
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 045: Some Extra Trouble

Jaden and his roommates left earlier, leaving the two so Alexis could relax for a bit. But after a while, they also hit the road. Although not severe, she was still hurt. It would be better to let the doctors in the infirmary take a look rather than decide for himself.

With the voluptuous blonde on his back and his hands holding her full thighs from below, he walked while giving her a piggyback ride. Her legs weren't in the condition where she could walk easily, so he was happy to help. Also, with how her huge breasts squeezed against his back, he was more than happy to help.

With her head on his shoulder, and her arms around his neck for leverage, she could smell his raw scent clearly. She had noticed that Ali wasn't someone who used colognes a lot. And frankly, he didn't need to. His body had a smell that even she found pleasant. One that, unlike his everyday attitude, was clear and gentle. One that calmed people near down. She couldn't help but find herself enjoying his fragrance with how close she was. Especially his neck, which seemed to smell the nicest. If not for not wanting to seem weird, she honestly wanted to get even closer to his neck and just smell him.

As she glanced at his face, she noticed a smug grin. "What's got you so happy?" She wondered, causing him to chuckle mischievously :"Just enjoying the very pleasant and... soft benefits of carrying you." Before teasingly squeezing her thighs teasingly. Enjoying every bit of the soft sensation between his fingers.

'Hm? He's just enjoying me pressed against him like this?' She mused :'Well, isn't it easy to make him happy?' Alexis tightened her hold around his neck, pressing her breasts against him a bit more. Her lips curving when she felt his back straighten. Alexis let out a small, amused laugh :"You're such a horn dog." Causing him to snicker :"You know me so well."

- (Meanwhile)

Hurried and panicked pants left him as he ran, ran and ran to get away from whatever had showed up. Those eyes... they belonged to someone who wanted to tear and shred a person to pieces. Especially that left eye... the tattoo in it... he felt an instinctual fear when he saw it. He was terrified. Every inch of his body, every atom forming him, everything screamed to run. To escape and get away from the monster that had come for him.

Even after running for so long, he still didn't stop. He couldn't stop. His body wouldn't allow him. His instincts had taken over. He simply kept running towards the ducks. That's the only place he knew that he could escape through.

"Ahhh!" He stumbled, legs twisting as he fell to the ground. His giant body making a "bomf" sound as he hit the ground. He quickly moved to get up, but his body froze in place when he heard a growl. A deep, feral growl. One that definitely didn't belong to anything small. The booming sounds of footsteps didn't help calm his frantic heart at all. shakily, he looked back. His eyes behind the mask going wide in horror from what he saw.

A dragon.

An actual dragon. One that from the looks of it, was anything but happy. The bared fangs and the murder in its eyes was all that he needed to know that. Looking at the approaching dragon the size of a small truck, his breathing picked up even more as he crawled back :"No... n-no, stay away... stay away from me!"

He wanted to get up. Get up and run. Run as much and as far as he could from the approaching monster. But his body didn't follow his command. The fear nearly leaving him paralyzed as Red Eyes, in his Red Eyes Retro Dragon form, one of the forms of Lv 4, approached him. Enraged from what the man in front of him had done, and had tried to do.

In a moment of desperation, the man roared :"S-stay away, monster! D-do you know w-who I am?! I am t-the great Titan! Stay away or I will feed your soul to the Shadow Realm!" He reached out his fake Millennium Puzzle, making it shine to try and scare away the dragon. But Red Eyes was still silent. Anger preventing him from even saying anything.

He simply raised his claws and slammed his paw on the man, causing him to shout in pain. The sound of cracking under his claws was pleasant. Enough to calm him down slightly as he lowered his giant head, growling, making Titan flinch in horror at the bared fangs :"Feed me to the Shadow Realm? We are the Shadow Realm. And now, your soul is ours."

"N-nooOOOO!" As Red Eyes's eyes shone an evil red, Titan cried out as his soul started to get taken out of his body and into Red Eyes's mouth. His body laid there. Motionless and with no color in his eyes as Red Eyes snorted :'At least his soul didn't taste half bad.'

looking at his soulless body, just laying like a corpse, his eyes landed on Titan's equipment :'Hmm, his duel disk is pretty good too. Let's see what deck he uses. Oh? Archfiend archetype? Well, I guess it suits this creepy bastard.' Thinking of something, he smirked :'Hmm, boss will be happy about this. He already has a complete Archfiend deck with every Archfiend card, but he's never been one to say no to extra cards. Also, I'm pretty sure he'll love the duel disk as well. Heh, guess something good happened tonight.'

He was right, Ali would surely love them both. Sure, he already had a deck, but that was a deck from his time. Something he acquired through a "cheat". So getting the original cards from this world would definitely be something he'd like. It was most of the reason why he made a new deck from scratch.

