
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

Holding True

He then went back to the fishermen's gate and jumped down. Gwen followed behind Cassian with her empty box to gather the river water that was somewhat clear with the dark blue tinge, lifting it with all the strength that she had in her body. Riley took the heavy box from her, and Gwen smiled in thanks.

"You can go up, Your Grace," Riley said.

"Thank you."

Silas gave her a hand up, and Gwen watched as the knights tossed the water onto the burning wood that was burning heavily. The water splashed onto the hot flames, the sizzling of the dying fire with the mass of smoke that was finally getting carried off with the wind.

She coughed to the side after getting another strong whiff of the dark smoke while Cassian cleaned up the rest of the mess by gathering the burnt remains into the box and going to a nearby landfill to leave the basket there.

There were marks left on the stone pathing, blackened from the soot and heat. Although it was tucked away in the corner, so it wasn't too displeasing to the eye, Gwen pointed it out anyways to rise an ire in Cassian. "Don't you think it would be best to not leave a mark on the public street?"

He sighed. "We'll come clean up next time. Let's get going. We need to take Zinnia to the closest infirmary. Let's split here again."

"I'll go with Zinnia and Dawn to the clinic," Gwen said. "Are you coming with Cosette?"

"That sounds fine with me," Cosette answered. "Who will guide us?"

"Bronx shall," Cassian calmly said.

Bronx straightened from where he was leaning against the post of the bridges uncrossing his ankles that were idly kicked over each other. "That's fine with me."

"We shouldn't waste any more time," Cassian said. "With our luck, they are just waiting for us."

Cosette flipped her tightly braided hair over one shoulder and helped Zinnia up. "I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing."

Cassian unsheathed his blade. "It's best to get this whole fiasco over with, isn't it?"

Gwen didn't bother to answer but answered Cassian with a quick nod and walked over to where Silas had stationed her horse. The silent movement was a loud command that brought everyone to start getting up. She untied the knot from the metal pole and hitched one leg over the saddle, sitting up tall.

"Where is the closest infirmary?" Gwen called.

"I'll lead us there," Bronx replied after getting on his stallion.

Cassian was ready to go in the opposite direction. "We'll meet up in the town square two hours from now. Will that be fine?"

"Two hours doesn't sound like a reasonable amount of time," Gwen murmured.

"It'll be fine," Cassian said. "Two hours is all I need."

Dawn brought her hands together in a sarcastic smile. "Wow, so heroic. We should get going."

Gwen laughed. "That would be a good idea."

It was funny, and Gwen tried to hold back her laughter, casting her gaze up into the blue sky, because even though they were stuck in a dire predicament, everything was still hopeful and hilarious since they were all together.

The dynamic with everyone was truly one of a kind. It was both a blessing and a curse since she felt as though it brought her too much comfort, but at least, it kept everyone in good spirits. Well, Gwen hoped so.

Bronx led the way to the clinic after lifting a hand to Cassian before departing, and Gwen quickly followed. The rest of the knights went in the opposite direction, immediately taking off after sending them safe travels.

Dawn was riding with her while Zinnia was seated up with Bronx with Cosette going on foot since everyone had already taken their horses.

Gwen was adamant about giving up her stallion to Cosette, but Cosette declined saying that it would be faster for her to be on foot anyways since she knew the shortcuts to get around the city.

Gwen narrowed her eyes, but Cosette was equipped with weapons that she did know how to use after confirming it with Bronx.

The backstreets were confusing and hard to get out of, but Bronx eventually led them out to the busy main roads that were bustling with life. It was hard to keep close behind each other since there were so many people weaving their way in and out.

Gripping the reins tightly, Gwen straightened her back knowing that the few feet of distance away from each other could easily turn to more. It was fine for now, but she needed to keep her eyes peeled.

Dawn adjusted herself on the makeshift seat before her, and Gwen felt bad since she knew that it wasn't the most comfortable.

"How was your talk with Zinnia?" Gwen asked. She didn't mean to pry, but she would make sure to check in on Zinnia later as well.

Dawn brought a hand up to her chest and took a deep breath. "I'm just happy that she's alive."

"I understand. I couldn't even imagine what was going through your mind to see her like that."

"It was so heartbreaking, Your Grace. When I saw you pull her out of the river, I didn't know what to do. I failed her."

"You didn't, Dawn. What's most important was that you went back."

"But I was stalling trying to get help. Maybe if I went a bit sooner it wouldn't have gotten so bad."

"What could you have achieved on your own, Dawn? Isn't it better that we are stronger in our numbers and can lean on each other? Don't blame yourself. She has been rescued and will soon be treated. That is a win right there."

Dawn gave her a sad smile. "I guess. Although, I would love to wring the rogues' necks if I get the chance."

There was a scuffle ahead where the wheels fell off of the carriage causing traffic, making their horse get into the center where everyone glanced up at them. Gwen shifted her face down to try not to make any eye contact with anyone.

Dawn lifted the woven straw hat that she had and placed it on top of Gwen's head. Gwen tilted her head down questioning, and Dawn lifted a shoulder. "We shouldn't let your identity be found like this."

"I haven't made any outings yet from the estate."

"What?" Dawn exclaimed. "That must be horrible for you."

"Oh, no. It's not, I promise you. I only arrived a week and a half ago, and I am still settling in. It has been a busy week for sure getting into the mansion."

"My apologies, that was out of turn for me."

Gwen smiled as she slowly shook her head. "It is a gain though currently since I haven't made my debut out in the town, I can live in a peaceful bliss for now. I do not doubt that nothing much will change later even if my identity is exposed to the townspeople despite it proving useful now."

"There is a special saying that reminds me of you, Your Grace."

"Please call me Gwen, Dawn."

She sighed. "We aren't on the same social standing, Your Grace."

"But we don't need to be to be friends."

"I guess so."

"But as you saying," Gwen said.

"Oh, it's a saying that my family has engraved on our familial jewels. Habere in virtute. It means to hold true in bravery."

"That's beautiful. I'm honored that you see that way," Gwen said. "Honestly, I only wish that I was more brave."

"That holds true for practically everyone alive," Dawn replied with a wink. "Wishful thinking."