
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

Innocent Truthfulness

They walked over to the small carriage stall after getting through the tiny crowd near the center of the street where there was the most traffic, but the boy who looked older back further away was clearly only around ten years old or so.

His brown hat was floppy and laid on his long curly hair to the side messily with his cheeks still bright but his smile getting tired. Despite so, his fingers were in the straps of his suspenders and his shoes dirty but happily tied with dirty ribbon.

Gwen waved at the child as they entered the small shop with only small candles on an adjacent desk lighting up the place which smelled of leather and musk, and he jumped off from the tall wooden box that he was standing on and brought the large sign to his side as he dipped his hat down to them.

"We'll rent a large carriage to the duke's estate, little one," Cosette said with a smile.

"Of course," he ducked his back behind the counter to get keys that would unlock the chains that were binding them to the shop.

The rates were higher as they were closer to the estate, so the cost of most items shot up a bit versus those in the countryside. It wasn't near a rip-off or anything, but it shocked her when she read the sign before stepping inside the shed that wasn't even a full building but three wooden walls.

She could only hope that the working one would be able to get paid that much, but it likely wasn't so. The child returned with much gusto, swinging the key around his pointer finger before going to the line up of carriage to the side of the place and choosing a spacious white carriage, unlatching it from the chain to the wall. He returned with a perky look on his face.

"Wouldn't you two also need a horse, ma'am?" he asked lightly.

Gwen nodded. "Yes, please."

"Which would you like?"

Gwen leaned over and ruffled the boy's hair. "Which one do you like?"

His tiny face took a moment to think. "Old Harry hasn't got out in a while."

"We'll take him," Gwen said simply. "I'll be sure to return him in tip-top condition."

He clapped his hands. "I'll be sure to get him ready for you."

Gwen nodded. "Please do so."

The boy ran off, and Gwen took a seat in the one that Cosette had led her to. She rested her back on the wall and looked up at Cosette, whose lips were set in a firm line as she got lost in her thoughts.

"Why aren't you sitting, Cosette?"

Cosette focused back on her. "It's fine, Your Grace."

Gwen shook her head and grabbed her hand. "Please sit with me."

Cosette sighed and took a seat next to Gwen much to her surprise, bringing a smile to her face. Gwen leaned her head onto Cosette's shoulder. "It surprised me that Silas could be so stern."

"Well, he takes his job very seriously, Your Grace," Cosette answered. "He's not a part of the best knights of the region for no reason."

"Of course, but I hope that it doesn't cause a rift between you two," Gwen said with a frown.

"That won't be the case," Cosette replied with a long pause. "We've known each other for over a decade now. It's just a moment of reflection on everyone's part."

Gwen nodded. "I hope that you all don't blame yourselves for my mistake either way. Cheer up. I'll be sure to go and cheer up Silas too. Don't worry yourselves too much."

Cosette laughed. "As you wish, Your Grace."

"Don't as you wish me," Gwen grinned. "In all honesty, I'm so grateful to have met all of you."

"As do we, Your Grace," Cosette said brightly.

The child came back after a couple of minutes having done his work and bowed to them. "The carriage is now ready. How would you like to pay, ma'am?"

Cosette stood and gave him a few gold coins which left an astounded look on the child's face. Gwen got to her feet and brushed a hand down her dress and got down on one knee to be on the same level as the boy. Cosette stiffened, but Gwen shook her head to tell her that it was fine.

"What's your name?" Gwen asked with a smile.

The boy scratched his cheek. "I was told to not tell my name to strangers by my momma."

Gwen laughed. "Your mother has taught you well. I am Gwendolyn Latimer And you are?"

"Well, I guess we aren't strangers now, Lady Latimer. We should play even after all. I am Ellis," he said as he tilted his head at her. "Are you perhaps related to the big man?"

"The big man?" Gwen questioned.

"To the duke, Lady Latimer."

"I guess you could say that," Gwen said while holding in her laugh. "I'm his wife. The Duchess Gwendolyn Caddell Latimer."

Ellis's mouth dropped open. "Wow."

Gwen ruffled his hair. "You've done good work today, darling. Who do you work for?"

Ellis rushed to bow. "I work for my uncle. He runs this shop."

Her eyes ran over the place. "And where is he now?"

"He normally steps out around this time to get a drink."

Gwen hummed. "I see."

"When he's gone, I can run the shop all by myself," Ellis said proudly.

"I can tell you're a great businessman," Gwen grinned. "What are your next aspirations?"

Ellis frowned. "What is that?"

"What would you like to do with your life?" Gwen said lightly knowing that he was still young.

Ellis shrugged. "I just want my momma and sister to be happy, Your Grace."

There was an innocent truthfulness that rang through his young words. It was the eyes that had seen too much but didn't even know what it all meant. Gwen only hoped that he got the nourishment he needed from home, but it wasn't her place to ask such a question. He was a bright boy with a nice personality to go with.

Maybe in the future, he would become more jarred due to the harsh reality that soon starts to set in when he gets a bit older and more profitable to those around him. But for now, the refreshing energy was what most were missing and was in dire need of cultivating to live a more fulfilling life.