
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

CH 044: The Rescue

<p>(A/N: Yo, what's up, y'all?! How have you been? Damn, I didn't notice it's been nearly a year since I updated. Got surprised when I looked at the date of the last chapter. But well, good news, I'm back! In case you didn't know, I've decided to start finishing my books. And I do that according to which ones I think are the fastest to finish. I just finished one yesterday, so now I'm here for this book! And I'll be updating this until it's finished.<br/><br/>No, I won't leave it hanging again. I'll be focusing on finishing. But let me say something, I'm currently mainly writing my original book, that's why this book might get a chapter every two days instead of every day. Also, I'm planning on rewriting the chapters to make them prettier. Not changing the story, just fixing the grammar and stuff. I've kinda grown a lot while gone. So the updates might be slow. Well, without further ado, enjoy the story!)<br/><br/>------------------------<br/><br/>"Ali, I need your help! I was near the edge of the forest around the abandoned dorm when a huge guy suddenly tried showed up out of nowhere and tried to grab me! Please help m-AHH-!" As Alexis ran, she recorded the video. But something hit her from behind, causing her to stumble and fall.<br/><br/>Trying to get up quickly, she hissed in pain at the pain of her leg. She didn't need to look to find out she hurt her leg. Suddenly, the huge hand of the masked figure grabbed her, lifting her into the air by her arm and causing her to scream in pain. She felt like her hand was going to break.<br/><br/>"Let me go, you bastard!" She screamed, kicking him. But to no avail. In fact, her foot hurt more from kicking him instead. The man gritted his teeth, the pain of his reddened eyes angering him :"I was just going to knock you out, you damn bitch! But you've pissed me off. I don't know how you did that, but I don't care. As compensation, I'll be taking your deck. Blame yourself for it."<br/><br/>She flinched. Her deck? The deck she made with the cards given by her brother? The one she had worked on for years? The one Ali had helped so much with? The one containing the cards he had gifted her?<br/><br/>Rage fueled her heart, numbing the pain of her arm and leg as she glared, gritting her teeth :"Like hell you will, asshole! Let go of me right now or you'll regret it!" Kicking him harshly. But she cried out in pain instead when she hit something metallic.<br/><br/>Reaching out, he effortlessly ripped her deck box off of her belt even as she struggled desperately. He tossed her away, the wind getting knocked out of her lungs as she hit the ground. She tried to get up, but even breathing had become a struggle.<br/><br/>"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He mused, opening her deck box and flipping through her cards :"Solemn Judgment? Huh, you even have Gilford the Legend and Battleguard King? You spoiled brats sure are privileged here. Can buy these cards so fucking cheap just lying on the shelves. I'm thankful. I can easily sell some of these cards for a few thousand dollars. Huh, and I didn't even do much. Thanks, little girl."<br/><br/>Hearing that he wasn't just stealing them, but was even planning to sell her precious cards, her anger raged even more. She gritted back the pain, trying to get up even though her body screamed its pain.<br/><br/>"Huh? What's that sound?" The man suddenly said, turning to where he heard something. Hearing the approaching sound, Alexis unconsciously turned to look as well. Struggling while doing so.<br/><br/>When suddenly, a figure jumped towards the giant man. Causing Alexis's eyes to go wide when she saw Ali, with a look that could kill, in the air with his fist clenched and pulled back. "What the- ugh?!" The man shouted, but was silenced by the bone crushing fist that slammed right into his face. Sending him flying back with his teeth flying around as the sound of cracking echoed.<br/><br/>"Alexis! Alexis, are you alright?!" He quickly asked worriedly, completely ignoring the man he punched the hell out of as he kneeled beside her. She was shocked. Very much so. To the point where she just stared at him, a dumbfounded look on her face as she panted. As he gently grabbed her trembling hand, she squeezed it nervously. Relief taking over her as help arrived.<br/><br/>Ali calmed down when he saw her pale look. Disregarding his rage momentarily as he squeezed her hand comfortingly :"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here now. Everything's gonna be alright. You're safe now, I promise."<br/><br/>Looking into those crimson eyes, which always had a fiery wildness and violence in them, but now filled with worry and concern, her heart warmed up. She didn't even notice as she unconsciously threw herself into his arms. Body shaking with fear and shock as her breathing calmed down from panting to fast breathing. Not even wondering how he got here so fast.<br/><br/>Ali didn't stop her. She was afraid and shocked beyond belief. His muscular arms enveloped her as he hugged Alexis, letting the scared girl rest her head against his chest and listen to the frantic beating of his heart. Signifying his worry even further. Something that warmed up her heart even further. She calmed down, but couldn't stop her body from trembling. No doubt that she was very shocked.<br/><br/>The noiret stayed in place, simply rubbing her back comfortingly and whispering sweet nothings. Something she appreciated very much. Even when the man got up and quickly escaped, he still stayed in place. On his knees and hugging Alexis into his chest. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to do nothing.<br/><br/>"(Red Eyes.)" He called out to his Ba, and the black dragon didn't need anything more. "(On it.)" He said seriously, malice evident in his voice as he exited Ali's form and tailed the giant man. Meanwhile, he continued comforting Alexis. Not for long though.