
Young Justice: Vampire

In the shadow-laden back alleys of Gotham City, where each corner whispered secrets and darkness clung to the walls like spectral hands, a figure stirred among the whispers. Asher Eclipse, a name as enigmatic as the man it belonged to, came to consciousness in this unfamiliar, unsettling place.

Master_Atlest · Tranh châm biếm
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In the dimly lit room, where shadows weaved their silent tales, a figure stood unnoticed in the darkness to any ordinary observer. However, Asher Eclipse was far from ordinary. His vampiric vision cut through the gloom, rendering the intruder as visible as if standing in broad daylight. "You know I can see you, right?" he stated matter-of-factly, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. The figure, on hearing this, did not react with surprise. It was almost as if he had anticipated being seen, yet he chose to remain still.

[Asher's P.O.V]

There he was, unmistakably Batman. I knew it was only a matter of time before he'd discover me, but his timing was certainly quicker than I'd anticipated. He stood casually next to my blood supply. What's his angle? I haven't killed; I've only targeted criminals. Does he see me as a threat, or is this some sort of test?

I detected a faint scent of garlic emanating from him. Classic Batman, always one for tactics and tests. He's trying to see if I fit the vampire stereotypes. But so far, I feel no effects. It looks like that's one myth debunked.

Batman's always been a thinker, a planner. His presence here isn't a coincidence; it's a calculated move. Does he consider me an ally, or am I a new problem for him to solve? Direct confrontation isn't the answer here, not until I understand his intentions.

Navigating the tense situation with Batman in my room required quick thinking and a calculated approach. I assessed my options rapidly:

Aggressive Approach: I could launch myself towards Batman, aiming to protect my vital blood supply. But I knew Batman too well by reputation; he would be prepared. He might throw one of his signature batarangs, possibly rigged not with a typical explosive but with something far more lethal to my kind — UV rays. An explosion of ultraviolet light would be deadly. Batman, despite his moral code against killing, might consider me an exception. This approach was too risky.

Escape Attempt: Another option was to flee, to leap out of the window and disappear into the night. However, Batman's unwavering stance indicated confidence, suggesting he either expected me not to flee or had countermeasures in place. Could the Justice League be waiting outside? My heightened senses, usually so reliable, gave me no clues, raising the possibility of magical interference. Why hadn't I detected this earlier? Escaping seemed like a gamble with odds not in my favour.

Engage in Dialogue: The only viable option left was conversation. It was time to play it cool and engage Batman in dialogue. If he had wanted a confrontation, it would have already happened. His presence here, his calm demeanour, suggested he was open to talking. Perhaps this was an opportunity to understand his intentions and negotiate a mutually beneficial understanding.

[General P.O.V]

Observing that Batman remained unmoving, a silent statue in the dim light, Asher Eclipse made his decision. With a calm, deliberate grace, he addressed the Dark Knight. "So, what brings you here?" His voice carried a tone of casual curiosity, laced with a hint of dry humor. He then slowly moved towards his untouched bed, his movements measured and deliberate.

Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, Asher adopted a posture that was both regal and relaxed, a display of confidence in the face of uncertainty. He crossed one leg over the other, leaning back slightly as he regarded the caped figure still standing in the shadows.

"I would offer you some tea," he continued, his voice tinged with a playful sarcasm, "but I suspect any unnecessary movement on my part might make you jumpy." His eyes, glowing faintly in the room's dimness, were fixed on Batman, watching for any reaction, any tell that might give away the intentions of Gotham's most enigmatic vigilante.

Batman, the enigmatic guardian of Gotham, fixed his piercing gaze on Asher. His presence, even partially shrouded in shadow, exuded an aura of calculated assessment. There was a palpable intensity in the air as he carefully scrutinized Asher, each detail meticulously filed away for future reference.

For a moment, the room was silent, the tension almost tangible. Then, Batman spoke, his voice a low timbre resonating with authority and composure. "Asher Eclipse," he said, each word deliberate, acknowledging Asher's presence with a slight nod that carried the weight of his reputation. "Your recent undertakings in Gotham have drawn attention. I need to understand what your intentions are."

Behind the iconic cowl, Batman's eyes, unseen yet undeniably focused, swept across the room. His observational skills were legendary, missing no nuance or clue. "Your choice of targets is clear – criminals. Yet, the manner in which you operate... it's unconventional, and it's causing ripples." The Dark Knight's voice was even, a blend of scrutiny and a subtle openness to dialogue.

With a measured step, Batman emerged more fully into the light, his iconic silhouette becoming clearer. He stood at a safe distance, a physical representation of the cautious bridge he was attempting to build. This movement was not just a shift in position; it was a strategic decision, a physical manifestation of his willingness to engage yet remain alert.

