
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

Trail of Bloodied Rain

The drops of rain were loud in her ear along with her pounding heart, and Gwen's whole body stuttered as her body pulled to a stop in panic when she saw shadows from the outside that were running towards her side of the balcony.

With a sharp inhale, Gwen looked around for any weapon that she could grab. She was too far away from the desk to be able to take something from there, and the furniture nearby was heavy, so they weren't the best course of action.

The sofa wasn't anything that she could move, the nearby chaises could be a possibility, and the clock tucked away to the wall, she didn't want to lift because it looked to be an antique. Even in matters like these, pleasantries were still on her mind.

Her eyes glided around the room frantically, and it was starting to get to her because she didn't even know who or what she was dealing with. She immediately whipped back around to try and get to the door of study and escape.

It was her only choice now. She had to at least try. The shadows continued to scatter around her, and her breath stuttered when a human shadow appeared clearly up above the walls. 

She looked back when her senses started tingling, and she didn't know if she made the right or wrong call right then and there at that moment when a black figure was right before her with only the thin glass of the French doors separating her and that person from each other.

The person had a black cloth wrapped around their head along with a dark get-up that covered all of their body, so she wasn't able to make out the face and their body in the darkness that obscured most of her surroundings.

The rain made the vision before her sway and go blurry with another round of white light flashing down, making the whole room blinded for a second. 

Gwen screamed when a black figure barreled toward her with the perfect window to attack presenting itself to the intruder.

Her voice came out in a hurry as the glass doors shattered when the weapon came in contact with it. The huge crash echoed in her ears with her eyes widening in shock and horror.

Covering her face as the glass rained down, she stumbled back and slammed her legs into one of the sofas. The sharp sting of the glass coming into contact with her skin made her hiss before she felt the blood start to drip out from her arms.

The person drew their weapon, and she was able to see the blade that was reflected lightly despite the darkness of the night. She didn't know why her knights weren't coming in, but they must have been apprehended by another situation that could be along the same as she was now.

Gwen raised her eyes to meet the perpetrators, and the person lunged at her with the glass crunching underneath their feet in agile movement. She screamed in horror, holding onto her sanity by a thread, as she ducked down as fast as she could.

Her body hit the ground, and she rolled over as the person stabbed the blade forward, cutting off fabric from her dress. Massive tearing ensued from the rip that filled the silent room, and Gwen ran around to the other side of the sofa with the fireplace behind her.

With her hands resting on the table, she watched the intruder apprehensively.

"Who are you?" Gwen screamed. "Leave!"

The masked person didn't bother to answer, and they charged at her. Gwen grabbed the lamp nearby on the small table stand and launched it over at the person. The huge crash from the lamp meeting the person's head didn't seem to slow them down despite making them falter a bit.

The blade that they were holding did go flying out of their hands, and Gwen lost her footing as she tried to dodge the flying blade making her fall backwards in the direction of the desk instead of the door calling for her escape. 

She groaned from the spasm in her leg that spread like fire when she landed incorrectly on her legs. Glass shards slid into her skin, and blood welled up before dripping down onto the floor and making a mess of her shirt sleeve. Most of the damage was dealt to her arms to protect her face and the palms of her hands that landed on the glass once more.

"Get out!" Gwen shouted in fear as she tossed the chaise next to her at the person who ran directly at her. The chair didn't do much damage as the person leaped right over it, and Gwen started throwing everything that she was able to gather to no avail.

The intruder collided with Gwen, and the air from her lungs came forcibly out. With a gasp, Gwen slammed her fist into the stranger's face with the pain exploding from her already bloodied hands.

There was a fight for power, as they both grappled to try and get on top. Gwen yanked down the large books from the desk and battered the person with them only for the person to yank her hair that was unbound back.

Screaming with all that she had inside of her, she elbowed the person's jaw, and she felt something shift inside her arm. Ignoring the sharp tingle in her arm, she stepped on the intruder's stomach to be able to get her footing out of there.

In the split-second timing that had opened up for her, Gwen heaved as she sprinted over to the door and ripped it open with so much force only to close it again frantically since she needed to block the intruder if they were to get up and follow her.

Spitting the blood in her mouth on the ground, her eyes slid over to the tables that decorated the hallway and pushed it over to the door as fast as possible. Gwen stomached the nauseating feeling that was beginning to crawl up her throat and continued piling more items in front of the door to barricade it before starting down the hallway leaving a trail of blood behind her.