
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · Võ hiệp
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110 Chs

Chapter 25:Demon technique

The cook removed his apron and threw it on the counter, assuming a kung fu pose, indicating his proficiency in martial arts.

Ammy said, "Let's see what my level is."

The cook attempted to attack her with kung fu moves, while Ammy tried to evade using her scorpion techniques. She was agile enough to dodge his attacks effortlessly.

Meanwhile, in a godown, some thugs had brought a girl at gunpoint.

Just then, Kapil Mehta arrived, aiming his handgun at her and said, "Miss Tina, Wasim's ex-girlfriend."

Tina, trembling, asked, "Why am I here? Wasim is in jail."

Kapil replied, "Do you think I wouldn't find out that you were the one who got Wasim caught?"

Tina remained silent.

Kapil showed her footage from his phone, where she was seen getting out of the car and entering the bar. Moreover, CCTV footage showed her car following Kapil's car in several places.

Kapil continued, "And do you know that last night, there were several accidents, and your car was spotted near one of the areas? So, what do you have to say about that? What were you doing there?"

Tina knew that Abhimanyu and she had gone to that location in her car, but it was part of her plan to lure Kapil Mehta there, where security was minimal and it was a deserted area.

There were only six people there because they didn't think they would need more manpower to pick up a girl, and Kapil Mehta had come alone to keep this matter discreet, as it was related to The Scorpion family.

Tina burst into laughter, and in the midst of her laughter, She swiftly plunged her dagger into one man's neck, seized Kapil Mehta's gun from his hand, and shot two men. Then, the remaining three attempted to attack her, but Tina immediately took Kapil hostage, preventing them from shooting. Afterward, she shot the remaining three as well. She then fired a shot at Kapil's knee, causing him to fall to the ground.

Tina said, "You wanted to follow me to gather information about The Scorpion family, right? It's simple. You thought you brought me here, but in reality, I came on my own."

Just then, someone fired a shot at Tina, but she swiftly dodged it.

An man in his late thirties to forties, bald-headed, and of Asian descent, approached from outside. He had a Scorpion tattoo on his neck.

Upon seeing him, Kapil bowed his head and said, "Commander."

Tina looked at the man in surprise and chuckled, saying, "Well, well, looks like we won't have to work hard to find another Commander." With that, Tina started shooting at him, emptying her gun, but not a single bullet hit him.

The Commander's name was Nim Feng, and he skillfully dodged all the bullets.

Tina lunged at him, aiming to strike, but Nim Feng effortlessly countered with a move using his nails to attack her. Tina quickly dodged, grabbed his wrist with her hands, and used his own momentum to throw him backward, retreating with his hands still in her grasp.

Nim Feng said, "Good moves, you're capable, but you're on the wrong side, so you'll have to come up."

Then he attacked using the Scorpion technique.

Meanwhile, in the restaurant, as Abhimanyu descended the stairs, he saw Shubham sitting at a computer, having an online conference with someone, while another man was building a pyramid of playing cards.

Surprised to see Abhimanyu, Shubham asked, "What are you doing here?"

The man asked Shubham if he knew Abhimanyu.

Shubham replied, "I'm forced to hide because of him."

The man, who also appeared Asian with a Scorpion tattoo on his neck, was then questioned by Abhimanyu about the number of members of the Scorpion family in Delhi.

Surprised, the man asked how Abhimanyu knew about them.

Abhimanyu speculated that by now, those who remained in Delhi might have fled, but the man remained silent and reached for his dagger. Abhimanyu swiftly leaped onto the dagger, pressing his foot onto the man's hand, and then kicked his head, rendering him unconscious.

Abhimanyu then approached his principal and said, "You're worth nothing, but I've been told to bring you. Let's go." Afterward, he used the dagger on the table to cut his points so even after consciousness he won't able to move.

After that, Abhimanyu started looking at the laptop, where Shubham was transferring money from one account to another.

Saily said, "The account from which he was withdrawing money is a Swiss account, and it has 500 crore rupees, you won't believe it."

Abhimanyu asked, "And whose account was he withdrawing money from?"

