
The final equation

The wind screams in anger as the storm rages its lightning Arthur and Adrian are instantly shock by the sound "you should know something because of this spell Adrian won't age-" liberty said then Maria was instantly furious "what! So your telling Adrian and Zelen will live there life as a baby forever"Maria said angrily about to smack liberty and clockwork liberty understood why she was mad although Maria was wrong "no he won't you didn't let me finish he should start aging in a year" liberty said scared she was going to get hit then Maria stopped and sighed happily then she looked at Adrian and Zelen and hugged them both as soon as the storm showed signs of slowing down she told everyone to go outside she immediately told everyone to go to the house Maria gives Adrian to gale and walks with Zelen she uses her senescing ability to find Zelen's mother she finds both his mom and dad she saw how worried they were for Zelen she saw the traces of tears as Zelen dad looks towards Maria he looks surprised especially with Zelen he taps on his wife and points they both waited to be sure it wasn't a illusion then as they waited they ran as fast as they could and took Zelen and hugged and kissed him as they finished they look at Maria the one who Brong there baby back they were so shocked they couldn't speak Maria smiled then the husband looked at Maria wondering what happened "you probably have a lot of questions well I can answer some I got to get to my son your sons twin brother" Maria said then they both looked looked shock and they had even more loss of words "it's difficult to put together I'll try to explain" Maria said then they both nodded "because of the apparatus my son and your son are brothers just to remind you this is the confusing but short story any way i had made a pact with a god so both of them can be Revered" Maria said with a smile "th....thank you miss" the wife said smiling "thank you for bringing him back you see me and my girlfriend have been trying to conceived but it's been hard but when the apparatus happened we broke a little thinking that it wouldn't be us to have a baby but when a friend of ours told us that even if a girl had been fixed they still got pregnant so our friend asked us to go but like us being stubborn she had to yell at us to do it so we did when we went to the pregnancy witch waiting hopelessly thinking we wouldn't get pregnant waiting for that pregnancy blood bug to die (in this pregnancy test can be weird the point of the blood bug is that it always has to be a female blood bug and it dies when your not pregnant but if your pregnant it's self gets pregnant and gives birth to how many children you would have) but as we waited minutes turned into a hour the blood bug had stayed alive the witch had chucked and saw that the bug was pregnant and had given birth to one egg we were so happy that she was pregnant we even started crying" the husband said with a smile "congrats" "thank you"they both said