
Yours Truly {Kurt H. × Sebastian S.}

Kurt gets love letters from a mysterious person at Dalton.

Avi_Nik_rare1 · Ti vi
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2 Chs

||•Chapter 1: Day 1•||

Kurt woke up to the sound of his alarm going off at 5:30 am Monday morning. He was always up at this time due to his mental schedule in his head. He crawled out of bed and frowned when he looked at his appearance in the mirror.

His roommate was still asleep so he went and took a shower. He looked at his body in the full-length mirror in the bathroom after undressing himself.

He was built in a tall frame but was very skinny and you could see his ribs. He had sky blue eyes and pale skin. He had very few freckles and he had scars all over his body from his ex-bully and himself. He had chestnut brown hair and his skin was very fair but it was really soft. Due to his skincare routine.

He ran his hand over his chest going over the scars and started the water.

He grabbed his phone and put on Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. He started the shower, got in and started his shower routine which consisted of washing his body first, then after was his hair. He had a lavender body wash that was good for pores, blackheads, and acne. He had a coconut oil and natural exponents shampoo to help his hair stay lustrous, fluffy and soft. His conditioner was also coconut oil but did not have the natural exploits.

He got out and dried off with a towel. He then got dressed in his Dalton Academy blazer with his red and navy tie and a navy blue undershirt, black pants, and finally his black shoes. He styled his hair and then went to go get his bag from the dorm room.

He walked out and saw Jeff sitting up in bed. "Mornin' Jeff. How did you sleep?" He asked the boy across the room and Jeff looked like he was very sick. "I don't feel good Kurty. Do I feel warm to you at all?" Jeff replied to him and slowly laid back down as he walked over to him. Kurt felt his head. He was burning up. He nodded."Yeah, you do Jeff. Do you wanna stay in bed today? I can get Nick if you want me too?" Jeff nodded and closed his eyes and smiled a little. "Yeah. Get Nickey.." Kurt grabbed his bag and his phone and called Nick.

N: Hey Kurt. What's up?

K: Hey Nick. Jeff is sick. Like really sick. He was burning up and told me to get you.

N: Is he staying in bed today?

K: Yeah he is. He could hardly keep his eyes open.

N: Damn. Okay, I'll stay with him today.

K: Okay. Bye Nick.

N: Bye Kurt.

Kurt hung up the phone and saw a piece of paper in front of his door. He picked it up and the front of it said 'To Kurt' in very elegant handwriting. He tried to remember where he had seen that handwriting before. He opened it and read through it.


You are amazing. You are beautiful. You make everyone around you happy and I know you probably hate me. I'm a bully to you and I know your past. Some of it at least. But you always know how to make my attention turn to you at any point. Your you and that's all that people need in my eyes. You are so sweet and caring about others. Your search for the right pencil, your search for the right textbook or library book, your search for anything is really exquisite. You light up any room you walk into and you brighten my day every time is I see you.

Yours truly,


Who has the initials S.S? I only know one person with those initials but it's not possible he wrote the letter. He thought to himself as he walked down the hallway to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"Hey, Kurt..." Came a deep voice from behind him. He stopped immediately. He knew that voice. That voice belonged to none other than the infamous cheating bastard Blaine Anderson.

"Hi, Blaine" He responded quickly and tried to tear his gaze from him. "Kurt I'm sorry! I thought you were done with me! I felt lonely and scared!" Blaine looked at him full-on now with tears streaming down his face. "I-Blaine no. I can't ever trust you again. I thought you loved me. You don't and I don't love you. Im sorry!" Kurt had tears in his eyes as he walked away, leaving a speechless and heartbroken Blaine behind him.

He looked away from him and took off towards the direction of the library.

He sat down in an armchair with his book and quietly read until he heard a noise indicating that someone was across from him. He didn't look up to know who it was. "You followed me. Why?" Kurt's question sat in the still silence for a few minutes. He knew who was sitting across from him. "I noticed you walking away from Blaine with tears in your eyes and I wanted to make sure you were okay." Kurt snapped his head up at that. He had not expected that. "Why? I was right...My suspicions were correct, weren't they? You wrote that note to me, didn't you?" Kurt's words tumbled out of his mouth and he finally shut up when he felt tears forming in his eyes again. Sebastian nodded at him and replied with, "The letter was my way of showing you im changing." and walked away.

He was silently screaming at him inside his head to tell him to turn around.

He had never realized how Sebastian truly looked like a cat. He was tall, lean, and beautiful with piercing green eyes. He had light brown hair and a strong jaw. He was also athletic, which added to his cat likeness. He had broad shoulders, tanned skin from the natural rays of the sun and he had a french accent and could speak fluent french.

Kurt scolded himself for taking in the features of someone he was supposed to hate. He also hates himself for not glaring at him like he should have been.

