
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

Laden Overtime

Gwen zipped up the suitcase, as it was the last one carrying all of her items, and rolled it by the door for Avery to take care of. She wiped the perspiration on her brow with a sigh and hung up all the clothing items with the help of Lauren. Gwen was honestly surprised by how much Lauren and Avery were able to fit into her small personal bags, and she laughed at the thought.

"What is so funny, Your Grace?" Lauren asked with a slight smile.

"I thought it was amazing how you two were able to fit so many items into the bags."

Lauren tossed her braid over her shoulder. "Of course. It's a special ability of mine. It is always better to overpack than under-pack. By the way, no one is going to touch your room back at home, leaving all your pretty dresses laden in the dust."

"I highly doubt that will happen with how meticulous my mother is," Gwen said with a laugh.

She leaned over and hung another dress into the wardrobe while going to the door to pick up the other essential supplies that Cosette had brought for her. Gwen lifted the woven basket and looked inside to see bars of soap, stationary, and other items which made Lauren gasped in shock when she peeked her head over as well since they were all so pretty.

Gwen moved over to the bathroom and hung up the new towels and placed the soap in the small cavity of the tub before moving over to the frosted glass window to crack it open for some fresh air.

Avery walked through the bathroom door with a bouquet of fresh lilies in hand, and Gwen tilted her head.

"Do you want the flowers here or in the bedroom?" Avery asked.

"Actually, I would like them here," Gwen answered.

The flowers in a vase by the sink would be a refreshing sight in the morning. Avery nodded and strode back out to find a vase that Lauren most likely tucked away somewhere.

It was dinner time when Cosette came knocking on her door to alert them, and Gwen clapped her hands excitedly when she, Laura, and Avery made their way down to the dining hall. They rounded the corner and entered the large hall with beautifully painted ceilings and a cozy environment.

Gwen seated herself down at the huge rectangular table to see that Avery and Laura were being seated at a smaller side table near the doors. She glanced back awkwardly and saw that the knights were standing with their hands behind their backs on the right-hand side of the door with Cosette sitting with the other girls.

She brought her hands into her lap before making the hasty decision. "You all can come to sit with me."

No one moved. It was improper, but it wasn't her style to eat alone. Gwen took in a breath and stood while raising a brow to her silent audience. "Do I need to repeat myself?"

Cosette was the first to protest. "Your Grace---"

"It is an order," Gwen said. "Feel free to dine along."

Avery and Laura crossed the mental bridge between them and sat on her left-hand side. Back at home, it wasn't uncommon for her to eat with Avery and Laura, especially for quick meals like this, so they knew the drill.

There was a hesitant pause from Cosette before she sighed and walked over to sit next to Laura.

Gwen turned back to smile at the knights. "You guys are no exception."

Cassian shook his head. "It is our duty to protect you, Your Grace. Please allow us the honor to do so."

Gwen tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before nodding. Cassian was a lost cause, but the other two weren't. Gwen pointed her gaze at Silas. "Please have a seat."

Silas rolled his shoulders back before grinning. "It would be my pleasure."

Gwen beamed at his response, and Bronx also wandered over to sit next to Silas. The cook came out of the kitchen doors and was surprised to see everyone seated at the table. He was a larger individual with a warm face, and he greeted Gwen first.

"I'm the cook of the mansion, Isaac. Feel free to ask for whatever meals or snacks you would like, Your Grace. I'll do my best to prepare the dishes to the highest quality."

Gwen smiled. "Thank you. I sincerely appreciate it, Isaac."

The cook took off his hat and inclined his head before putting his cap back on. "The appetizer today will consist of a crab cake with chives and lemon alongside oven-roasted oysters with pumpkin and watercress."

Gwen could picture the food already, practically shining in her imagination. She was starving, and it sounded delicious. "Can you bring more plates for everyone here to eat?"

Isaac grinned. "I would love to. I wished that I had more people that would taste my creations."

Gwen laughed. "I would gladly take that position and drag the crew along as well."

"I look forward to it," Isaac said, as he turned back to walk through the kitchen doors.

Gwen settled back into the cushioned seat and surveyed the table. Silas was busy chatting away to Bronx, who was quiet and nodding to every word that came out of Silas's mouth. The trays came out then, and all the appetizers were placed on the table, and the garlicky aroma was chased around the dining room.

Her mouth watered when she stared at the plate that was set down before her, and she unfolded the napkin that was folded into a delicate seashell shape and placed it down in her lap.

She glanced up and thanked Isaac again and the rest of the cooks who stood behind the kitchen doors and peered through the small circular window curiously.

Everyone was waiting for her to take the first bite, and she cleanly cut the crab cake into fourths before putting her knife down to grab her fork and place the crab cake in her mouth.

The seafood was flaky and tender with the scent of fresh lemon that made her clap her hands in excitement. Isaac laughed when he took in her reaction, and Gwen motioned for everyone else to eat.