
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · Võ hiệp
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110 Chs

Chapter 37: operation Justin

Around 5 o'clock in the evening, Abhimanyu receives a phone call, but it's not from someone else; it's from Riya Mathur.

Abhimanyu: "Yes, Riya didi, have you arrived?"

Riya: "Yes, I'm here. Let's meet directly at the headquarters."

Abhimanyu: "Sure, come straight to Kapoor Mansion. I'll send you the address. I have something to discuss with you."

After hanging up with Riya, Abhimanyu receives a call from Alia.

Alia: "Hey bro, guess where I am right now?"

Abhimanyu: "Mumbai Airport?"

Alia: "How did you know?"

Abhimanyu: "You have your show at Maharaja Hotel, right?"

Alia: "Wow, Bhai, you're like my biggest fan!"

Abhimanyu: "So, you're heading straight to the hotel?"

Alia: "Yes, of course."

Abhimanyu: "Okay, I'll meet you before the show then."

Alia: "I was about to call you once I reached. Just let me know."

Abhimanyu: "Alright."

About 15 minutes later, a taxi stops outside Kapoor Mansion. Riya, Aakash, Bhawna, and another guy wearing glasses named Ritesh Aggarwal, about 27 years old and a genius hacker, step out of the taxi. As they approach Abhimanyu's room, the guard stops them and asks whom they want to meet.

Riya: "Abhimanyu."

Guard: "Abhimanyu sir has asked me to escort you straight to his room. Come with me."

As they head towards Abhimanyu's room, Anita intercepts them in the living hall and asks who they are and whom they want to meet.

Guard: "They're Abhimanyu sir's friends who have come to meet him."

Anita yells at the guards to throw them out, saying that Kapoor Mansion is not an inn for anyone to come and go as they please.

Abhimanyu comes out upon hearing the commotion and greets Riya, urging her to come upstairs.

Anita warns that if anyone steps forward, they'll face consequences.

Abhimanyu ignores her and insists Riya to come upstairs directly.

Riya and the others go upstairs towards Abhimanyu's room.

Nitya also comes out upon hearing the noise, approaches Abhimanyu, and asks who they are.

Abhimanyu introduces them as his sister, brother, brother's girlfriend, and his brother's friend.

Nitya greets them, and Abhimanyu invites everyone into his room.

Nitya also entered the room with them.

Riya asked, "Who was that woman?"

Abhimanyu replied, "She's Nitya's mom and Mr. Ravish Kapoor's wife."

Riya said, "You were treating her as if she were some servant. Why did you call us here?"

Abhimanyu replied, "We have to go to a concert."

Riya asked, "Why the show?"

Abhimanyu told Nitya to get ready; they would leave at 6 o'clock.

Nitya went back to her room.

Abhimanyu said, "There's a gangster named Justin whom I need to catch first. We have to hand him over to the IB with all the evidence before we can go on the mission."

Riya said, "Yes, we know we have to catch Justin first for the mission, but what does that have to do with the concert?"

Abhimanyu replied, "He's staying at the Maharaj Hotel right now. We have to capture him tonight. My man will take over his entire business by tomorrow, and then with all the evidence, Justin, Andrews, and all their accomplices will go to jail. To capture Justin, we need a solid plan because he's under security 24/7. We have to snatch him without arousing any suspicion."

Riya said, "If you've thought this much, then you must have a plan."

Abhimanyu replied, "There's no specific plan because we don't know where he'll be during the concert. If he stays in his room, Aakash and Riya will go to the room next to his, disguised as a couple. Aakash will disguise himself as a fat man and go inside, while Riya will disguise herself as a 30-year-old woman and enter through the window. Then, when the opportunity arises, Riya will knock him out and take him to the neighboring room. After that, we'll quickly change his appearance to match Aakash's disguise and lay him on the bed. Once the disguise is changed, Aakash will leave through the window, and Abhimanyu will come in as a doctor, and I'll come in as a nurse, pretending that Riya's husband had a heart attack. An ambulance will be ready at the back because we can't leave from the front due to the concert. Then we'll leave from there."

"However, if he's watching the concert in a private cabin, we'll mix a chemical in his food to make him go to the bathroom. Then we'll put him in a trolley, disguise him like the fat man, and take him away in an ambulance."

"If something different happens, we'll improvise on the spot. Got it?"

Bhawna asked, "The plan sounds good, but what if something goes wrong or the guards get suspicious?"