Batman's declaration was clear, his voice steady and unwavering. "I'm not here to fight," he affirmed, his hands conspicuously away from the arsenal of gadgets on his utility belt. This gesture, simple yet significant, was a visual assurance of his peaceful intentions. "Gotham is my city, and I protect its people," he continued, his tone firm yet open. "I need to know if you're a threat."

Asher, upon hearing Batman's declaration, let out a chuckle, not of amusement, but of a nuanced understanding. "You are not here to fight... right..." he mused with a subtle edge to his voice. "That explains the scent of garlic. I've done my homework too, you see. The lore that garlic weakens vampires – a classic tale. You thought it might impair me, make it easier for you to perhaps take me in for questioning." His voice was calm, measured, betraying a depth of insight and strategic thinking.

As Asher spoke, Batman remained a silent observer, his posture unyielding. He offered no rebuttal to Asher's interpretation, his silence speaking volumes. It was a tacit acknowledgment of the chess game they were both engaged in, each move calculated and every word laden with meaning.

"But, like you, I'm not here to pick a fight," Asher continued, his voice smooth and controlled. "My intentions are straightforward – I'm simply sustaining myself. I fail to see the issue with that." As he spoke, his eyes glinted a more vibrant crimson, momentarily catching the dim light of the room. It was a subtle reminder of his otherworldly nature, a trait that set him apart in the dark tapestry of Gotham. His gaze briefly shifted to Batman, an unspoken challenge hanging in the air.

Batman's demeanor shifted subtly, indicating a change in the direction of their conversation. "Hmm," he acknowledged, a sound that carried an understanding of the situation's complexity. "The Justice League, including myself, has evaluated your actions. We believe your tactical intelligence and unique abilities make you a suitable candidate for a team of young heroes we are assembling. Working with us could be beneficial for both parties."

[Asher's Point of View]

Batman's words were clear and direct, yet they opened a gateway to a plethora of questions and possibilities in my mind. "The Justice League, including myself, finds you suitable to join a team of young heroes we have put together," he said, his gaze fixed and unyielding. His mechanical-like eyes, hidden behind the cowl, seemed to analyze me even deeper.

This revelation provided the last piece of the puzzle I needed to confirm my location in this universe – 'Young Justice.' My knowledge about the DC universe was limited, drawn from what I had gleaned on Earth. But it seemed that aligning with this team could provide not only safety but also a deeper understanding of this world and my place in it.

"I understand why you would consider me," I responded, my mind racing through the implications of his offer. "But there are questions you haven't asked – about my origins, how I came to be what I am. Why is that?" My inquiry was genuine, tinged with a hint of suspicion. Batman, known for his thoroughness and attention to detail, had seemingly bypassed these crucial aspects of my identity. His approach was unnerving, suggesting either a deeper strategy at play or a level of trust that was yet to be fully understood.

Batman's analytical skills were in full display as he pieced together the enigma that was Asher Eclipse. His voice, steady and revealing a mind that had dissected every clue, left little room for doubt about his deductive prowess. "Asher Eclipse, there's no record of anyone with your profile in any global database. You surfaced in Gotham a week ago, taking up residence in this hotel, and since then, your presence has been... unique," he began, his tone indicating a meticulous compilation of facts.

"You've essentially appeared out of thin air. There's no prior history of you, which leads to several possibilities," Batman continued, each point he raised laced with the precision of a master detective. "Firstly, the human identity of Asher Eclipse might be a fabrication or an alteration. Secondly, the lack of others like you suggests that you weren't transformed into what you are now by someone else. And thirdly, your limited interactions and movements imply a lack of familiarity with this world."

He then gestured towards the freezer in the room. "This," he pointed out, "indicates preparation. You're either planning for a situation where you'll need to evade pursuit, enter a prolonged state of hiding, or possibly prepare for a more permanent departure from your current activities. It's clear that you're gathering resources, possibly to better understand your situation or find your place in this world."

Batman's analysis resonated with an uncomfortable accuracy, leaving me momentarily taken aback. His ability to read situations and individuals was indeed legendary, and I was now experiencing it first-hand. It was a stark reminder of why he held the title of the 'World's Greatest Detective'. His insight into my actions and motivations was unnervingly precise, and it forced me to confront the reality of my situation in Gotham and the larger world I found myself in.

Accepting Batman's impressive analytical skills, I decided it was my turn to steer the conversation. "Well, I guess it's time for my questions." I said, deliberately brushing aside his deductions about my life. It was time to delve into the specifics of this unexpected offer.