He inwardly groaned and went to breakfast. His original destination. He walked into the hall and stopped immediately when he saw what was unfolding in front of him.

"BLAINE! SEBASTIAN!" He yelled at them both. They were both sprawled on the floor in a fight. Blaine was on top of Sebastian, beating the hell out of him. He punched his nose and Sebastian groaned. It was definitely broken as Kurt heard a defining crack when he was punched. Sebastian was trying to push him off to no avail. He was struggling and two of the warblers grabbed Blaine. He screamed at Sebastian and smirked. "How do you like your self now slut?!" Sebastian whimpered and tears prickled his eyes.

"Blaine! HOW DARE YOU?!" Kurt screamed and knelt beside the taller male. "Come on Sebastian. Get up, Please." He looked at him and felt his heart break into a million little pieces.

He had a black eye and a cut lip. His nose was crooked and most likely broken. Kurt looked at him and he felt tears in his eyes as he looked at the boy. Sebastian looked up at him and tried to sit up. "No no no no you can't get up yet." The taller male looked at him and groaned in pain. "Why?" He asked. "Because i don't know how bad your injuries are." Kurt said and beckoned David over to him. "Can you help me get him to the hospital wing?" David nodded and helped Sebastian sit up without hurting him. Kurt grabbed his arm lightly and pulled him up with a grunt coming from Sebastian.

David helped them walk to the hospital wing and laid him on a bed. Both Kurt and David sat in chairs next to him.

The nurse came over to the three boys and looked at Sebastian.

She sighed. "Boys, what happened to Mr. Smythe?" Kurt and David traded a glance and Kurt nodded at David to tell her because Kurt only knew that Blaine and Sebastian got into a fight.

"Sebastian and Blaine Anderson got into a fight ma'am. Blaine started it and Sebastian couldn't do anything about it. He tried to get him off but it wasn't working. The fight started because Blaine is jealous of Sebastian and Kurt. Even though they don't like each other very much. He called Sebastian a slut and told him he should never have been born in the first place and that he was a mistake as well as a failure." David finished and Kurt was furious. He had never seen Blaine act like that and he didn't want to ever see it again. He looked at David. "What?! How could Blaine say something like that to him?! " David shrugged and Kurt walked out of the hospital wing and to Blaine's dorm.

Trent opened the door to a very furious Kurt. "Where the hell is he Trent?!" The shorter boy looked at him and pointed to where Blaine was sat on his bed.

Kurt's look told Trent to go check on Sebastian. He left and Blaine looked at him. "What?" He asked him. "What do you mean what? Why did you just beat the hell out of Sebastian?!"

"Why do you think Kurt?! I saw him staring at you when you walked away from me this morning!" He nearly yelled. "So that gives you the right to tell him he was a mistake? A failure? A SLUT?!" Kurt stiffened when Blaine got up. "Yes! He doesn't need to be looking at my boyfriend like that!"

Kurt grew quiet and the spoke louder than before. "I AM NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND BLAINE ANDERSON!" He yelled. He was not happy. At all.

"Kurt you are my boyfriend!" Blaine said and backing Kurt into a wall roughly. "NO!" Kurt was now shaking in fear and was scared of Blaine. He wanted to go back downstairs to Sebastian, not here with Blaine.

Blaine chuckled lowly. "Yes" he said and smirked. He liked having Kurt here. Wiggling under him, trying to get away. Trying to move his body.

Blaine lowly chuckled as he heard Kurt wimper. "Blaine! Let me go! Please!" After that last cry Blaine let him go and Kurt ran out of the dorm room.

Kurt decided to keep what happened to himself. He was most certainly shaking. He was scared of Blaine now. Blaine claimed to love him. How could he do that? He was never violent with him, sometimes forceful with his words but it was never physical.

Kurt reached the hospital wing to see Sebastian awake and supporting a few injuries. "Sebastian!" Kurt breathed out. "Kurt!" Sebastian smiled. Kurt walked to him and face planted into the bed when he sat down in the seat next to him. "Kurt? Are you alright? David and Trent told me that you went to see Blaine..." Kurt looked up at him and tears started to form in his light blue eyes. "I did and no im not, but I promise to tell toy tomorrow, but for now get some sleep. Okay?" Sebastian nodded, now concerned for the countertenor. "Come here." Sebastian smiled and pulled kurt up to him, wrapping his arm around him to comfort him despite Kurt being in the chair next to the bed. Kurt was now crying as he laid on Sebastian chest. Sebastian rubbed his back until Kurt fell asleep and he fell asleep himself. Maybe this could turn out better than he thought.

The nurse walked over to the two boys sleeping and smiled to herself. "Young Love" she sighed and went to her office on the other side of the hospital wing.