
Young Master Cheng’s Precious Baby

He, CEO of Skymaze, as cold as ice, arrogant, and bossy and can't stand being with women even a few feet away Crosses her path? ✨People say opposites attract right?

iamxiaolin · Thành thị
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4 Chs

“I will call the cops on you!”

Hotel -

"Damn it!" Cheng Yu cursed to himself as he wobbled, struggling to get to a room because of his half conscious state. "Ugh.. Grandma and Mo Bai worked together.."

"Um are you okay?" A unknown voice popped up. It sounded very angelic and not seductive like the ones Cheng Yu met before.

He looked up and saw a girl with a broom. He couldn't help to think that she was pretty. At least prettier than the girls his grandma had set up for him.

He shook his head as his conscious was slowly fading to slowly regain back some. "Sir?Do you need me to call the hospital?"

' This girl...', Cheng Yu thought. " She's not like those girls or girls grandma had set up.." "Then.. maybe.." He grabbed her hand and dragged her into his room. "Sir, What are you doing??!!" Her voice started to rise up.


"I will call the cops on you!" Shi Ying yelled at me him. "Go ahead." Cheng Yu said calming as he buttons up his collar shirt. She stormed out of the room only to be met by a slap across her face. She turned her head and saw a purple hair colored girl with a angry face.

'What the heck did I do??!!', Shi Ying thought in her head. "What is wrong with you?!" She yelled at the purple hair girl. "You little b****, you seduced my husband!!!" She screamed at Shi Ying.

' That was her husband?', Shi Ying thought. "What the heck??! You guys are doing me like this??!" She yelled back at the purple haired girl. She was about to slap Shi Ying again but she caught it. "Do you know why he would sleep with me and not with you? Because he doesn't like you at all!!And he would rather sleep with a random girl!!!" Shi Ying snapped back at her.

With that, she left the purple head stomping her feet. As she walked home, she could feel raindrops coming down a little. "Why did this happen to me??!!!" She screamed not caring about the stares and glares she got.


"giVe Me AnOtHeR oNe!!" She yelled at her friend, Chen Xiao Mei. Xiao Mei stares at the drunks state at her friend and sighed. Shi Ying came back to the apartment and said nothing and then started drinking. "What...happened?" Xiao Mei asked softly to Shi Ying. After she said that Shi Ying's tears started to roll down.

"I.. lost my... first..." Shi Ying