
Young Master Wang, You Are Mine

Book promotion - Name - The CEO's Rented Wife Link - https://www.webnovel.com/book/14558290406833805/The-CEO's-Rented-Wife She was known for reading too much. Ms. Changying had been close to the top end of her graduating class from Tsinghua University which is a major research university in Beijing, and a member of the elite C9 League of Chinese universities. An Arts History degree in hand, Changying found that, without connections, all her study counted for nothing in getting a job with the national museum in Beijing. Resigned to mediocrity, she took a job as a researcher for a publishing firm that specialized in historical biographies and fiction. It was there that she met her boss - Mr. Wang Wei, an arrogant control freak. She researched strictly for Wang Wei who constantly quizzed her on her research methods. As time went on she found the manuscripts crossing her desk becoming more explicit than the average romance in a historical setting. Themes of bondage or sadomasochism touched on very lightly at first became darker and more elemental to the storylines. Changying found her research opening her eyes wider to a whole new world she realized she knew less about than she thought she did. -------------- Romance, Sex, Violence, Drug, Drama, Comedy. Story characters are full of inner demons and conflict, they are complex with there own personalities and have their own flaws that they will fight against. These personalities will shape the story as situations arise and they are forced to react and adapt. -------------- Yang Studio is a writers’ circle which is a support group for writers who wish to be among like-minded people. If you want to start writing and are looking for inspiration, this circle is for you. Books published on WebNovel are works of the respective writers from the circle. For reporting any content, readers can contact us. --------------

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Wang's Future Plans

"Good morning sunshine," Carlo sang brightly. Seeing Wang stir from the couch he had fallen asleep on in the wee hours of the morning.

"Is it?" Wang asked sourly

"Yep, a new year with new challenges, a new life awaits you, we went through all this last night so get up off your fat ass and shower you stink of last year's shit," Carlo said. "Plus if you stay here Mama will only fuss and make you talk about your feelings. I'd like to spare her what I went through with you last night."

"Yeah alright," Wang grumbled getting to his feet and walking toward his room. His head was thumping, and he cursed himself for drinking so much. He stripped off as he walked into his room and the bathroom. It still rankled that plans for Changying's trial had been changed more than once in the last twenty-four hours, and he felt like any agreement he had with those plans had been taken away from him. He knew he had to trust his father, at this point he had no choice, he had willingly handed her over to him, and the fate of his future with the woman he loved was no longer in his control.

He tried to focus on what he wanted to accomplish over the coming weeks. The purchase of the publishing house had been rushed through. The former owners had been eager to sell so it had been a smooth transaction. He needed to get there and start modelling it to his vision of what it could become. He needed to read his sister novel properly and begin the editing processes that would make it a number one best seller. Most of all he needed to create a team around him there that he could rely on. His thoughts focused solely on the business, trying to blot out the worry and emptiness that consumed his heart.

Wang did not want to make plans for his future with Changying until she was back in his arms. He closed his mind off to the visions of the house with the large veranda's she had spoken about, to the wedding and children and future he wanted with her. Especially as she had been taken so far away from him to endure God knows what at the hands of the Battaglia. Turning off the water, he knew the first thing he needed to do was read the novel and talk to Lucia. Until then he was just guessing at what was happening to Changying, and he hated the feeling of uncertainty that surrounded that lack of knowledge.

Wang spent an hour or so with his mother reassuring her that he was as good as could be expected given the circumstances while the plane he had arrived on was readied to return him to the winery where he had left his car. The flight back was painfully slow and despite his determination to keep his mind working on the things that he could control, like the new business, his mind constantly worried at what was happening to Changying. Zachariah met the plane when it touched down, and they drove one of the small carts back up to the house.

"I won't stay but thanks for the offer, I need to get back to the city," Wang said when invited to stay a few days with his Uncle and Aunt. "I need to keep busy, and I have a lot to do now that the publishing house settlement has been pushed through."

"Just remember when this is over, no one will ever be able to question her suitability to be part of the family again. Taking her there was the best solution in an unusual situation," Zachariah counselled.

"Bizarre situation," Marisol echoed Changying's words as she kissed Wang goodbye. "The time will pass quickly if you are busy so go and do what you must."

"Thanks, Zia," Wang embraced the woman returning her farewell kisses and climbed into his car. Travelling once again his mind wandered between Changying and the list he was creating in his mind of what he needed to achieve over the next two weeks with the business. Frustrated as he pushed Changying from his mind again, he called Ben.