
Making her crazy

Meilin doesn't know what to feel anymore. Excited, nervous, curious, anger, shame. Liu Jie feels so drained with all the emotions gathering and circling inside him. He knows that emotions are one of the things that servant's of deities declines to have. Many reasons will be given if one was asked, but with his situation, his partner is too... emotional for him.

It was a roller coaster ride with all the emotions he feels right now.

"First of all, Meilin, calm down," he said and walked towards the chair in her apartment. Lu Meilin's apartment can fit two persons but with all the unnecessary things, only a set of two chairs and a table is the furniture and the rest of the space were occupied by boxes.

Meilin nodded as an answer and calmed down. She unknowingly felt that Liu Jie is annoyed although his face resembles a calm sea.

"Now, Meilin, I want you to be in the calmest position. I want a complete calmness because I can feel all the emotions you have now because we are paired."


Meilin can't stop staring in the air as she recalls all the things Liu Jie told her this morning. She was in her favorite class but she can't focus. She again looked on her hand and of course, there was the chain and the other end is connected to Liu Jie which is now waiting for her outside the building.

She looked out the window and saw Liu Jie sitting in one of the campus benches. He looked exactly a painting while looking impatient as he waits for Meilin. He wore simple jeans and a simple white shirt paired with shades but he looks like a demi-god!

Lord! I know I'm single for many years since my last break up from that jerk, but, seriously? A servant's deity looked so handsome! Too handsome!

She sighed and scribbles on her notepad. As much as she wants to complain about the pairing and such, just whom should she complain?! Who's fault it is? Who said to make a deal with unknown things, huh? Who said she should help a talking book? If anyone encountered a talking book, one would be creeped out and thinks she was crazy!

"Hey, he's looking here," one of the girls behind her whispered.

"Ah, is he a new student? Waiting for his girlfriend? Oh God! Please let me have him!"

"Yeah, right, dream on," she said in her mind, "Get that guy for me! I want to be single!"

"Oh, please, I know you like me. You feel excited and your heart is beating fast when you saw me," Liu Jie mumbled that made Meilin almost screamed because of that.

This is making her crazy!

After the class was dismissed she didn't care about her papers getting crumpled as she tosses it into her bag and runs towards that guy. Because her class was dismissed at the same time with the other class next door, the hall was a total chaos.

She keeps on bumping other people and just as she was about to get down on the stairs, a group of girls at her back before bumped her she almost fell down. However, a strong pair of arms supported her. When she looked over her shoulders, it was Liu Jie!

"You're so clumsy, Xiao Meilin," he said and put her down.

Oh, God. I want to vomit blood; Meilin thought that made Liu Jie frown.

"He's here! He's so handsome! Too handsome! I can't, I think my ovaries just explode!" one of the girls screamed.

"Shut up! My ovaries first exploded!" the other said.

"You two! Shut it up!"

Meilin thought that having a handsome pair is annoying.

"As much as it annoys you, please, consider my unfortunate state," Liu Jie said.

As for the ovaries; here in my country which is the Philippines, its kinda normal expression for girls to have their ovaries exploded. LOL.

Othello_Maycreators' thoughts