After the death of Harry Potter, he is resurrected as Project Kr, or Superboy. Young Justice Crossover, with other Marvel and DC elements. Creator: megamatt09
In the cave before Christmas, Harry, Megan, Artemis, and Whitney sat around the cave, preparing for the last edition of the spoiler report before the Holiday.
"So, technically if Santa could tap into the speed force, he could pull it off," Whitney said. "And to be fair, there's really no evidence that the Jolly Elf isn't secretly a speedster."
"If you say so," Artemis said. "You really don't believe…."
"We live in a world full of aliens, magic, and people who can run faster than the speed of light and Santa is what you're skeptical of?" Whitney asked. "And I swear, Barry said he met him one time...but the magic of belief is what keeps him alive. And allows him to selfishly spread joy to children across the world.
"Dad told me he was a big fat phony when I was three," Artemis said with a shrug.
"Well, that's your father, he obviously has no joy in his heart," Whitney said. "And since when did you believe your father anyway?"
"I don't, normally," Artemis admitted. "But still…."
"No joy in his heart and a limp with his leg," Harry said. "Good shot there by the way."
"Thanks, one of my finest," Artemis said with a sly little spurt.
"And besides, Father Christmas isn't just one man, he's a state belief of anything that anything could be possible and the need to selfishly give to those despite there being no cost to themselves," Harry commented casually.
"Amen," Whitney murmured.
Stephanie appeared on the screen, dressed in a nice Christmas sweater, jeans, and a Santa hat. She sat by a roaring fire and by a tree, with ornaments featuring depictions of various heroes around the world. On the top of the tree, sat a representation of Superman, just peering down at the tree.
"So Superman tree toppers are a thing?" Harry asked.
"Maybe you should be getting royalties," Whitney joked.
Megan just giggled at amusement as Stephanie cleared her throat. Things grew somber.
"Today's been a year, where we've lost so much," Stephanie said. "We started the year with the death of Superwoman, a brutal battle against the monster known as Doomsday. And then the virus which lost us several of the world's greatest heroes, among them Flash and one of the Green Lanterns. And then, the Earth split in two earlier this year. But, we have some new heroes on the scene...Supergirl...Superman...Spider-Girl, who swung into our hearts just earlier this year, clipping the Vulture's wings in an epic battle this summer."
"So, Spider-Girl?" Megan asked.
"She's spectacular," Harry commented.
The video footage of the battle appeared, with an amazing set of death defying acrobatics. Harry thought whoever was under the mask would be perfect to be with them as the dangers. He had no idea who Spider-Girl was, although seeking her out to gauge her interest would be.
"And then on Halloween Night, Batgirl debuted, or returned, depending on who you believe," Stephanie said. "Oh, and Superwoman came back and after a shaky few months where something seemed off about her...she bounced back in a big way, being a part of the Justice League. Which I should note, will be recruiting some new members soon, with a big press conference on New Year's Eve. Some fresh blood should kick the League in the ass. Will any of the Titans join the League or will they strike out independently? How about Supergirl? Superman? Spider-Girl? Anyone else? We should just wait and see."
Stephanie bounced about in excitement and stopped.
"Okay, fanmail, and I've one of my oldest fans here, my girl, KK, Stephanie said. "And she rights, Hey Steph, are you thinking that Superman and Captain Marvel would make the cutest and most badass couple now."
Stephanie broke out in a grin.
"Well, I'm sure you mean the blonde one, and not the Shazam girl...having two Captain Marvels can be pretty confusing sometimes, can't it?" Stephanie said. "And I'm assuming that because I've seen your work. Drawing all of that fan art and fan fiction."
"Fan fiction?" Megan asked.
"Trust me, you don't want to know," Artemis said.
"Yeah, you really don't," Whitney agreed.
Harry took their word for it. Stephanie moved to another letter.
"Hey, Steph, what would you want wrapped under your tree this season?" Stephanie read. "Obviously, Superman."
Harry just waited for it for a smile, to the point where his other teammates looked at him like he was insane.
"Dear, Stephanie, you are amazing, I watch your show whenever I can. I'm a big fan, keep up the good work," Stephanie said before her eyes bugged out at the signature on the letter. "Sincerely….Superman? No way, no way, no way, this has to be a way….oh by god!"
