
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

Fretting Neutrality

The marquess had a few boxes of goods that he handed off to Cosette who was already stationed for the greeting process which was understandable considering that Gwen had just gotten married of the last. It was still funny for her to process since it didn't feel that way at all since she was living as she normally has.

She was used to greeting new people at the Caddell estate with her parents in a formal setting, but here she was with her hair likely standing on end after her nap and her dirtied dress with all the ripped seams and muddied hems from the walks throughout the town and from running away chaotically as she had mentioned often from the eventful day.

Despite that, the marquess was taking in her form in the way that he was sizing her up to see if she was a worthy opponent in the sense that she was worth his time. Gwen didn't know if that was a good or bad thing considering that she only wanted to stay neutral for the time being, however, it was certainly to be stressed that the amount of gifts given was a feat.

The lovely linens and fabric imported from the other regions within the empire were to be coveted, but Gwen couldn't shake the suspicious feeling that was settling in her gut. She found it bad that she was sensing that way about Dawn's father, but at the end of the day, she needed to protect herself by whatever means possible.

For now, Gwen wanted to wait out the situation since she wanted to see the marquess's true colors, but they might not show in a tiny and uneventful encounter like this one.

It wasn't convenient to wander and explore the world with the bead of distrust following wherever one went which went with her mindset, however, she wanted to be careful.

It would be more of custom for her to put her hand out for him to take, but Gwen kept her hands far away and behind her back before giving him a bright smile to try and soothe the tension in the air to somewhat more amiable likes. "I'm assuming that you are here for your daughter and her handmaiden, correct?"

The Marquess of Siveyer nodded. "Yes. I will take care of the rest of the matters concerning the Siveyer name."

Gwen nodded but for the information of the moments that had transpired today to come back that fast to him was quite concerning in the way that it was suspicious. "The constables will hold a hearing for the rogues in a few hours' time when the day breaks. I hope that you will be able to come to an appropriate junction."

"I'll see to what is fit," the marquess replied. "I'll have to take Dianthe and her peasant out our your care now, Your Grace. It is interesting to see that the Duke of Latimer had chosen a bride of such caliber."

Gwen didn't know if he was trying to undermine his statement, but she didn't want to think too much considering that she was trying her best to stay neutral and not cause any rifts before she was able to settle into her position better with some time along with hopefully being able to stand by Maximillian's side.

"Of course, Marquess Siveyer," Gwen said slowly not wanting to let her push any of her buttons, especially the fact that most nobles treated everyone else as though they were lower than them despite each and everyone having the same human blood that courses through the veins.

She spun back around about to tell Cosette to go back inside to let Dawn and Zinnia come out as their day together had ended, but it wasn't a surprise to see the two women who she told to stay inside walking through the courtyard luckily escorted by her knights. Gwen sighed and waved Dawn over knowing that she had already seen this coming.

The marquess clicked his tongue which brought her attention back to him. "I'm sure that you have heard about the mines. It was so unfortunate to hear about the number of lives lost."

Gwen frowned. The first glimpse into politics for the Marquess to feel out her side there wasn't unseen to her. It wasn't the time nor the place to speak about such matters, and she told him so. "Yes, I have heard. However, it is not the place to speak about such politics. My condolences reach out to the families in pain."

"I see," the Marquess said with a chilly air. "I hope that the day will come soon when we can sit down and speak about it then. When that day approaches, I do hope that your counterpart will be there with you."

She spared him a forced smile that she was able to muster out. "All I can pray for is the same."

Dawn and Zinnia stepped forward right behind her, and Gwen turned back with a sigh of relief as she hugged both women quickly since Gwen didn't want them to wait long to go back to their home. Dawn pressed her lips to Gwen's ear, and she leaned down a bit more to hear Dawn's words better.

"Make sure to write to me," Dawn whispered.

"Yes, I will. I'll always be here, so feel free to get in touch," she answered.

"You must keep your word."

"If you say, I'll be there," Gwen assured. "If you say you're paying of course."

Dawn laughed. "I'll be sure to treat you to a nice meal in your favor. Tell the knights to join as well with anyone who you could bring along."

Gwen grinned. "That would be a beautiful image I would love to see someday."

Dawn smiled in response. "Yes. Let's make it happen."

They pulled away from each other with another last squeeze before Dawn and Zinnia went over, and Gwen didn't miss how Dawn easily brushed past her father as his men helped her get up on a horse drawn small wagon versus the nice carriage Gwen knew that the man could afford, but she didn't bother to comment. All she wanted for the ladies was their comfort for the bare minimum.

Cassian and Silas walked over to her side with neutral expressions as the Siveyer men got themselves prepared to go back out Gwen not wanting to fret about the ladies too much ended up looking up into the night sky for a silent prayer while the Marquess donned his metal helmet once more covering his face to match his full body arm and looking like a bandit more than the bandits themselves up to no good.

The marquess lifted his sword in the air and roared, "Departing from Latimer to Siveyer!"