Saily replied, "That's also his trading account. He was withdrawing money from the Swiss account to buy cryptocurrency and then selling it, naming it after someone named Afzal Kureshi, who lives in Mumbai. And there's no case against him, there's not much data about it."

After that, Abhimanyu immediately called Ramakant sir and said, "Shubham Chaudhari has been found here, send your men and listen to the password ' '". And yes, there's also a Scorpion member here."

After saying this, when Abhimanyu went upstairs, he saw that Ammy had cleaned the man and was drying her clothes. She had a slight injury. Abhimanyu examined the injury, which was a 1cm radius wound. First, he cleaned the wound with water and then tied his handkerchief around it.

Ammy said, "That's it, just a scratch. During training, I've been in worse conditions, but even then, we were left to die like this."

Abhimanyu then went to them and saw that they were breathing but unconscious.

Abhimanyu said, "It's a good thing this restaurant isn't too famous and is in a secluded alley, but still, first go and put a 'Closed' sign on the gate."

Ramakant was giving Shubham a bit too much importance, so he assigned this case to Riya Mathur and instructed her to bring it to headquarters.

Riya included Aakash and Bhawna in this case to give them more learning opportunities.

On the other hand, Tina was still fighting with the Commander. She had narrowly escaped his claws, but his dagger had inflicted several wounds on her, and blood stained her body and clothes, leaving her weakened.

Nim Feng remarked, "You may be powerful, and you may know martial arts, but you are nothing against Scorpion techniques."

Tina retorted, "Breaking your arrogance is my goal."

Kapil Mehta observed their fight from a distance. He knew Commander was formidable, but Tina's strength reminded him of the time she had stood up to him when he had pointed a gun at her.

Tina wondered to herself, "Should I use Abhimanyu's demon technique?"

Nim Feng attempted to strike Tina with his dagger while spinning like a cyclone in the air. To evade, Tina moved backward. Seizing an opportunity, Nim Feng then tried to kick her vertically on the head.

Tina found the moment opportune to employ Abhimanyu's demon technique. Suddenly, Nim Feng began to feel blood lust, and darkness engulfed him. He stopped mid-air, and darkness shrouded the surroundings. A dangerous demon appeared before him, and he realized that his head had been severed from his body.

Abhimanyu's demon technique causes individuals to experience darkness, forgetting their humanity and feeling only blood lust. They only see their opponent as a defenseless target, and a single move appears before them. If they execute that move while following the line, the opponent's demise is certain. However, this move is extremely dangerous and can backfire if executed incorrectly. It requires experts to have at least 10% control over their energy, but if it falls below that threshold, it can have the opposite effect. Additionally, for this move to be used perfectly, the individual must have at least 50% control over their energy. Abhimanyu only teaches this technique for emergencies because it can be difficult to control its effects on his own body.

After striking Nim Feng, Tina confidently stated that the remaining Scorpions would also be defeated soon.

Tina then glanced at Kapil Mehta, saying, "You're also a Scorpion, aren't you?" Tina was now consumed by blood lust. If someone inexperienced were to use this technique, its effects would be similar: they would become consumed by blood lust. Abhimanyu uses this technique only in emergencies because he cannot fully control its effects on his body.

Seeing Tina's state, Kapil Mehta became frightened and attempted to flee. Tina chased after him, but her body was weak from her injuries, causing her to collapse. However, Kapil did not notice and quickly escaped in his car.

Abhimanyu began to feel uneasy and immediately started meditating to regain his composure. Ammy, witnessing this, asked what was wrong, but Abhimanyu remained silent.

Images of people he knew flashed before Abhimanyu's eyes. Among them was a picture of Tina. Abhimanyu quickly grabbed his phone to ask Saily for Tina's location.

Saily immediately opened a map, showing Tina's location in a closed-down factory.

Abhimanyu quickly informed Ramakant and instructed him to send soldiers to that location. He then rushed out of the restaurant, but as he did, the door suddenly swung open, and he was kicked from behind, sending him crashing into the wall. Seeing this, Ammy attacked the person who had thrown Abhimanyu against the wall, but the assailant countered by throwing Ammy to the ground.

