
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

Aim of the Game

Dawn was nowhere to be seen at the front of the mansion, and Gwen turned back to Cassian worried. He scanned the area and muttered a low curse before going over to the front gates. Cosette and Avery left to go to the knights' quarters to call for backup, and Gwen lifted her skirts to chase after Cassian.

She ran down the walkway, trying to see if the guards at the front gates had already let Dawn through. If that were the case, it would be a double rescue mission to find both Dawn and Zinnia.

Gwen grimaced when she realized that it would have been better to ask fewer questions and work on hurrying their actions. It might be too late, but it was too early to tell.

She only wanted both Dawn and her attendant to be safe and hopefully, that wasn't too much to ask for. Gwen looked back over the courtyard and hurried over to the gate where Dawn was speaking with the guard on the watch that day, Vaughn, with a worried expression on her face.

Cassian reached her first and when Gwen got there, she leaned over to catch her breath. Dawn stretched out her hand to help Gwen up, and Gwen smiled gratefully before inquiring softly, "Where did you think you were going without us?"

Dawn clutched her dress. "My apologies, Your Grace."

Gwen pulled Dawn in for a hug which startled her. Gwen patted Dawn's back like a child, and she smiled over at Cassian, who had his arms crossed and still looked irritated. "We're all going to go out there together. Do not fret, as we will find Zinnia soon."

Dawn nodded into Gwen's shoulder. "Thank you, Your Grace. I apologize for going in haste, but you have to understand."

"I do, but you came for our help, didn't you?" Gwen asked. "We now have the responsibility that you had bestowed upon us."

Dawn sighed. "Maybe it wasn't best for me to come."

"That's not true. It was my pleasure to make my acquaintance with you."

"I as well, yet I'm starting to feel bitter since I have no idea what I could have done to warrant brutes after me."

"It is something that you can ponder once you have reached your estate safely. Send letters in confidence if you would like for me to know."

"I would hate to bother you," Dawn said.

Gwen smiled. "But now, I am intrigued. Shouldn't you take responsibility now?"

Dawn laughed. "I will do as you wish, Your Grace."

"Perfect," Gwen said. "Now we are on the same page, the aim of the game is to stay safe."

Gwen released Dawn, patting her arm, and Gwen grinned when she saw who approached them. She missed those familiar faces.

Some of the knights were gone for their grueling routine cheek back at the capital which was why Cassian was gone for the week to oversee that in Maximilian's absence. They had returned only just a day ago, and they were likely getting their rest which Gwen didn't blame them for.

She had gone to ask Cosette for more information when she realized their departure since while she did get information about it, it was more or less just a formality they all needed to do before leaving for the capital.

Cosette had explained to her that it was multiple tests that took place to measure the aptitude of the knight's abilities to keep them all in check.

It felt quiet in their leave, as she normally saw them strewn around whenever she went about the mansion. Their humor was uncalled for yet endearing as Gwen got to know them all better.

Silas, Riley, Bronx, and Amos were there to join the group, and Silas waved at Dawn before they all bowed deeply before Gwen.

"I'm so happy that you all are back," Gwen said. "How was it?"

She went over to them and pulled them into a hug which Silas and Riley accepted readily with Amos awkwardly patting her on the shoulder, eliciting a laugh from her. No moral enemy will make them freeze yet she was able to make the pause.

Riley rolled his shoulders back. "Tiring."

"I'm sure it was," Gwen murmured. "I heard it was tough this year."

"We had to do well to keep our reputation. We are the best in the nation," Silas laughed. "I heard that Lady Dawn here is in a bit of a predicament?"

Dawn nodded. "I wanted to talk to you earlier but couldn't find you."

"I'm sorry, I was out for a second there," Silas said, remorsefully.

"It's okay. I couldn't even get past far," Dawn muttered.

Gwen covered her laugh with a cough, drawing Cassian's eyes. Dawn continued. "There were people following Zinnia and I, but I managed to escape while she was left in hiding. We have to get her."

"Did you see her get captured or did you leave her in a hiding spot?" Riley asked.

"She went to go hide while I escaped. I didn't get the chance to see where she hid, but I know the general vicinity," Dawn answered.

Gwen clapped her hands together. "Let's get going. We have no time to waste."

They all nodded at her, and Gwen lifted her hand at Vaughn, prompting him to then pull down a thick lever making the gates roll up slowly, the grinding sound getting louder when the pulley finally stopped.

Cassian brought over some horses with all the knights, throwing their legs over the saddle and grabbing the reins. He extended his hand over to her, and Gwen shook her head.

"I would like my own please," she said

There wasn't even a moment of hesitation when he placed the reins down in her open and waiting hands, and she grinned. "Thank you."

Gwen hopped onto her stallion with no problem with Cassian grabbing Dawn and hoisting her onto his horse with much struggle. Vaughn was waiting with his hands behind his back, standing tall, and Gwen brought her horse over to him.

"You must watch the mansion well, Vaughn," Gwen said.

"Do not fret, Your Grace," Vaughn answered. "I will do so with my life."

Gwen nodded and turned back to stare at the knights. "Ready?"

Cassian led his stallion to the front of the group. "Let's go!"