
Chapter 014: Friend

Enyu and Jaq walk to school as it wasn't to far from their homes, talking about the upcoming finals that were coming up. Enyu was exhausted about the never ending lectures and homework as he puts his head down, sighing, his body slouched forward. Jaq just gave a small understanding laugh as he agree's with Enyu's response and mood.

The two of them arrive at school as they change out there shoes and fix there uniforms before walking to their class. The two had the same classes so they spent a lot of time together, though during school, it's mostly working on assignments and projects. As the bell rings, signaling lunch period, Enyu packed his stuff as Jaq waits for him by his desk.

As Enyu gets everything is his bag, he gets up and the two walk out the class and towards the cafeteria. The walk towards the cafeteria was always tense with the amount of people in the hallways. Since lunch period also counts as a free period, students tend to walk around school. Most people know who Enyu was, they mainly know who hos father was and they always tried to avoid him..

All Enyu cluld do was silently complain to Jaq about having to deal with the same thing everyday and Jaq just reassures him that they'll warm up to him someday. Enyu just gives him a sarcastic grin, saying that will surely happen even after the two years he's been at this school.

They arrive two the lunch room and got their lunches, sitting at their usual spot, a small, round table at the corner of the cafeteria. As Jaq casually eats his food, Enyu pokes at his food and playes with it before pushing it forward and laying his head down, covering the back of his head.

"Noch hungary tooda? (Not hungry today?)" Jaq says with his mouth full. He finishes his lunch and reaches out to finish Enyu's food for him. "Nah, to much on my mind" Enyu says scratching his head "test after lunch break and im already too exhausted from first classes." He turns his head groaning as he watches Jaq gobble down on his lunch.

Jaq meets his gaze and swallows the food in his mouth as he puts his hand over his mouth. Enyu looks at the empty tray in front him and says "for such a thin person, you eat a lot for your size" he says poking at his bony arms and pale white skin. Jaq just gives him a soft smile as he responds "Gentics, maybe."

Jaq throws puts away the trays, throwing the trash away and setting the trays on a bin, he walks back and sits by Enyu as they begin talking about casual stuff like what they plan kn doing after school. Enyu was usually really bored at home, and the only real chance he gets to enjoy his time was whenever Jaq came over.

Enyu ask if Jaq was going to be free to hang out today, as Jaq thinks for a little before nodding his head and telling Enyu he probably could, cheering Enyu up a bit. But his joy diminished quickly as the bell rings once again, anouncing the end of the free time.

The two of them made their was back to class and the hallways were crowded from people going which and every way. The two were able to get to their class in the nick of time, a second later and they would've been late.

They took there seats in the back as Enyu sat in the corner looming out the window, wishing school could end and summer woild roll by, as the lecture begins and he sighs, before bringing himselc back to reality.



As Enyu finally finishes his last assignment lf the day, he lays back in his chair breathing out a sigh of exhaustion. Jaq yawns in his seat beside him, showing how tired he was from everything to.

As they waited for the final bell to ring, Enyu already packed to leave, the melodies of the dinging sound Enyu long awaited for, rang through the building as he gets up along with Jaq and they leave the class.

The two went their ways to the lockers as they swapped out there shoes and left the building, Enyu stretching out his arms far abkve his head. He gives out a little yelp from the satisfying stretch as Jaq walks, watching him from the side.

They walked all the way back to their houses as they stop at the front of Jaq's house. He told Enyu he wouldn't take long as he just needs to get permission from his dad first. Jaq goes inside his house as Enyu waitd outside, hands in his pocket, as he rocks on his heels and toes back and forth.

When Jaq finally got out the house, he looked....distressed and Enyu noticed this. He ask he wasn't allowed to visit, as Jaq looks up to Enyu, suddenly forcing a smile before saying he had permission to go. Enyu told Jaq he was worried and that he got him good, as he smiles thinking about what they could do when they get back home.

As they walk towards the house, Jaq distress on his face still lingered as he keeps his hands in his pockets, he tries to forget it by responding to Enyu's question on what they could do. The two settled on just gaming on the console and searching through the internet, though casual, Enyu enjoyed these things with Jaq a lot .

The two walk up towards the door as the person greeting them was Enyu's mother. "You brought your adorable, blond girlfriend today again" Enyu's mother jokingly as she usually does commenting on Jaq's long hair and feminine face. Enyu told her to stop saying that as he gets red, though Jaq didn't find any offense in it.

Enyu's mother invited then in and offered them to make tons of food, espically remarking on how skinny Jaq was. As Enyu put his stuff away in his room teling Jaq he could turn the console on and set things up. Jaq nodded as Enyu leaves Jaq in his room before going downstairs to ger some snacks.

As Enyu walks in and looks through the snack drawer, his mother walks in and sets some pots on the stove before stopping Enyu from going back upstairs. Enyu stops and looks at his mom from around the corner, she tells him that his friend wasn't the only reason why they were goinf to have a big meal.

Enyu's eyes begin to glow as his mother tells him that his father will be coming over to join them for dinner today. Enyu's father wasn't home often because of his work and spending time together with him and his family was always a wonderful time, Enyu thought today would especially be more fun with Jaq.

Enyu gives his mom a warm smile and thanks her before she gave him a smile back, happy to see her son happy before shooing him to go hang out with his friend. Enyu was enthusiastic about today as he could't ever predict what the future had planned for him.

Thank You For Reading - YLYA - ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ

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(At Least!!! 5 chapters are updated every Saturday)

MrOtaycreators' thoughts