Abhimanyu, driven by haste, didn't pause to assess the situation. He quickly got up, feeling the energy coursing through his body, and unleashed a powerful attack on the person who had thrown him against the wall. Despite the assailant's attempt to counter with a kick, Abhimanyu was prepared. Dodging the kick with the Scorpion technique, he countered with a forceful kick to the assailant's head, knocking him to the ground.

She fell from the impact of that kick, but she quickly landed on her hands, somersaulted forward, and sat down while holding her head, saying, "Wow, when did you become so powerful?"

When Abhimanyu saw her face, he immediately saluted her and said, "Sorry, Captain, I didn't recognize you."

Ammy, who was standing at a distance, was surprised to see that Abhimanyu knew her, and perhaps she was his senior.

But then Abhimanyu sensed two other people behind him. When he suddenly looked back, he saw Aakash and Bhawna standing there, staring at him intently.

Abhimanyu didn't say anything to them and turned back to look ahead. It wasn't someone else but Riya Mathur standing there, who was Abhimanyu's senior.

Abhimanyu had only met her once last year, and at that time, her power was much greater than his. Abhimanyu had once attacked a Naxalite stronghold in Bihar with his team, but the danger was much bigger than they expected. They didn't realize that there were many people there, all armed. They tried to stop them somehow, but they had no way to escape or defeat them. That's when the Naxalites realized they had the advantage and slowly closed in on them. But like a lioness, Riya Mathur arrived there with an assault rifle and killed them all, capturing some of them alive. At that time, Riya Mathur was not a captain, but after that mission and considering her previous missions, she was made a captain. And all this happened in front of him. He respects Riya Mathur a lot because it was because of her that he survived.

Riya stood up and said, "It seems like you've finally caught up to me. I knew this day would come, but I didn't expect it to come so soon." Saying this, she launched another attack on Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu quickly stepped back and dodged the attack. Then, she delivered a side kick towards Abhimanyu, who tried to dodge by bending down, but Riya turned her leg over Abhimanyu's head and landed a backside kick directly on top of his head, just like Abhimanyu had done to her mid-air.

Abhimanyu immediately tried to protect his head with both hands, causing him to fall lightly, but he was unharmed. However, Riya then kicked him again, causing him to stagger back.

Abhimanyu said, "Now it's my turn." He rushed towards Riya and started mimicking Ammy's moves, kicking her head while leaping over a table. In mid-air, he kicked her head once again. Riya had blocked the first two kicks, but she didn't anticipate the third one, and she fell onto a table, which broke upon impact.

Abhimanyu approached Riya and extended his hand, saying, "I don't have the permission to fight you anymore, Captain."

Riya grabbed his hand and said, "Maybe you've passed the test, and perhaps now you're even more powerful than me. But you still get quite shy around girls." With that, Riya handed him a patka and placed a blade on his neck, saying, "But because of this habit, you could also meet your death."

Riya then stood up and asked, "Where is he?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I didn't understand what's so important in this case that it was sent to you. This case seems to be below your level."

Riya replied, "The answer to your question is your answer. What do you think this case is about?"

Suddenly, Abhimanyu remembered that Shubham had connections with Rashid and that terrorist organization. He said, "I understand. He's downstairs, and there's also a Scorpion assassin with him."

Riya then headed towards the basement, followed by Abhimanyu, Ammy, Aakash, Bhawna, and the other soldiers. Riya administered a sedative injection to both of them, as well as to some soldiers, instructing them to shift the unconscious individuals from there. She also gave them an injection to erase their memories of what had happened there.

Riya said to Abhimanyu, "Let's go to headquarters now."

Abhimanyu suddenly remembered that he had to go to Tina. He quickly said, "I need to go somewhere. Can you give me the keys to your car?"

Riya asked him, "Should I accompany you?"

Abhimanyu replied, "First, you take care of them. If needed, I'll call you."

As Ammy started to follow him, Abhimanyu told him, "Stay with them for now," and then he left.

Riya and the others headed for the military base, while Abhimanyu reached a factory where the soldiers had already arrived. He saw that some soldiers were carrying Tina on a stretcher. Abhimanyu immediately went to Tina, but the soldiers aimed their guns at him, saying they were working on something and asked him to stay away.