Stephanie ran off camera squealing in delight. Harry just smiled.
"And you made her Christmas," Artemis said.
"If it's really you and you're really watching, I', just wow," Stephanie said. "Sorry about that everyone...just wow, my biggest hero is one of my fans...that's something...which means...he heard everything...I ever said about him. Sorry if I offended you!"
"You didn't," Harry said.
"She can't hear you," Whitney said.
"I know," Harry said.
With the excitement over, Harry had to get ready for the holidays. They were picking up Artemis's mother to take her to Smallville for Christmas at the Kent Farm. Or technically, Lana's place, the Potter House, because the Kent Farm would be very packed with all of the people joining them this year.
The van arrived, with Harry, Artemis, Megan, Marie, Genesis, Caitlin, and Karen getting out of it. They moved around the back and got Paula out of the van and helped her into her wheelchair.
"I talked to Lena," Harry said to Paula. "And she was ready to resume work on the surgery. Hopefully, it will be ready before the summer. And don't worry about the price...because I'm going to take care of it."
"You don't have to do that," Paula said.
"Trust me, Mom, he's going to do that," Artemis said. "When Harry has his mind made up about something you can't argue about it. know that you would be happy if you had your legs back."
Paula grew resigned to the fact that she would never walk again. Therapy did not take too well. The window had been opened up, after several doors had been shut.
"Consider it a Christmas present," Harry said.
"So, Genesis, what do you think of your very first Christmas?" Karen asked.
"Well, it's an interesting experience,' Genesis said. "I hope to partake in the tradition known as Eggnog."
"Trust me, you really don't," Caitlin said.
Karen just gave her one of those looks which had bemusement in it.
"Not a fan?" Karen asked.
"That's one way of putting it," Caitlin said. "My Dad, he liked the stuff. But, I never could stand the taste of it. Or the smell. It always made me throw up."
"Well, I'll try and protect you from the evils of Eggnog," Karen said.
"You are my hero," Caitlin said.
Harry walked next to Marie, as he pushed Paula's wheelchair down the path.
"Everything's settled back in," Marie said. "I've...left it all behind. Thankfully, it's a small town, nice and quiet, and really just everything that I wanted."
"I figured you would like it," Harry said.
"I'll knock," Megan offered.
Megan moved over to the door and knocked on it. The door opened up and Kara answered the door, dressed in a blue sweater, and a nice pair of jeans.
"Glad you make it!" Kara yelled. "You better come inside...Martha would tell me to tell you that you could get sick out there."
Martha had been in the kitchen, sitting at the table. Harry just smiled and walked across the room, to greet her for a warm hug.
"Merry Christmas," Harry said.
"Same to you," Martha said. "And for once, Claire's taken charge of the kitchen, and I'm the one sitting this one out...well her and Lana."
"That's my Christmas present to you," Claire said. "Being able to be off of your feet for once. You work so hard...especially after Dad."
"I know," Martha said. "It will be the first Christmas without Jonathan and the first Christmas without…."
Martha stopped short of saying the other name she was going to say, catching a look at the pained expression on Claire's face and the ugly scowl on Lois's face. Lois joined them at the table and brightened up when she saw Harry.
"Merry Christmas," Lois said.
Harry greeted Lois with a kiss and then leaned towards her ear.
"I got you the interview you wanted," Harry said. "You know the one."
Lois just looked taken aback before she realized it.
"How did you...wrangle that one?" Lois asked.
"I have my ways," Harry said.
Lois understood perfectly what Harry's ways were and just broke into a smile. To be honest, that made Lois's Christmas and several holidays along with it. Harry held up his hand and had more to say.
"My only stipulation is that I'm with you when you're there," Harry said.
Fair enough, Lois thought, and she agreed with it. The door opened up and Rebecca, Selina, and Helena came into the door as well. Selina just smiled when she entered the room.
"Hello, Mrs. Kent," Selina said. "Resting up for once?"
"Well my daughter insisted that I take it easy for one Christmas," Martha said. "How are you?"
"Oh, fair," Selina said. "Things are about the same as they ever have been. I've been busy managing my investments in Gotham...and helping Marie out with the animal preserve."