Abhimanyu replied, "If they get suspicious, we'll have to deal with them. But we'll definitely take Justin with us and head straight to the military headquarters from there."

Abhimanyu continued, "Now, everyone listen up. Bhawna will drive the ambulance, and Ritesh will sit beside her. He'll hack into the cameras and keep an eye on all the guards. If something goes wrong, he'll alert us."

Ritesh said, "As long as you guys are on the screen, I can ensure no recording takes place."

Abhimanyu reassured, "Don't worry about that. Your job is to keep an eye on the cameras and make sure no recording happens. I'll take care of the rest."

Once everyone understood the plan, they nodded in agreement. Abhimanyu then pulled up a 3D layout of the hotel on his phone and explained in detail where everyone would be positioned.

Half an hour later, they all left. Abhimanyu had already arranged for the ambulance, disguises, and fake IDs, and even booked their rooms.

Just then, Nitya entered his room and asked, "Aren't you ready yet?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I'm ready. How much more ready do I need to be?"

Abhimanyu was still wearing his casual clothes, while Nitya looked stunning in a dark green fashionable top and black jeans.

"Let's go," Abhimanyu said.

Nitya suggested, "First, let's meet at a café, and then we'll head to the Maharaja Hotel. We have VIP tickets for a VIP cabin where only we'll be allowed, along with our guards. I've bought tickets for them too, but they won't be allowed to carry guns."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Alright, let's go then."

Abhimanyu and Nitya arrived at a café near the hotel, where they joined Sahil, Neha, Rihana, Mukesh, and other boys and girls, including the beautiful and elegant Priya.

Sunder remarked, "You're still safe and sound."

Abhimanyu retorted, "Why? Are you sad to see me unharmed?"

Sahil joked, "I thought you might have fled the city by now."

Priya intervened, calming them down, "Come on, guys, let's calm down. We didn't come here to argue but to enjoy. Let's go to the concert. It's already 7 PM, and if we arrive before the crowd, we can meet the Kishori Girls before the concert. I've spoken to the manager, and we're also shooting some reels with them before the concert."

They all arrived at the Maharaj Hotel, an opulent venue in Mumbai where most VIPs stay. The venue was spacious enough to host a full concert, and there were VIP cabins for those entering through the VIP route. Abhimanyu and the others showed their tickets and entered, accompanied by some bodyguards, while the rest of the guards waited outside in the car.

Inside, Priya called Kishori Girls' manager, Aarti, who arrived shortly. She knew Abhimanyu, but due to the crowd, she didn't notice him at first. She greeted Priya and then led them to the green room where Kishori Girls were getting ready, enjoying some touch-ups and fun.

Priya entered along with Aarti and the others followed. Priya greeted Aliya and the Kishori Girls, and they reciprocated with equal joy. Priya introduced her friends and then led Nitya to meet six boys and six girls inside while Abhimanyu and the bodyguards remained outside. Priya introduced Neha, mentioning it was her birthday. Aliya gave her a friendship band, saying it was the only gift she had at the moment. Priya then introduced Nitya as her best friend, and Aliya greeted her too. Priya introduced Rihana and the other girls similarly.

Afterward, Priya introduced the boys by name only, without any further details. However, despite this, the boys were trying to impress the Kishori Girls, showing off in front of them.

Priya looked towards the door and asked, "Why are you staying outside? Don't you want to meet the Kishori Girls?"

Abhimanyu replied as he entered, "I thought I'd let the fans meet me first."

Aliya, upon seeing Abhimanyu, rushed to hug him tightly.

Abhimanyu teased, "You're becoming quite famous, aren't you?"

Aliya replied, "Yes, three consecutive tours, but this is the last one. After this, there won't be any concerts until midterms. But why are you here, and when are you leaving?"

Everyone was surprised to see Abhimanyu and Aliya so close.

Priya asked Abhimanyu, "Why didn't you tell me that you know the Kishori Girls?"

Abhimanyu retorted, "You didn't ask."

Priya remarked, "Anyway, you two seem quite close."

Sunder commented, "I knew he was deceiving Nitya."

Sahil added, "Yes, he's probably the guy he was talking about that day."

Neha expressed her disbelief, "I can't believe you're actually betraying my friend."

Nitya felt a slight sadness.

Abhimanyu intervened firmly, "Enough nonsense. Aliya is my sister."

Everyone was stunned to hear this, but Nitya's sorrow suddenly turned into joy.

