
Your Youth

Losing your family in a car crash and finding yourself in a strange room. And then, a handsome man walks into your room with a proposition that would change your entire life. One second , you were having a normal life. Your mom , dad and younger sister, Ashley. A happy middle - class family. But then , the next second , you are invited to join the world's biggest mafia gang. 7 hot but dangerous men......

Rddhima_Pandey · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs


Y/n's p.o.v :

"Hello , Y/n" said a handsome man standing in the doorway. "You woke up earlier than expected"

And just like that , my life became interesting , dangerously interesting.

I had woken up in a strange room , in an architecturally modern , but afcourse, I wasn't used to it. There was the largest T.V I had ever seen right in front of the bed I was sleeping in , the bed itself was huge. There were floor to ceiling windows on my right , the sun was setting outside, so it was around 6 - 7 pm.

I was feeling so dizzy and tired , there was also a lot of pain in my body that I could bear , I knew why I could , it was because I was fed pain killers.

What is this place? I thought And why am I here?

I looked down at my body , surprised and mentally hurt by what I was seeing ; my legs were covered in thick bandages, there was a plaster in my right hand and my left hand look so badly damaged, it gave me even more pain just looking at it , I could even feel a bandage wrapped around my head.

Suddenly, understanding began to descend towards me; An accident I thought, My family mom , dad , Ashley....

I wanted to cry! My family....was..killed? It couldn't be! Tears streamed down my face , I was just having a normal , happy life , but just in one second , my worst nightmare came true , I lost my loved ones , an accident, just one second changed the entire track of my life.

I have to get out of this place. I thought. But my body was too weak to do so. Just when I thought that it was all over for me , the door slowly opened , and in walked the very handsome man, and I mean really handsome. "You woke up earlier than expected" he had said, as he came towards the bed. I hadn't noticed but there was a tray of food in his hands which he placed on a table beside me.

I was too shocked to say anything, my family , then this. "Where am I?" I asked him. I realized that he was still standing, he grabbed a chair and then sat beside me and then took one more glance at me. "I asked , where am I?" I said , now hysterically sobbing , my voice just one step below shouting.

He had a pack of tissues and offered them to me. I wiped my eyes. "Y/n," he started "Well , your family has died in an accident , a car accident , it happened around 4pm , the doctors gave their best...."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing , I was just too shocked to say anything, or give any kind of reaction.

"And I was saved?" I asked How??

"I know" he said "I'm truly sorry for your loss , but , seeing that the car that hit your family belonged to us , we were in a car chase , well yeah , that's the kind of work we do. It kind of became our responsibility to look after you." I was surprised to see the lack in emotion in how he had said "dead" .

"Wait..." I started "You said "we" , does that mean there are more people?" I asked.


"How many?"

He sighed and got up , he was tall and handsome with broad shoulders. I just hoped I didn't blush and also hoped that he didn't hear my heart beating. "Y/n" he said. "My name is Kim Seokjin , you can call me Jin , eat your food for now.." he locked eyes with me , his brown eyes , wise eyes. "You'll want to meet your family first , meet me after a while whenever you comfortable" he starting walking towards the door and then glanced at his watch.

"Actually , you have only 20 minutes, sorry for the discomfort , but you'll have to make it fast." And just like that , he walked out of the door.

"Wait...." I started, realizing that it was no use. I looked at the tray on food at my side. After the day's encounters, I didn't have much of an appetite. I slowly got up. And walked out of the doors.

I can't even describe how beautiful the house was. It was architecturally modern , I had guessed that , and had paintings and showpieces all around. It gave me an oddly comfortable vibe.

"Hello ma'am" said a voice behind me , I turned around to see a man , perhaps in his 50's. He gave me a warm smile. "Master Seokjin is in the gym , I'm asked to take you there."


"Hello" i said and smiled back. "I'm his butler, Cyrus , please follow me " I followed him downstairs, there was a large living room , beautiful, ofcourse. He led me down towards the back of the stairs , revealing a large door which led into the shooting arena.

There was Jin, he was boxing. He used a large black puncing bag. And looked , well , attractive, while doing his workout. He stopped and looked at me , motioning Cyrus to walk out.

"About us.." he said and sat down on a bench. I sat beside him and hoped for the second time he didn't hear my heart beating. "As I told you , I'm Jin , and the place I work for , has a proposition for you."

"You are a criminal?"

"You are near"

"A good criminal"

"Kind of"

"Seeing all the money you , or well , the people you might live with have , you are a...well..mafia?"


I let the words hand there for a while. "What?"

I saw a small hint of smile play across his face , which was the first near emotion I had seen him display since I met him.

"You guessed right , and the people I work for , well not work for , as you said, but work with , have had an eye on you for a while.


"Yes." He said as he gulped down some water from the bottle. "You don't come from a veryy , rich family , have good deductive ablities , and are emotionally strong." He looked back at me "We know a little , about you , your..past"

I almost had a flashback , this wasn't the right time to think about or dwell on the past. I held myself.

"What's this proposition?"

"It'll have a big impact on your life" he said.

"Do think wisely before making any decision."