"Oh, Marie," Martha said. "Nice to meet you, Harry's told me so much about your work in helping endangered animals. And I'm sorry to hear about your loss."
"And I'm sorry to hear about yours," Marie said. "Your husband...he…."
"We've all lost a lot this year," Martha said.
"But, the ones we lost the most are always closer by than we think," Rebecca added.
Rebecca tapped her heart significantly and Harry smiled. He could not have put it better himself.
The knock on the door brought them all out of their conversation. Kara turned to Claire with a raised eyebrow.
"We're not expecting anyone, are we?" Kara asked.
"I'll get it," Harry said.
Without given anyone a chance, Harry opened the door. Artemis's eyebrow raised in surprise and Paula's mouth hung open in shock.
Jade, dressed in a heavy overcoat, and a woolen hat appeared outside. She gave everyone a sheepish smile. Helena, Megan, and Artemis all remained on their guard. Although Harry calmed them down with one small look.
"Is there room for one more?" Jade asked.
"Always," Paula said. "If it's okay with is okay that my oldest daughter joins us for Christmas?"
"It would be rude if I denied her," Martha said. "Nice of you to come here...Jade...isn't it?"
Jade just responded with a nod. Artemis wanted to ask the obvious question of why she was here. But, given her mother was so pleased to see her oldest daughter for the first time in ages, Artemis wisely bit her tongue.
Besides, her sister would not try anything on Christmas. Her father maybe, but he was not invited. And currently likely not able to make the trip thanks to the arrow Artemis put in his knee, recently.
"So, let me get your coat," Harry said.
"Such a gentleman," Jade said.
Harry got Jade's coat and the two of them exchanged a covert look. Jade moved over, to take a spot next to her mother at the table. Lana and Claire brought out the meal.
"Looks like I picked the right time to stop by," Jade said. "That smells good. Really good."
Martha stopped and leaned over towards the table at Helena and gave her a long look over.
"Is your Father going to join us?" Martha asked.
"He's working."
Wisely, Martha Kent knew better than to press the issue because of that one. And Helena appreciated that. Her father had never been one for the holidays. Given one of the greatest tragedies of his life happened around this time of the year, Helena knew why he had not been one for the holidays.
After everyone had their fill of dinner and dessert, Claire took Harry off to the side. Harry figured out what this was all about and Claire took a deep breath.
"The League voted for new members," Claire said.
"And because I'm such a loose cannon who can't be trusted to take orders, I'm out," Harry said.
"You're in."
Harry stared at Claire.
"If you agree," Claire said. "It was an overwhelming majority that got you in the League."
"Well, I'm happy most the League thinks highly of me," Harry said. "But, I don't think that I'm ready to join the League right now and if I was, I'm not interested. Especially with the League in its current state."
"It's not that bad," Claire said.
Harry just said nothing. He thought it was that bad. There were elements about the League, which Claire did not acknowledge.
"You're more than capable…."
"The only way I'm going to be a part of the League, is if everyone went in," Harry said. "And that means all of the founding members of the Team. At least Helena, Mareena, and Whitney, who are more experienced and should be there. And I know you won't let them in."
"They...wouldn't be up to consideration until they turned eighteen," Claire said. "Mareena would be next year, the others a couple years from now."
"And there's my answer," Harry said. "I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I like where I am."
Claire could tell Harry had already made his mind up about this and there would be no changing it. She would have to return to the League, to say that Harry turned them down flat. Of course, that would be a black mark on the League, because Superman turning them down would raise some questions.
Which to be honest, made Claire get one of the many problems people had with the League. Too much to appeasing the public, and not protecting the world from evil. Karen had complained the loudest about this, within the League, and they just told her that her thoughts would be taking under consideration.
"Everyone alright out here?" Kara asked as she poked her head out.
"Yeah, it's fine," Harry said. "Thanks, but no thanks."
"You have a week to change your mind," Claire offered.
Harry honestly doubted that he would change his mind.
Another Christmas party, and one at a plaza. Harry joined with Karen and Megan. Karen wore a nice black dress which fit around her snug curves. And Megan dressed in a little green dress which fit around her body. The moment Harry arrived, he looked up at Lena who came down the steps.
Lena dressed in a nice tight red dress, which showed off her body very nicely. Harry could not keep his eyes off of Lena as she walked down the steps. Another woman, dressed in a modest blue dress appeared next to her, dark hair and extremely stunning herself.
