

“What are you doing now? Make a haste, fix it now,” she said impatiently.

“I think there is a mistake, I’m not here to fix…,”

"Are you not a plumber?”


"Wait? What…..plumber,"

"Who, me…..," I said, raising my voice, with a smirk.

"I know you’re overly dressed for repairing the bathroom,”

“but If you’re not, then who is gonna do this….me?" she continued with a blank stare.

“Listen, I’ve an emergency surgery in just half an hour, would you please….”

“Seriously, I have no idea….. she is making me doing these things," I thought to myself.

"Tcch! it's embarrassing," I mumbled.

"Okay, show me your bathroom," I said and started to follow her quietly to the bathroom.

“About your injuries, are you fine now?" she asked, opening the bathroom's door.

"Em, injuries, yes it is," I replied, meeting her gaze.

"Uh...that's good….," she replied, blinking rapidly to avoid my gaze.

"What's the problem here?" I asked while looking over to the shower of the bathroom which seemed to be new and almost perfect.

"There is no water since morning," she said, shifting herself to the shower.

"Cutoff of water supply, could be the reason," I replied tentatively as everything seems to be fine over there without any leakage or any other sign of mismanagement.

"No, wait let me show you," she said, moving herself towards the shower's tap and turned the shower on.

"Err....," she took a deep breath, as water started to fall on her.

"Really," I mumbled, holding her hand, pulling her towards me from the shower. Her body scratched with mine slowly, I could feel the freezing temperature of the water, my eyes closely looking over to her face. The water droplets were shining over her face like the stars in a clear bright sky and as soon as the cold water was slipping from her face and coming down to her lips, it felt melting. My whole body was still frozen.

She moved her eyes to me. Her eyes...those were just pulling my heart from my chest without even doing any effort. She was just like the warm and cheerful mornings of the spring whose warmth can even bring life into long gone barren lands. And the typical part is, it doesn't matter how hard you are trying to get a hold on yourself, but ultimately all you are going to fall for its warmth and beauty. I swallowed hard, clenching my fist.

“You can’t engage yourself with a girl like her, she’s nobody,” I thought.