
Are you really that desperate?

Many would dream to have a rich man as a husband not because of love, it became a common deed for women to leech of a man just to survive the cruel society but not me, I detest that way of survival and always priorities my values but this belief made me eat my words back as I struggle to feed my well being.

I am Celestina Chao and I work as an entertainer in a very famous bar owned by my friend Axll. Every night I serve different men just to earn a little to keep on living.

"Hey Little kitty come and play with us!" A shout full of lust was heard, I roamed my gaze and spotted a man sitting on a couch with ladies sitting on each side which I think are escorts, He raised his index finger and motioned for me to come.

Not minding the drunk man I walk pass their table with no reaction or whatsoever but just when I thought he was letting me off, He grabbed my arm and forcefully laid me on the couch. I was prepared to kick his balls when I felt a cold thing on my forehead.

'God! is this it? Is this how my life's going to end' I silently cried for help as he started kissing and caressing my body. I wanted to shout but the music turned from slow rock to hard core which makes my shouts pointless.

"Are you really that desperate to claim that lady, Mr. Nakamura?"

The pest on top of me froze and slowly turned his head towards the man who spoke, it is my most awaited opportunity to break free from his grip, I gathered all the strength I have and centered it all to my foot that currently is on the ground and with one blow it kicked him on his groin. As he writhed in pain, I pushed him and ran as fast as I could to escape that place.

I was inside the employee's room taking a shower, crying and resenting the old fart earlier Luckily that guy appeared and--- "Fuck!! How am I suppose to thank that guy? I was so busy executing my stunt and forgot the important part. Stupid!"

Irritated as I am, I finished my shower and went straight to the locker to change. I dressed myself, thinking of ways to find another job. I walked my way out when somebody suddenly clears its throat. I immediately turned around and saw a Man sitting comfortably on the bench while scanning me from head to toe.

"Still average." He said.

As I heard his voice, panic kicked in and as soon as I realized the senario I'm in, I was already running towards the exit.

I will never allow myself to fall for a second time.