Aliya asked Abhimanyu, "What are they talking about? Betraying Nitya? What does that mean?"

Rihana revealed, "Abhimanyu is Nitya's boyfriend."

Aliya stepped back from Abhimanyu and asked, "What are they saying? Is this true?"

Abhimanyu took her hand and whispered something in her ear in a corner.

Aliya questioned, "What nonsense are you talking? Are you trying to deceive me?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You can ask Nitya yourself, but in private."

Aliya called Nitya over and asked softly, "Is Abhimanyu your bodyguard, and is he just pretending to be your boyfriend?"

Nitya didn't expect Abhimanyu to tell her the truth, so she just nodded.

Aliya felt relieved and said, "Okay, if that's the case, then it's fine. Because if it were true, I would have killed him. By the way, Karishma sent you a bag of clothes." With that, Aliya picked up a bag nearby and handed it to Abhimanyu, saying, "Here, take it."

Abhimanyu replied, "For now, keep it here. I'll take it later from here."

Abhimanyu greeted everyone and mingled well with others.

Mukesh murmured, "He knows everyone so well."

Sahil remarked, "So what? What's the big deal?"

Then Priya intervened, suggesting they shoot some reels according to the script. They shot about five to six reels, including trending ones and an original reel.

Later, Priya proposed that Abhimanyu also participate in one of the reels. Abhimanyu agreed, and they filmed a scene where he played a mobile game while Aliya pretended to scold him. However, Abhimanyu cleverly gave them a juice with sleeping pills instead, causing them to doze off, and he resumed playing the game.

After the reel was done, Priya asked, "When are you going to post this?"

Abhimanyu replied, "As soon as the concert ends. It will be an unexpected collaboration, featuring people from three different fields in one reel."

After shooting a few more reels, it was time for the concert. Abhimanyu and his friends were heading to a private cabin when Abhimanyu noticed Justin and his bodyguards in another cabin.

Once they all reached their cabins, Abhimanyu excused himself, claiming he needed to use the bathroom, and sneaked out.

Abhimanyu then made his way towards Justin's cabin. As he approached, a waiter who was heading towards the kitchen caught his attention.

Abhimanyu followed the waiter and overheard him mentioning an order for lobster in cabin number 102.

The cook prepared the lobster, and Abhimanyu, disguised as a waiter, picked it up and headed towards cabin 102.

However, upon reaching the cabin, the guards stopped him and searched the trolley, finding only utensils and cleaning supplies.

Abhimanyu approached cabin number 102, where the guards stopped him and began searching the trolley. After inspecting it, they found only a bucket and cleaning supplies.

Abhimanyu angrily said, "After serving here, I have other tasks to attend to. If you're so suspicious, why do you let me roam around outside?"

Abhimanyu had disguised himself as an elderly man and was acting irritated with the guards. The guard, annoyed by his behavior, told him to stop talking too much and to just serve the dish and leave.

Abhimanyu then served the dish and left the area. On the way here, he already discreetly added the chemical to the dish.

Continuing to push the trolley around, Abhimanyu served the dishes in few more cabin. By now, the hotel staff had begun to trust him, and he even passed by the justin cabin multiple times without raising suspicion, often giving the guards a challenging look as he did so.

Disguised as an elderly man, Abhimanyu acted annoyed. One guard, irritated by his attitude, attempted to hit him, but the other intervened, reminding him that Abhimanyu was a senior citizen.

Just then, Justin emerged and asked for the bathroom's location. Abhimanyu directed him and observed as Justin and his bodyguards headed in that direction.

Abhimanyu followed suit, but the guards stopped him from entering the bathroom. He argued with them. When the guard persisted, Abhimanyu pretended to attack him with a viper stick.

Seeing the commotion, one guard urged the other to let Abhimanyu go, saying, "Let him go, he's just an old man. What harm can he do?"

Abhimanyu then proceeded into the bathroom with the trolley and began cleaning the glass near the washbasin. Meanwhile, Justin emerged from the bathroom, but since the door was slightly ajar on the other side, the guards remained unaware of his presence.

Abhimanyu injected Justin in the neck, rendering him unconscious. Then he immediately sat Justin under the trolley, covered him with a tablecloth, and placed a small speaker in the bathroom playing the sound of someone having stomach trouble, including farting sounds.

As he left, Abhimanyu told the guard that Justin seems to be making noise related to lobsters, perhaps the entire lobster might end up in the bathroom. Just then, another loud fart sound came from inside.

