
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

Taken Advantage

Cassian took off toward the small area of trees that were nearby, the thin and wispy trees were only pieces of decoration on the sidelines instead of a thriving forest. Piling sticks in his arms, the remaining longer sticks, Cassian pulled them over their way.

Riley was still cautious of the surroundings, making sure to stay nearby Dawn and Zinnia who were still talking frantically while sliding his eyes around with his body in a stance that was bracing for an attack.

The sticks were piled by the side of the bridge away from the grass where it could cause a major fire in case things got out of hand. Cassian ripped a match stick and pushed the tiny flame into the pile of wood that he was able to gather.

The flame caught quickly onto the flammable dry wood, causing the grey smoke to drift off into the sky.

Gwen waved the smoke away from her face and coughed as the wind suddenly pushed the smoke in her direction. "Do you think that they will catch on?

"I believe so if they aren't fooling around," Cassian replied crisply before standing up and brushing the dust from his uniform.

Gwen covered her laugh from the image that popped into her head with another dry cough and turned her attention over to Riley who brought the girls over to them.

Zinnia was still cold and shaking from the wet clothing that she had on, and Gwen immediately took off the shawl that was on her head and wrapped it tightly around Zinnia.

"My apologies," Gwen said softly. "We should have taken you to a medical center first."

Zinnia smiled in thanks. "No, I understand for safety measures it is best to do what you can now."

"We'll bring you over when the rest of our backup arrives," Cassian said. "Hang in there for now."

"Yes," Gwen agreed. "Come closer to the fire to warm yourself."

Despite it being a hot day the fire was an immense help to keep Zinnia warm and away from the risk of any injury that could have been caused by her long-time soak in the river.

Gwen tucked some strands behind her head before squatting down next to Zinnia by the fire. "Did you see the face of the perpetrator? Any other information you're able to remember?"

Zinnia blew out a deep breath. "I know that there is a band of seven. They were all wearing masks, but I remember how one had a beard. Otherwise, their physiques were all similar in build and height, so it was tough to differentiate."

"Can you tell us all about what occurred after they captured you?" Cassian interjected.

"I was hiding in a basement level of a building but was dragged off to a corner where they tied me up and demanded answers from me. I don't even know what they were saying since they kept on talking to each other, but they were demanding compensation for something. Money. It was money."

Cassian crossed his arms. "So they were demanding money from you or Lady Dianthe?"

"Well, yes. When I said that I didn't know anything, they tossed me into the river."

Riley sighed. "It's unfortunate, but I think that they were feeling out how valuable you were before getting rid of you."

Zinnia shuddered. "They were focusing on Lady Dawn for the most part. It's more confusing now that I'm speaking out like this."

Dawn placed a hand under her chin to think. "Well, it seems that the rogues are wanting money from you both but failed to do so and now needed to clean up their mess by trying to drown Zinnia. It is a regular tactic to do so."

"But we don't know their identities which is making the chase much more confusing," Cassian butted in. "They could be distinguished individuals."

Gwen raised an eyebrow. "To go chasing around ladies demanding money? They are more likely to be people who were taken advantage of."

"It still doesn't clear up the motive," Riley drawled out.

"Who knows," Gwen sighed before catching a glimpse of Silas along with Cosette holding the reins of two horses, looking ridiculous perched on his high seat. "Well look who's finally here."

Silas jumped down from his mare and tied the horses to a nearby streetlight from the tall lanterns that were hooked to the intricately, spiraled metal pole. He came over to check in on Zinnia's health and Dawn's before leaning on the stone wall satisfied.

The rest came running in until the whole gang was here. Cosette finally got off the horse that Silas left in a rush since she was tasked with carrying his pack that they normally would have put on the horses, but they left too quickly to do so earlier. She hopped down and smacked Silas on the back.

"You couldn't even help me off?"

Silas lifted a shoulder. "You could do it yourself."

"What a gentleman you are."

He winked. "The best one."

Bronx brought over a spare blanket from his pack over to Zinnia which she took gratefully to cover her clothing that was still somewhat transparent. Gwen squeezed Zinnia's shoulder in comfort while Dawn helped her up to her feet.

Gwen met Dawn's eyes to ask if she was alright, and Dawn dipped down her chin. At least, everyone had made it here right now safe and sound.

Amos cleared his throat with his fist. "What's the plan, Cassian?"

"Let's snuff out these flames first," Cassian muttered.

Gwen laughed. "How are we supposed to get water up here?"

"I'll grab some boxes that I saw on my way here," Bronx said.

Cassian nodded while stomping on the smaller flames with his boots, and Bronx took off only to return a minute later with four crates in hand piled precariously up to his chin.

Gwen took one of them from his arms to cover his face while he placed them on the ground, and she tilted her head to the side. "That was inhumanely fast."

"I try my best, Your Grace."

Cassian picked the crate up. "Let's go. We don't have much time."