
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

Wisteria Blooms

Gwen shook her head, letting Avery know that she was fine, and Avery nodded. She didn't want to burden them before heading to bed since they were enjoying their meals well.

She bowed her head once more to the table, and they all gave her their best wishes for a good rest before she departed from the dining table. Cassian followed her out of the dining room into the hallway.

They took a different route back since Gwen was leading, but Cassian didn't stop her when she went down a different hallway from the one where she first came. She was lost in her thoughts, thinking about how appropriate her actions were, but there was nothing much that she could've done at that moment.

There is a small piece of her that wished that she met Maximillian, but in the end, all she needed was a peaceful life, and she was hoping that Maximillian would be able to provide that for her even if they didn't get along.

Gwen placed her hand under her chin and took in the lovely hallways that were meticulously cleaned well. She smiled at some maids that were walking down with some cleaning tools, and they greeted her happily before scurrying.

Every place was just as gorgeous as the last with the ornate windows and luxurious red drapery with intricate stitching that Gwen reached out to inspect before dropping her hands by her side.

They fell into a comfortable silence, and Gwen slowed her pace further since she wanted to walk side by side with her knights rather than before them, counting at a different beat to make her footstep match his.

Cassian sent her a quizzical glance from her odd walk, and she gave him an innocent smile back. "How long have you known Maximillian?" she asked.

"I have known His Grace for a long time. He was sixteen when I first met him on the training grounds. I was skeptical that a younger man was leading the group when I was older."

"Didn't he become a general at that age as well?"

"Yes. We were in battle with the next kingdom over at that time over a railway, and they wouldn't back off which is why Alluryure resourced to bringing in the second order of highest knights."

Gwen nodded. The railway was extremely profitable since it transported crystals from the deep mines that were on the edge of Alluryure's territory which was pretty much untouched and the other kingdom to the west took advantage of the lack of security. "I remember that conflict. Alluryure won the rights to it, but I heard that many lives were lost."

Cassian's lips flattened. "That is correct. It is how His Grace was able to get to the highest ranks at a young age. Two generals died that day, and His Grace took over on the field. We didn't have any time to question anything."

They crossed the glass hallway where one side was completely made of glass that overlooked an outdoor area that was enclosed had a huge wisteria tree in the center on a little patch of land with a small wooden swing attached.

Gwen covered her mouth in shock at the astonishing cascading pale white flowers that had a silver shine in the moonlight.

She was surprised that Cosette didn't take this route when she was getting a walkthrough of the mansion. Gwen had never seen such a large tree in her life, never mind a wisteria tree she knew was rare in their region.

It was so beautiful with the magnificent glass hallway, and the branches of the wisteria tree extending out, larger than life, fanning out above.

"Wisteria," Cassian murmured. "It was a gift from the late Duchess to her children when they were younger."

"It's absolutely beautiful," Gwen said, as her fingers stretched out towards the glass.

The tree was whimsical, but it seemed to be confined, which was making it lose its life. There was a golden glow from underneath the water that surrounded the tree from another layer underneath, illuminating the silver flowers that had fallen. It was as lovely as it was solemn.

Gwen peered around the area to see that there was no door within the outdoor enclosure, and she tilted her head and wondered how people were supposed to get inside. Either way, the wisteria was beautiful and maybe supposed to be out of reach.

They rounded the corner with the glass hallway when Gwen had nothing more to say, and the wisteria tree disappeared from sight. She turned back one more time but pivoted back on her foot, as they walked into another corridor that she recognized was able to reach her bedroom. Gwen crossed her arms, bringing up the topic that they didn't get to finish.

"I can tell that he was brilliant," Gwen murmured.

"His Grace still is."

Gwen smiled at Cassian's loyalty. "I'm glad to hear it. I hope I am not assuming, but you seem to be quite close to him."

"It wasn't always that way," Cassian said with a wry smile. "He had a chip on his shoulder and tended to have a wall up. I didn't go out of my way to befriend him, as others had tried since they wanted to see what they could get out of a friendship with His Grace."

Gwen pursed her lips. "People are always like that."

"Which was unfortunate. I would like to say that His Grace got close to me due to the sense of familiarity. We were often bunked together since our names were always next to each other on the roster."

"That would make sense."

"When it was time for His Grace to make use of his title, I went with him since he asked for a favor. I didn't know what it entailed at the time, but I knew that he was a good leader and prosperous. I wanted to follow someone like that. It was also then when His Majesty arranged for His Grace to take over the position that oversaw the second highest order of knights."

"It is nice how it all worked out in your favor and his," Gwen said.

"I suppose so," Cassian said. "He is my friend as well as my leader."

Gwen smiled. "I'm glad that there is a strong sense of unity and friendship here."

Cassian lifted a shoulder. "We try. When we first all came, it was tough to acclimate before finding the balance you see now."

Gwen could tell their hard work had paid off. No one in life got in easy. There was always a stressor in life that didn't go to plan. It was encouraging to see that they created a home out of what was dealt to them. "Do you know when he will return?" Gwen asked.

"That information I don't know. It is a long expedition to clear out the borders due to a reformation law that was decreed."

"I see," Gwen murmured.

They reached the hallway that was in the resident wing of the mansion, and they fell back into a comfortable silence. She covered her quiet yawn and was grateful to see the door of her bedroom. Cassian bowed his head first. "Have a good night, Your Grace."

"You as well," Gwen replied, as she entered the master bedroom, closing the door shut behind.

She sighed out of breath, leaning back against the door. Her shoulders were tight from unconsciously trying to keep her back ramrod straight, and she rolled them back, tilting her head to the right and left.

Gwen was exhausted, but the day was so fun, she didn't mind at all. Pushing up from the door, she padded over to the bathroom to get ready for bed and do her nightly routine when her girls weren't there to help her.

Her hair was still wet when she climbed into bed with her room toasty warm. Weaving her legs through the plush comforter, she hugged a pillow to her chest as she stared up at the ceiling.

The only light that flickered along the ornate walls was golden amber lights from the fireplace that she had barely managed to get started up. Her eyes were getting sleepy, and they fluttered closed, as she fell into a peaceful slumber with lovely wisteria blooms guiding her to bliss.