
Time is of the essence

As Maria leaves the bathroom she quickly heads to David's room and packs everything in a hurry then she hears the door open but instead of looking back she continues "mama what's wrong you look worried mama" David said then he noticed Maria is not noticing so he puts his arm on her shoulder and taps continuously "mommy" David said worried then he noticed his mother flinch and hugged him tightly "darling I love you very much you know that right Apollo" Maria said then David looked worried "mama what's going on you never use my elf name unless something is going to happen you always used my human name David because your afraid people would bully me because of my name" david said worriedly "we need to get Katie and Michael here now ok" "but there already here" "ok that's good wait when the hell did they get here" "a couple of minutes ago that's what I came to tell you there here" "oh well look Apollo we need to leave this world immediately" Maria said worried "why mommy do we need to leave" "we just need to we need to go back to my home and hey look you will finally be able to see my home" "ok" David said as he left unfazed but Maria knew he was disappointed but she rushingly got everything ready then she went to her room and as she finished with her room Daniel and Vincent came in with worried faces "hon we got a big problem David's gone and that's not it Katie's also gone" Daniel said then Maria looked even worried then before "why did they both leave and how did two 5 year olds leaving the house" Maria said angrily "look I know your angry but your sounding like a villain" Daniel said worried "your right I'm sorry it's just I don't want loose him Daniel don't take this to heart but he's my whole world" "I know if it was a choice between me and him I would not blame you if you chose him anyway he told us that he was going to play some games outside but when he said it he sounded mad and disappointed do you might know why he sounded like that" Daniel said then Maria remember "I told him that we had to leave this world and go to my home" Maria said then as she looked at Vincent and Daniels face they looked shocked and worried "why would you need to go to the val'car" "because our world is dying and we literally got days to evacuate" "what shit what's happening we need to warn everyone" Daniel said as he stood and was about to leave until Maria grabbed his hand "don't the reason this world will die is god related and I got a vision if we're to warn the humans all the worlds will die or he said that I can only bring 20 and I don't really have 20 liked people" "so do you know what's going to happen I bet you do so let's hear it don't hold anything" Daniel said gesturing her to talk "this world will be destroyed an a new world will be born and emits the world being born a demigod will also be born"Maria said as she slowly moved her hand to her stomach "the gods didn't just send a message they made me have sex with them in my dreams and now I'm pregnant" Maria said then Daniel and Vincent were both very surprised "those..ugh! we need to find the kids and leave we should bring people certain people because I'm guessing these GODS are expanding the world to support more people" "ok so we get certain people I guess I do know some basic magic I could use to kidnap them" Maria said "ok sis that will work so if we can only bring 20 not counting Maria we're bringing Mallory, David ,Vincent,me,Michael,Katie,drake,and Jane so that's about 11 spaces left so get 11 people with kid and with only like you said a week we just have to put them to sleep and it has to be people who sorta know us" "ok easy" Maria said as she left


1 hour later

As Maria continues searching for David and Katie they finally find a hint on them being at the elf fountain as she walked there she saw to little kids David and Katie and she saw everyone looking they looked worried about were there parents were so before anyone can ask a police for help Maria ran looking all types of worried "David and Katie why are you here I was so worried about you" Maria said then she looked and saw them crying and she saw there shoes off and there feet in the magical fountain so she took her shoes off and put her feet in to "auntie Maria is it really true that we all have to leave" "sadly yes" "but mama I don't want to go I want to stay I want to go to school and I want to go to your school" david said while crying "oh my boy you do know my school it's in at my home right" Maria said then David looked a bit more calm "look you two I know you don't want to move I'm not going to lie it's going to be hard there's going to be ups and downs but in the end we will be happy and guess what" Maria said while smiling "what?" "Looks like only one thing came out ok slightly I'm pregnant" Maria said then David looked happy

In this story David has 2 names his elf and human Apollo will be more like his nickname then his name as it sounds weird reading

Christianatal880creators' thoughts