As if anticipating this shift, Batman's gaze became more focused, his posture subtly shifting to one of readiness for negotiation. "I assume you're aware of my vulnerability to sunlight," I began, addressing what I presumed was an obvious concern given my nature.

Batman's response was silent but telling. His lack of surprise confirmed he had considered this factor. After a moment's contemplation, he finally spoke, his voice firm yet reassuring. "We will adjust and find a way." It was a simple assurance, but it carried the weight of commitment, an acknowledgment that my needs would be taken into consideration.

However, I needed more clarity. "Ok, but why should I join?" I questioned, already inclined to accept but seeking to understand the full extent of what they could offer me. "I'm aware that part of this arrangement is likely about monitoring me while I work with the Young team. But, what's in it for me? How does joining your team benefit my situation?"

Batman's offer was measured, each word carefully chosen to gauge my reaction. "We will provide you with resources," he stated first, observing me closely for any sign of interest or approval. Yet, I remained impassive, offering no immediate response.

He continued, "We will provide you with education." The offer was significant, yet it still didn't elicit the reaction he seemed to be looking for. My expression remained unchanged, my thoughts inscrutable.

"Accommodation?" Batman ventured further, his tone tinged with a hint of uncertainty this time. It was clear he was trying to find what would resonate with me, to discover the key that would unlock my commitment.

"Food?" he finally suggested, and that was the trigger.

"Alright, when do we leave?" I responded promptly, cutting him off mid-sentence. The prospect of a steady and reliable source of sustenance was the clincher for me. It was a practical concern, one that outweighed the others in my current circumstances.

Batman seemed slightly taken aback by my sudden agreement, but there was a flicker of satisfaction in his eyes. This was a negotiation, after all, and finding common ground was the essence of any successful deal.

Our conversation had now shifted from a cautious probing of intentions to a more concrete arrangement. The terms were being laid out, and with my acceptance, a new chapter was about to begin. As I prepared to step into this new role, a part of the Young Justice team under the watchful eye of the Justice League, I knew that my journey in this unfamiliar world was taking a significant turn.

[General P.O.V]

Asher moved towards his freezer, intending to take it along, but Batman's voice halted him in his tracks. "Leave it here," he commanded, his tone brooking no argument. There was an air of finality in his words, suggesting an unspoken reasoning behind the instruction. Asher couldn't help but speculate that perhaps Batman had tampered with it, or maybe touching it would trigger some concealed mechanism.

"Follow me," Batman then instructed, his voice cutting through the stillness of the room. He cast a brief, assessing glance in Asher's direction before striding confidently towards the window. With a swift, fluid movement that spoke of years of practice, he leapt out into the night. The sound of his grappling gun firing reverberated through the air – a sharp bang followed by a preuw as the line pulled him upwards, whisking him onto the roof of the hotel with an effortless grace.

Observing Batman's dramatic exit, a smile crept across Asher's face, a blend of amusement and anticipation. He approached the window with a relaxed and confident air. Without any hint of hesitation, he casually stepped out into the open air.

To any ordinary person, this act would spell certain doom. But Asher was far from ordinary. As he moved beyond the window's boundary, the world around him seemed to shift, bending to his unique nature. The vertical plane of the building's wall transformed beneath his feet, becoming as solid and supportive as the ground itself. It was as though gravity reoriented around him, making the wall his new floor. The actual ground below now appeared as a wall to his right, an architectural oddity in this altered perspective.

With each step Asher took along the building's surface, his surroundings adjusted seamlessly, centring around him in a surreal dance of physics. It was a disorienting spectacle for any onlooker, but for Asher, it was as natural as walking on solid earth. He moved with the grace and confidence of one who had mastered this strange, new aspect of his existence.

Asher, now on the outside of the building and defying the laws of gravity, found himself standing on the vertical wall as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He turned, his eyes locking onto Batman who had already reached the rooftop. In that brief moment of eye contact, Batman emitted a low grunt, an unmistakable sound of approval. Asher couldn't help but wonder if this confirmed some theory Batman had about him. The enigmatic vigilante's mind was always a maze of calculations and hypotheses.

Taking his time, Asher ascended the wall with effortless steps. Each movement was fluid and composed, a display of his newfound mastery over this bizarre aspect of his vampire abilities. The cityscape around him seemed to bend and twist to his will, a visual spectacle that would have left any onlooker in awe.

As he neared the edge of the rooftop, Asher's world began to shift back to normal. It was a seamless transition, the ground returning to its rightful place beneath his feet, and the building wall resuming its vertical stance. Stepping onto the rooftop, he now stood on solid ground, the skyline of Gotham sprawling around him. The moment was surreal.

(A/N: [Chapter 6: Alliances Forged])