Abhimanyu immediately called Ramakant and asked him about the situation in the factory.

Ramakant informed him, "We found six bodies shot dead and one body with a severed head. The girl you asked to rescue is unconscious."

Abhimanyu asked, "Can you grant me permission to meet the person in charge of this operation?"

A few moments later, a soldier approached Abhimanyu and asked if he was Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu confirmed, and the soldier instructed him to follow him.

Abhimanyu followed the soldier to Tina's side and began checking her pulse.

In his mind, Abhimanyu thought, "It seems she was subjected to the demon technique. Thank goodness everyone arrived on time. If she hadn't been given glucose, she could have died. It's a good thing doctors prioritize administering glucose."

Just then, Tina began to regain consciousness, and the first person she saw was Abhimanyu.

When Tina tried to say something, Abhimanyu gently said, "Rest for now and try to regain your energy. We'll talk later."

Upon hearing this, Tina closed her eyes and fell back asleep.

Abhimanyu then asked the in-charge soldier about the identity of the person whose head was severed.

The soldier replied that he didn't know.

Abhimanyu then requested to see the body.

Since Ramakant had instructed the soldier to heed Abhimanyu's requests, he granted permission for Abhimanyu to inspect the crime scene.

Approaching the body, Abhimanyu examined the mark on its neck and thought to himself, "This is also the work of the Scorpion. But if Tina had to use the demon technique, this person must be a commander."

Afterwards, Abhimanyu accompanied Tina in the ambulance, heading towards the military base.

On the other side, Ramakant was observing the prisoners brought by Riya, Shubham, and the Scorpion assassin. He remarked that he hadn't imagined Shubham could be connected to the Scorpion family.

Ramakant inquired from Riya about when they would regain consciousness.

Riya replied, "They should wake up by morning."

Just then, another truck arrived along with an ambulance and a military jeep. The soldiers saluted Ramakant upon disembarking. The back door of the ambulance opened, and Abhimanyu stepped out, followed by a stretcher brought from the hospital. Tina was carefully laid on it, and they began moving towards the hospital building.

Meanwhile, the bodies were unloaded from the truck, including that of a commander whose head was severed, causing Bhawna to feel nauseous. A soldier carried the commander's body and placed it beside the others.

Ramakant turned to Abhimanyu, questioning the presence of the bodies and their connection to the incident.

Abhimanyu gestured towards the six bodies and explained that they were Kapil Mehta's men who had kidnapped Tina to ascertain why she was tailing Kapil Mehta. He added that the other individual was a second commander of the Scorpion family, suggesting that more information could be obtained from the first commander. Perhaps they suspected Tina's military affiliation, which led the military to apprehend their commander.

Ramakant questioned Abhimanyu, expressing disbelief and asking who Tina was.

Abhimanyu retorted, "You should ask that question to my Chief." With that, he lifted the commander's head, which was placed in a plastic bag to prevent blood from dripping, and headed towards a specific direction where tight security guards were stationed. Ramakant and the others followed suit as Abhimanyu opened a door and proceeded inside.

Observing Abhimanyu's actions, Riya inquired why Ramakant wasn't saying anything.

Ramakant replied, "Controlling him is beyond my capabilities. Only two people can control him – the Army chief and the Bihar Army chief because he's their grandson, and his authority surpasses even the current Army chief."

Meanwhile, Ammy was internally amused by the situation, humming "Hey mera saiyan superstar."

Inside, there was a setup resembling a workshop. As Abhimanyu opened the gate and entered, he faced a platform where a man was chained. Presumably, it was Le Feng awaiting his trial. To reach him, there was a bridge, with soldiers stationed below, armed with guns. Additionally, there were platforms and stairs on the sides, with soldiers keeping watch.

As Abhimanyu advanced without any hesitation, soldiers aimed their guns at him. However, Abhimanyu showed no sign of fear, and his stride remained unwavering. Observing his determined approach and the head he carried, the soldiers hesitated. Seeing Ramakant approaching behind him, they lowered their weapons.