Taking away what was worth taking, he picked up the unmoving body of Titan. Scoffing coldly, he threw him inside his mouth and ate him right away. Humming in delight as he licked his teeth afterwards :'Man, a part of me wants more dumbasses like this to show up so I can eat them. But I hope they just weren't so fucking annoying.'

Burning off the blood spilled on the ground, he left the scene. Returning to his master. And taking Titan's deck and duel disk with him. 'Oh well, then I wouldn't have a reason to eat them. Whatever, at least I ate and got something tonight.'


"You said he called himself Titan?" Chancellor Sheppard asked, serious as he sat behind his desk. In the room, it was him, Crowler, the leader of Disciplinary Action Squad, and Ali. Alexis would have been here as well, if not for her being in the infirmary with bandaged legs. She hadn't broken anything, but still had gotten hurt.

Crowler was fighting demons to keep himself calm. He wanted to find that damnable bastard and bite his head off. He simply needed to find Jaden and scare him a little! Not even hurt him, just scare him enough to make him leave the island. Heck, he had even given him a photo of the Slifer slacker! Yet the blasted fool had still managed to mess it up! The worst part is that he had not only hurt one of his dear stars, he had actually tried to take her deck too! That bastard better wish Crowler doesn't find him.

Ali :"Yeah, huge guy full of shit. He wore a mask, so I couldn't see his face. He talked about Shadow Realm, Shadow Duels and shit like that. But he didn't do anything. Just ran away after I showed up and nearly punched his jaw off."

By the god cards, did Crowler want to sing him praises for that. That was the only good news he had heard this entire damn morning! He had to make sure he rewarded dear heroic Ali with some juicy DP later.

Chancellor Sheppard :"Hm, I see. And that duel disk belongs to him, I believe?"

He looked at the gauntlet duel disk on Ali's right forearm. He had received it along with Titan's deck from Red Eyes. His left hand was already occupied by the Red Eyes duel disk, so he could only put it on the right hand, since there was no way he was willing to take the Red Eyes duel desk. The gauntlet was a little too big for his liking though. So he had asked Silent Magician to magically modify it into a small size. Now, it just looked just like a metallic Hidden Blade of Ezio Auditore, the legend, the goat, the man himself.

'Golly, Good job, Ali!' Crowler cheered. Knowing that Titan paid for his stupidity and misdeeds by getting his dear duel disk and deck taken away was all too satisfying!

Ali :"Yeah, it did."

Chancellor Sheppard :"Quite the high quality one, I see. Not only is it quite advanced, it has even been modified to turn into a gauntlet. With a storage space for the deck, at that. Your own duel disk is quite unique, so you must know how much that would cost."

Ali, smirking :"Yeah, and I should be thankful to him. He gifted me such a nice duel disk. Even his deck is awesome. It's the least he could lose after hurting Alexis."

'Yes, that's so very much correct!' Remembering the scene of poor, poor Alexis hurt like that in the infirmary was enough to make Crowler's blood boil again. 'That damn bastard, I'll shove that dollar store Millennium Item up his-' He really needed to watch his blood pressure.

"Ante rules are illegal in Duel Academy among the students." Chancellor Sheppard mused, and Crowler was just about to lose his shit and tell him to shove it up his- "But I don't think a criminal is considered a student here."

Ah, good, good. At least the baldy has some sensibility. That's the least dear Ali deserves after coming to the rescue of a fellow Obelisk Blue! In fact, why isn't this fatso rewarding him more?! That's the least he could do!

Chancellor Sheppard :"But you'll need to get it registered so your duels and DP will be registered. We don't just magically find out if you dueled or not. We keep track of your duels through a monitoring device installed in your duel disk."

Ali :"I see. How long will it take?"

Chancellor Sheppard :"Moments. It's actually just a very small USB sealed to every duel disk here. It needs a special device to take them off, so don't worry about them falling off and dueling for nothing."

Ali :"Alright, no problem. I'll get it done later."

Chancellor Sheppard :"But out of curiosity, will you be using that one as well? Don't you already have a duel disk far better and more advanced than that?"

Ali :"Yeah, but I don't mind using this either. I like to make use of things if I've already gotten my hands on them. So since I have this, I might as well save my Red Eyes duel disk for special and worthy occasions instead. Kinda bothered me with how I used it against trash to begin with."

Chancellor Sheppard, chuckling :"As you wish. However you're comfortable."

"Ahem, ahem." A cough caught the attention of them all. Turning, they all saw the stone cold bitch ass Disciplinary Action Squad's leader staring at them :"I'm sorry, but we have more important things to talk about rather than chat around. We have learned everything needed for this Titan and will be searching the island thoroughly for him. What we must discuss now is Ms Rhodes and her punishment for breaking the academy rules and going to the Abandoned Dorm."

No, this bitch was still here! Crowler raged internally. The scene of the Chancellor and Ali chatting lightly had calmed him down, but the presence of the cold woman had poured cold water on him!