<br/><br/>"Ali, where did you go?!" The frantic voice of Jaden was heard :"Don't leave up behind, dude!" Finally, his panting form came into light. Sweating slightly as he looked to see Ali :"There you are! Alexis?! What happened?!"<br/><br/>"What's going on?! Is everybody alright?! Syrus also showed up, sweating and panting even more. But not as much as Chumley though, who looked like he had run a marathon :"Guys... slow down... this isn't... lischus at all!"<br/><br/>Jaden wanted to rush to Ali to check on Alexis, but a head shake and look from the noiret stopped him. Calming his breathing, Jaden scratched his head. A concerned look on his features as he looked around, whispering so Alexis wouldn't hear him :"Geez, just what happened? Everything happened so suddenly I can't even wrap my head around it."<br/><br/>Syrus :"Yeah, it did. Ali suddenly showed up out of nowhere and ran through a freaking tree..."<br/><br/>Chumley :"And we're not even gonna question how he did that? He broke that huge tree as if it was a dried stick."<br/><br/>Syrus :"Can we? Geez, Chumley, learn to read the room."<br/><br/>Jaden :"Sy is right. Alexis looks pretty shook up."<br/><br/>Syrus :"Yeah. I don't know what happened, but it must've been something bad."<br/><br/>Chumley :"Wow, good job figuring that out. So what now? Should we just wait?"<br/><br/>Jaden :"Yeah, I guess. Let's collect the cards on the ground meanwhile."<br/><br/>Syrus :"Alright, sure. Why are these cards just lying around here anyway?"<br/><br/>Jaden :"Wait... these are Alexis cards!"<br/><br/>Syrus :"Huh? Really? Wait, you're right! This is Alexis's deck!"<br/><br/>Chumley :"Geez, just what happened here?"<br/><br/>Jaden :"Guess we'll know later."<br/><br/>Seeing that her breathing had calmed down and that she wasn't shaking anymore, he looked down with gentle eyes :"Are you alright?" Taking a deep breath, she pulled back and smiled weakly, nodding as she let out a shaky breath :"Now that you're here."<br/><br/>That was terrifying. She was just visiting the place her brother had lived in, before she was suddenly about to get kidnapped by that man. Not just that, but even her precious deck was about to be stolen and sold. And he would have succeeded if not for the noiret who saved her. As fear disappeared, her heart was filled with gratitude towards him.<br/><br/>"Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked, gently rubbing the hand he was holding comfortingly. She nodded :"Yeah. Y-yeah, I'm fine." And tried to get up. He helped her up, but she hissed and gasped as she nearly stumbled back to the ground. Her legs shaking from the pain in them. Luckily, he helped her stand as she leaned against him :"Careful."<br/><br/>"S-sorry. Must have freaked you out suddenly." She apologized, but he shook his head calmly, rubbing her back comfortingly :"Don't say that. I'm happy to help." But smiled and chuckled lightly :"But yeah, you did freak me out a bit. Suddenly called out of nowhere saying you're about to get kidnapped. I was really worried sick till here. I'm glad you're fine. Well, mostly, at least."<br/><br/>"Hm." She hummed in agreement, nodding and despite the situation, she felt her cheeks warm up. She looked up at him curiously. The difference between the current worried boy, the everyday feral Ali, and the enraged noiret from before was like ice cream, soda and soup. The triplicity was... interesting, to say the least.<br/><br/>She kinda liked it.<br/><br/>But as she calmed down looking into his eyes, she finally asked :"How did you find me so fast? I just called you." Seeing his worried look leave, getting replaced by a mischievous smile, it helped her calm down more :"Remember the little card I gave you the first day I started teaching you?"<br/><br/>Remembering that light, her eyes went wide. There was nothing physical for it to come out of. Yet it suddenly appeared and, even though it blinded that man momentarily, it did absolutely nothing to her. "Cyber Petit Angel... what is that card?" She asked, but he shook his head :"Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies." (A/N: Honestly, that's such a fire line. Credits to O_Jordinio_O or whoever came up with it.)<br/><br/>So there was something special about it. She eyed him suspiciously, squinting her eyes at him and making him chuckle as he squeezed her waist :"Don't look at me like that. You won't believe me even if I tell you. You're not ready yet. I'll tell you when you are."<br/><br/>"... Acting mysterious really doesn't suit you. You don't look cool like that." She replied dryly, but a smile tugged at her plump lips. He smirked :"So I look cool normally?" Causing her to playfully roll her eyes :"Yeah, yeah, whatever."<br/><br/>Well, if he didn't want to answer, she of all people knew that she couldn't force the answer out of him. She knew very well how stubborn he was. And well, she wasn't a nosy person to begin with. If he didn't want to answer, she wouldn't push it. If she knew one thing about Ali, it was that he either did things because it was fun, or that it definitely had an important reason behind it.<br/><br/>She relaxed against him. The desperation leaving her weak and tired after calming down when she felt the safety Ali had brought. "You alright?" He asked, rubbing her waist gently as she hummed :"Yeah, just... tired."<br/><br/>Seeing that the mood had gotten lighter, Jaden stepped forward :"Hey, Alexis, you alright?" She smiled :"Yeah, thanks, Jaden. Thanks to you too, Syrus, Chumley." Causing the two boys to blush and laugh nervously :"Yeah, hehehe don't mention it."<br/><br/>"Glad to hear that. Also, here you go. We picked up all of your cards. See if you're missing anything or not." Jaden smiled, holding up her deck box. Which she took with a relieved smile :"Thanks a lot, guys! Phew, I was worried I lost all of them for a second."</p>