
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

Truly Godsent

There was a pretty streusel on display, and Gwen brought her hand up to her chin as she inspected the wonderful delight with the maple glaze that was alluring knowing that they should hurry back soon to Zinnia in case there was any mishap or anything that she needed to see.

Cosette was taking it pretty easy with her fingers intertwined behind her back as she strolled through the crowded bakery taking great care of the basket that she picked up in the corner from entering earlier.

Gwen on the other hand moved out of the way of a young family with some rambunctious children who looked like they spent a wonderful day in the sun as they tried to jump up and look through the display windows.

There was another worker of the bakery who was quite young, maybe in his teens, and was sitting at the desk to pay who was idly chewing on what looked to be some sort of sugar grass while keeping his head turned away from whatever was in his lap but seemed to wholeheartedly enjoy it by the twist of his lips.

He was diligent at his work with an easy smile at those who were paid their obligation in return swinging a large bag of sweet goods, yet also keeping a stealthy eye on those who try to make a breakaway toward the door.

Someone swiped through the white flowery curtains that were surely the backroom that likely lead to the kitchen of the bakery, and a large man who was both tall in stature and generous in width came out holding his white chef's hat comically along with the bright smile that trailed behind matching the bright and sunny atmosphere of the bakery.

"Hess, put that away," the man reprimanded the one sitting behind the desk.

Hess turned his attention up with his ears brightening. "My bad."

Another man that came out didn't seem as happy as the first and was dressed just as neat as the man before with a reprimanding frown and in the middle of wiping his flour-covered hands on the towel that was around his waist.

"Cosette!" the first man grinned. "Welcome back! I didn't think that you would be back so soon."

"Yes, of course, Payne. I didn't want to keep both you and Seth waiting," Cosette smiled in return.

Seth sighed. "Yes. We have the bread in a warming tray so that the goods could be eaten right away."

"That's wonderful," Cosette said before turning a hand over to Gwen. "I'll have to introduce you both to the Madame of the house."

Seth tilted his down toward Gwen. "Please come to the back."

Payne flipped a wooden gate that allowed them to the back of what was behind the glass of the baked goods, and Seth led the way over to another room that was only a sitting room but in turn, went through the kitchens that were small in size yet large in what Gwen could feel good and honest work.

The ovens were done firing up, as it was late in the day, but there were still lots of metal trays that contains all kinds of various treats. Gwen was amazed since she hadn't got a tour of what was inside of the kitchens in the mansion since Issac would continue to push her away and get her distracted by the food that was placed on the dining table.

The room that they were stationed in only had a table and chairs inside for what Gwen assumed to be a break room, and she was sad to see that it was so bleak. Gwen took a seat near the corner while they all got inside the room to grab a seat.

Gwen smiled lightly at the two bakers. "Pleasure to meet you all. I am Gwendolyn Caddell Latimer. I thank you for being so kind to supply my household with the day-old confectionary that I know will be delicious."

"The pleasure is all ours, Duchess," Payne said while Seth bowed deeply and in turn poked Payne in the side so that he did the same. "We are happy that you enjoy the bakery that we co-own."

"There is no need to be so formal," Gwen laughed. "Your bakery is a work of art, and I hope that you two are reminded of it often."

Payne shined from the appraisal that Gwen had said, and she hoped that they knew that she was sincerely telling the truth. One's business like theirs deserves to be loved and done well due to all the hard work that she had observed.

She was quick to see the tired lines of stress in their eyes, the dirtiness of their aprons, their hands that had been put to work so much they were as strong as they were brittle, the shabby exterior that was brightened by the pink shades that she knew had to be Payne's idea, and the cracked walls of the interior that was expertly hidden by the suspiciously placed fake vinery.

It was cute and all theirs with their name written so refinery on it. She always was amazed by those who worked hard for a dream that they were able to attain. It was important to also point out that those who were still chasing had grit that she had never been to replicate and experience.

"Let's get you those goods and package them for you two," Seth said before walking out the door in haste.

Payne grinned. "Sorry about that, Your Grace. Seth seems to be a bit shy."

Gwen laughed. "It's okay. I hope that you two won't take offense to the money that I want to provide for you all for your services."

Payne waved his hands. "Oh, there is no need, Your Grace."

"No, no," Gwen said lightly, as she brought out the stash of coins that she tended to keep on her wherever she went just in case. "Please take it. If you can't fathom why, understand that I simply want to support your business."

She glanced over at Cosette, and Cosette nodded in the abrupt action that she had decided to do considering that she was going to get some pastries at the front as well but had changed her mind since she was content as she was.

It was funny that she thought it would be inconvenient for her to carry heavy money around despite it only being lost in her skirts, but it wasn't her idea in the first place.

Avery had insisted that she had a small pocket within her dress that held a small coin bag if there was something that she needed if there wasn't anyone to attend to her.

"You're so kind, Your Grace," Payne said as he took off his chef's hat and pressed it to his chest. "Truly, you are god sent."