cards that could empower her other ritual monsters, there were cards that would let her bring her needed ritual monster or spell cards to her hand from her deck, cards that would let her bring monster or spells from the graveyard to her hand or deck, but also monsters that would negate effects!

If she couldn't win the duel with this deck, there was no way she could win any other way. With his smile unwavering, he made his way to the table. Kicking away the annoyance who stood in his way to the seat next to Zane :"Out my way, bitch." With his smile still there.

"What's up, y'all?" He cheerfully greeted, catching the girls by surprise since they had never seen him so happy, nor did they know the reason for it. Zane didn't know either. But he was curious about it since his best friend was so happy since this morning. Specifically, since last night, when they had gone to the gym like always.

But before he could ask him about it, someone interrupted :"Oy, Ashborne! What the hell do you think you're doing, punk?!" Looking at who budged in, the girls actually recognized him :"You think you can just waltz in and be all buddy buddy with the girls and Zane of all people?!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I just did." Ali's smile turned into that of mockery :"Whatcha gonna do about it? In fact, who the hell are you anyway?" He seemed to have touched a nerve, because the boy's face flushed in anger :"My names Pablo, you asshole!"

"Ahh, Pablo! Yeah, Pablo..." The noiret smiled :"Who?" Making Pablo angrier as he slammed his fist on the table :"Pablo, you asshole! We dueled once in Dr Crowler's class!" But Ali still looked clueless :"Buddy, do you have any idea how many people I've dueled in this academy? You ain't as remarkable as you think for me to actually remember you."

"Sigh, Al, he's the guy who bothered you when you sat next to me." Alexis sighed, annoyed at the intrusion. Ali still looked clueless, but he suddenly remembered. Turning to Pablo, he burst into laughter :"Wait, are you that dumbass who had filled his deck entirely with 60 monsters?! Hahaha it is you! Hahaha no, no, I do remember you! Someone of your stupidity certainly does make one hell of an impression!"

Hearing his best pal laugh, Zane sighed in disappointment and annoyance. It was always the low tier morons with no skill or knowledge that always picked the fights. Pablo gritted his teeth :"Y-you...!"

"Hahahaha, man, it was so stupid I was annoyed then! Now your stupidity is just fucking hilarious!" The noiret laughed as Zane waved his hand dismissively at the idiot :"Pablo, or whoever you are, just go away already. Don't embarrass yourself."

"Grr, why are you defending him, Zane?!" Pablo snarled :"Don't tell me he has dirt on you!" And the others immediately joined him.

"Yeah, he must be blackmailing him!"

Ali :"I what?"

"Otherwise, why would Zane hang out with that bastard!"

"Right, he must be blackmailing poor Alexis too! That's why she spends her time on that punk!"

"He must have dirt on Jasmine and Mindy too! That's why they're so friendly to him!"

"Disgusting bastard!"

"Let's kick his ass!"

Envy and jealousy fueled their rage as Obelisk Blue wearing punks stood up. "Ew, what the heck?" What is wrong with them? Are they stupid?" Jasmine and Mindy looked disgusted, while Zane sighed "Such foolishness. Do you have any idea how idiotic you lot sound because of jealousy?"

"I don't give a crap about what you think, Truesdale!" A new idiot entered the scene, with shoulder length brown hair, white sport shorts and gray shirt :"What's pissing me off is that creep messing with Alexis, my adorable Obelisk pixie! And my poor beloved is going to get expelled because of him now!"

Forget about Alexis, Ali was disgusted in her place :"Ew, what the fuck?!" He felt the intense goosebumps on his body, and honestly couldn't stop himself from rubbing his arms to calm his nerves and chills :"What the fuck is wrong with you?! How cringe can you be?! I thought nothing could ruin my mood today, but this is just another level of cringe! Ew!"