
One last equation

The winter sky still doesn't touch the library books Maria is still looking very surprised at what the book said "wait so will arthur quick age" Maria said worriedly "no unlike the apparatus he ages normally" the book said then as she got her final answer she closed the book and puts it in her bag then she hugs and kisses Arthur crying as she stops she hears multiple booms and there they were 24 of the apparatus she saw her son adrian with a slight upset face then who seems to be the bosses talks "we came here for Arthur" the boss said stretching his hand for Arthur then Maria slaps his hand away "you won't take my baby" Maria said yelling "mom please make this easy we got to take him so make it easy and give him to us " adrian said as he frowns "your not my son if you were you would never let this happen" Maria said yelling at adrian she saw adrians face he started to tear up then the bosses steps forward "look give the child to us we'll raise him and he'll see you when he's old enough" the bosses said as he stretches his hand out but this time Maria attacks him with a spell "he's MY SON I will not give him to you too raise" Maria said furiously then the boss looked even more mad "look lady humans can't raise a god you may have given birth to him but you can't now I'm not afraid to kill you so you better hand him over" the boss said with fury then the candles and torches blow in and out and Maria saw as the same fairy appear then the apostates froze and bowed "hello Maria it's been a long time hasn't it" Liberty said then Maria as furious as ever stands "I'm not letting Anyone take my baby" Maria said with fury liberty was surprised "but we have to-"boss said then liberty stopped him "miss Maria if you must raise Arthur fine but sooner or later his destiny will soon catch up with you and one day your son will have to become a official god of the new world so we shall come back in 29 years and by then we will take him force or no force this may sound like a threat but it's not you have a choice except our deal and you can raise your son until he turns 29 or right here and now I will be forced to rip him out of your hands so will you take our deal"liberty said as she stretches out her hand "yes I'll take it" maria said as she shakes liberty's hand "oh and you apostate you should know we may be mainly be after Arthur but remember Maria is still a god so if she ever makes requests do them without question" liberty said then everyone including Maria was surprised "what do you mean master liberty she's a little elf" boss said furiously "she's a goddess she may not realize it but that's what she is want to see Maria do you have a tattoo like birthmark" liberty said "yes it may look like a gods markings but I can't do shit" Maria said taking off her clothes and showed them liberty looked at it closely and saw why she can't use god power "oh here it is a crystal of Avalon it's known to take away god powers let me just" liberty said as she pulls out the crystal then Maria looked at her hands as it came out but she thought nothing happened then a explosion of energy happens the energy was pure white magic everyone including David and apparatuses were all very surprised and very scared at how much energy she had