Abhimanyu, with his nose pinched, remarked that he didn't know what all needs to be done for the stomach, some crave food, some need to relieve themselves, and then he left from there.

One guard said to the other, "Uncle, that was a truly stomach-related matter; perhaps this is what they call experience." Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter. Abhimanyu then took the trolley back to the same room where Aakash and Riya were waiting. He placed Justin there and instructed Aakash to remove his disguise and go to the ambulance to fetch the doctor's attire. Then, Abhimanyu left with the trolley and, at one point, left it there while heading out from the kitchen, removing his disguise. As Abhimanyu was returning, the guard stopped him and said, "You can't enter from there. Last time, you entered showing the staff ID. This time, Abhimanyu replied, "I just went out for a moment for some work."

The guard said, "We don't know about that. You can't enter from this route." Abhimanyu then called Aarti and arranged for entry through the guards. After that, he went inside and started heading to his cabin. Along the way, he noticed Justin's guards wandering around anxiously, asking about an old man. Abhimanyu smiled and proceeded to his cabin.

Upon Abhimanyu's arrival, Nitya asked, "What took you so long?" Abhimanyu replied, "I met a friend; he was in the cabin with me. After that, I also started enjoying the show."

On the other hand, Riya completely transformed Justin's appearance into that of a fat man, using a silicone mask. Aakash also arrived dressed as a doctor, and Bhawna came disguised as a nurse. They were accompanying Justin, who was seated in a wheelchair, being taken by the hotel manager. They had informed the hotel staff about Justin's supposed heart attack, which prompted the ambulance to be arranged.

As they all descended from the elevator, one of Justin's guards inquired about the situation. The manager explained that Justin had suffered a heart attack.

Recognizing the couples who had previously been seen entering the room next to theirs, where Justin was staying, the guards allowed them to pass.

They were then taken into the ambulance and headed for the military headquarters.

Aakash expressed disbelief that all of this arrangement was orchestrated by his younger brother.

Bhawna asked, "Tell me the truth, is Abhimanyu some kind of agent or something else?"

With a smile, Riya responded, "He is part of our secret army, and in this mission, he will accompany us. Therefore, it was necessary to secure his freedom first so that he could complete his mission here."

Bhawna glanced at Aakash and said, "Did you know about this?"

Aakash replied, "I am his brother, how wouldn't I know?"

Ritesh interjected, "I don't understand one thing. Abhimanyu didn't leave any traces. When I was monitoring the CCTV footage, every time Abhimanyu changed disguises and left, the recording stopped, and it resumed only after you all left the camera's view."

Riya asked, "Why wasn't this task easy?"

Ritesh responded, "It wasn't easy because it required considerable speed, knowing exactly where to go, which cameras to avoid, and from where to observe. Guessing Abhimanyu's exact path was nearly impossible."

Abhimanyu then took Aliya and the other Kishori girls to Kapoor Mansion, where Nitya introduced them as her friends, referring to them as "Sheliyan," to prevent Anita and Raj from embarrassing them. Nitya also instructed Aliya and the others to behave as if they were meeting Abhimanyu for the first time.

After dinner, Abhimanyu left for headquarters. A little outside the city was Mumbai's military headquarters. When he arrived there, he went straight to the room where Riya and the others were. Justin had also regained consciousness.

Approaching them, Abhimanyu said, "We have no time to waste. By tomorrow, Justin and Andrews' reign will be over. All evidence against them will be collected, and then the police will arrest them."

Then, Abhimanyu called them to a conference room to discuss the next plan.

Abhimanyu explained, "In the Mexican Mafia, there's an alliance of five different groups that handle all these dealings. We're not so concerned with the Maxican Mafia, but we need to give them a good blow. Every year, a container full of girls heads to Mexico. First, they stop in South Africa, then they travel to Ciara, where they're sold. According to Andrews, our first stop will be Brazil. From there, we'll go to Ciara, where we'll deal with the local dealer and try to gather information about all the girls. Riya will explain the rest of the plan."

Riya added, "We know that Ciara is where our countries' girls are supplied, but according to Interpol, they also source girls from other countries. Many Mafias are involved in this business, and catching all of them is difficult. However, we can remove their presence from our countries and rescue our girls. Dealing with them falls under Interpol's jurisdiction. We'll gather evidence against them, but for now, we'll focus on capturing the dealer in Ciara. After that, we'll decide whether to return or move elsewhere."