
Such A Original Event & Title

As he fell down from the wall, escaping from the castle he think to himself,

"Jumping down from the wall while not looking what is happening down there might not be my greatest Idea, but oh well what have been done cannot be undone" said Arial in his head, as suddenly a notification sound ringing to Arial head.


- You have received a title named -

"Rebellious Other-worlder"

- You have received a title named -

"Criminal Doers"

- You have received a skill named -

"Lucky Coin"

Level up! on a skill named -

"Parkour Veteran Grd.Unique" Lvl.2 to Lvl.3

"Oww...oww that sound hurt my ears. But..I..I really do have a game system... AWESOME!!!" said Arial excitedly, distracted by the notifications and system Arial doesn't realize what is up ahead on him, there was a girl with what looks like a collar in her neck chased by a fat man with a big bushy mustache.

Arial who doesn't realize an event happen to him, crashed down to the fat man as he is immersed on examining the system and making him unconscious from the crash "Oww.. wait? Wow this is surprisingly quite the soft landing, what did I land into?" Said Arial while looking what has he land into just to see a unconscious sweaty fat man with mustache "Wa..whaa!!!! Eww~"

With instinct Arial back off from the man and look at the surrounding, understanding what happen to him by looking at the girl with collar on her and the fat man.

"Hey lil girl, are you okay?" said Arial in a soft voice, the girl looking at Arial suspiciously as Arial notice that and said "Don't worry I won't hurt ya! I'm not interested by a flat and tiny girl like you" he smiled as he gave a thumbs up.

Hearing this the girl got blushes on her cheeks and said in a loud voice something I don't understand, surprised that she know what Arial said to her, he think in his head "looks like I can't understand what people said in here but they can understand what I say. Damn this is been quite unfair since ive been summoned"

He then said "Listen I know this sound stupid but I don't understand what you say, I don't speak your language" confused the girl then understand when she look at Arial shoulder, and pointing her finger to his shoulder.

Seeing that, Arial then look at his shoulder and see that there are a red mark on his shoulder, the girl then surprisingly said something he understand "So you are a other-worlder like me isn't cha and a new one by that" she then show Arial the same mark like he had in her shoulder.

"Yo...You can speak English?" said Arial with a suprised expression, and little confused by her accent.

Well! That's two chapter in one day, I usually will upload new chapter when I'm bored.

Because this novel doesn't have a base story or even planned thingy so... hope you enjoy this short story!

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