
Interesting Human

"Oh my god, I can't believe that I'm going to meet Hong Min Soo!" Elise had then giddily exclaimed as we entered the group's room. "Quick, how do I look? Am I okay…?" She had then asked Justin who looked as nervous but excited as her.

"Huh…? Oh, you look fine… I'm so nervous… I can't believe we're meeting celebrity after celebrity."

"Quiet down, kids." Louie had said to them, "We're just going to 'see' their CEO, it isn't a big deal.". The two fans then gasped loudly at him.

"Oh, you don't understand, Mr. Louie, it's Hong Min Soo! She's a queen!" Elise had then exaggeratedly introduced the CEO, "She's a great actress, starring in numerous shows and movies which were globally loved. She's even recognized in Hollywood! After 10 years in the industry, she built her one-woman agency and her career thrived like a shooting star!".

"Yeah, she's right." Justin then joined the introduction. "Not only does she act, but she's also a good singer and a great dancer too! That is why she recently ventured into K-Pop and had her own K-Pop artist group which is Out4Blood! She's legendary!" Justin had practically exclaimed at Louie who got a bit irritated and gently pushed the two away from him. The rest of us just giggled as we made ourselves comfortable on the couches.

"Alright, alright, I was just saying… Geez…" Well, I can't blame him, Louie along with Vince and Ebony isn't really into this kind of stuff. I am aware since my sister is a diehard fan and I enjoy good music, whatever language it might be.

"Alright, Madam's ready…" Eiji had then said as he brought out his laptop. He then placed it on the coffee table so that we could see it. It's clearly a video call and my juniors smiled so wide as a woman in white office attire came into view. The woman was gorgeous with her long silky brown hair and a smooth confident face and even though she was quite far from the camera, I could see her chocolate eyes. Hong Min Soo is really such a beauty.

"Hello there, this is Hong Min Soo, CEO of Vamp Entertainment, it is nice to see you."

"H – Hi, Ms. Hong Min Soo!" Justin then loudly greeted, "I'm a fan of your dancing. You look really beautiful!" She had then giggled as Vince slightly hit Justin's head for being a nervous wreck and suddenly bursting out like that.

"Why, such a sweet young man, thank you for that greeting."

"Sorry about that, Ms. Hong Min Soo," Vince had said and added, "Eiji here said that you wanted to meet us…? May we know why?".

"Oh, yes I do." The woman then smiled at us and then nodded at the camera. Wait, but she isn't directing that nod to any of us but behind… I then looked back and saw four members of the group lined up behind us. Why are they standing there? "If you would look at Kangwoo for a moment…" What the…? My friends were slightly confused but they did look at Kangwoo who was standing behind the laptop. Oh no, not again!

"No, stop! Don't look!" I tried to stop them but I was too late.

Kangwoo's eyes had then brightened again sending my friends into a daze and then they all fainted once again, "No, wake up!" I quickly stood up and tried to get near one of my friends when all of a sudden, I felt myself being restrained from behind and once again I found myself locked in the arms of Kangwoo. Though I'm able to use my forearms to try and make his arms off me, he's just so freaking strong. Oh no… No, no, no!

"[Stay still, sweet blood…]" I hear him whisper, no, no not again. I tried shaking him off but it's not working. I then noticed that the woman on the video call slowly stood up and then went off the frame. Seconds later, I saw the door open and shockingly, the woman from the video call had turned up in the same room as we were. She then greeted the members like her sons, giving them pecks on their cheeks and a brief hug. What? So, she's here all the time?

"[Oh, no honey, I just got here.]" Huh…? Did she just – "[Yes, Jeanne, I just read your thoughts. I also feel how confused and scared you are.]" No shit, Sherlock. "[You're right, Kangwoo… This girl seems to have resistance to your Sight… Unlike her friends.]" I then glanced at my friends who were gently carried to the beds. "[Don't worry, little one, we're not going to harm you or any of your friends.]" She then slowly approached us and took my forearm, "[Let me taste you…]" No, no, no!

I tried getting my forearm back but like Kangwoo, she's strong too. She flashed me her fangs and then bit my wrist, "AHH!". Damn, it hurts! Her bite's more forceful than Kangwoo. Huh, why am I even comparing the two of them? "Argh~" Oh god, is she sucking the living daylight out of me…? I had to dig my fingers into Kangwoo's arms and had to lean my head on his chest. Ugh, she's doing it too hard, I can't… I'm fainting…

"[Min Soo – nim…]" I heard Kangwoo say. I'm not really sure what happened next but I felt relief from my wrist. I then felt my body being carried, my eyes were heavy and I'm panting so hard but I still managed to see the woman licking the blood on her lips.

"[Mm~ Her blood's so good I nearly lost myself… Sorry about that Kangwoo.]" Why is she apologizing to him instead of to me? She then turned to the other members who looked rather containing themselves, "[Seongho, have you tried your 'Memory-Alter'...?]".

"[Yes, Min Soo – nim, but it didn't work either… I think she's immune to our abilities.]"

"[Well, I could read her thoughts, though…]". She then looked back at me, "[Interesting human…]". And then briefly looked up a bit, maybe at Kangwoo...? And then she smiled, a bit too wide. I wonder why? "[Alright, boys…]" She returned her attention to the other members, "[Let's get things done, I need to be back in Seoul before morning… Let's go, let's go.]". That was the last thing that I understood at the moment. My head's spinning around that it can't function properly, the only thing I want now is sleep.

I only knew that Kangwoo was the one carrying me when he laid me on a bed. I couldn't really move much because of blood loss, I guess. He then brought my bitten wrist and licked the woman's bite. "Mm…" At first, it was painful but gradually, the pain and tingling feeling faded, it was like his saliva is dressing my wound. I might really be crazy but seeing him licking my wrist is quite hot. I don't know what's happening but sleep is winning over me. I had closed my eyes shut but then again a whisper left my ear, "[Sleep well, sweet blood… I'll see you in the morning…]".