"Harry, I'm glad you can make it," Lena said. "Karen, it's good to see you again."
"Good to see you as well," Karen said. "Sorry for not stopping by sooner but…."
"I know, you've been working hard," Lena said. "And you must be Megan."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Luthor," Megan said.
"Please, Lena,' she replied. "And this my friend, Samantha Arias….Sam this is Karen Starr, Megan Morse, and Hadrian Kent...Harry as most call him."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Sam said. "Especially you, Lena was so excited to meet never happened the way we wanted it to."
"Well everything worked out in the end," Harry said as he greeted the beautiful brunette woman with a kiss the top of the hand.
Sam just smiled at him. She could not recall the last time she had enjoyed the touch of a man, even one so simple. The last one had been in the midst of a drunken haze, a long time ago. Way too young to be drinking that much, way too young to get pregnant. She had worked hard, balancing her life and her daughter well, and Lena believed in her, which was the most important thing possible.
"There's a few guests of honor at this party, I hope you don't mind," Lena said. "We can have a more intimate get together for the New Year if you really want to."
Lena stressed the word intimate with a smile on her face. A dark skinned woman appeared on the edge and eyed Harry over the edge of her glass. Her rich cleavage peaked out from the side of her very expensive silky dress.
"Princess, I'm glad you can make it," Lena said.
"Well, I want to conclude what we were working on, before my brother's death and your impairment," she said. "Princess Shuri, of Wakanda at your service, and you must be...Harry, right?"
"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you," Harry said. "Although, surely it would be Queen Shuri by this point?"
"One would think that," Shuri said. "Only one more month until my eighteenth birthday before I can legally claim that title. Although...people have challenged that already. Foolish they are."
"Well, people always are," Harry said. "I was wondering if I could trouble you for a dance."
"I would be delighted," Shuri said. "It's been a long time so I might not be as light on my feet. Dealing with the upheaval...well I wouldn't want to bore you with the particulars."
"Oh, no, I find it very illuminating," Harry said. "And the fact you were one of the smartest women in the world. Coding complex algorithms by the time most girls worried about their first pimple."
"Well, I don't mean to brag," Shuri said.
Despite not wanting to brag, she did look smug. She looked up into those green eyes, very familiar to Shuri, for obvious reasons. She recalled the battle with Superman, under the guise of Black Panther. An unfortunate misunderstanding, and Shuri regretted handling things in that matter.
The pressure to rule had been difficult.
"I thank you for the dance,' Shuri said. "And I hope our next meeting will be just as pleasant, even more so."
Harry caught the attention of an alluring redhead hanging up on the edge of the table. The shimmering black dress she wore had a slit up her leg. Likely some kind of concealed weapon or something put into place. Natalie, if that was her real name, caught Harry's eye.
"So, you're at Lena's party," Harry said. "You seem to be following me around everyone. Not appropriate behavior towards your student."
Grabbing her by the waist, Harry pulled the ravishing redhead in close. Natalie just broke out into a smile and leaned closer towards him. Slowly, she ground up against him. Nothing too obscene, but rather a nice little tease. Natalie put her hand on the back of her head.
"In five months, you won't be my student," Natalie said. "It was only temporary anyway...but if you won't tell, I won't tell either."
Natalie's watch beeped suddenly and she sighed. Always at the worst possible times. But she knew her boss would not call unless it had been dire.
"Another time," Natalie said.
Her ass swayed when walking off to take the phone call. Megan had been given Harry one those looks. Harry plainly told her he would explain later and Megan with a nod.
Off to the corner, Lena had been chatting to a woman in the corner. With her dark skin, darker hair, and nice body poured into a lavender dress, with legs that stretched on for ever, she looked like a stunner. And obviously, the smoky glance she gifted Harry when he came around the corner stirred something deep inside.
"This is my old college roommate, Monica Rappaccini," Lena said. "Monica...this is my cousin….Harry."
So that was Lena's cover...she would play along with it for now.
"Hello, Harry, it's a pleasure to meet you," Monica said. She flashed him a calculating smile. "Lena and I...we go back a long she mentioned. We've been rivals...and friends...friendly rivals at the same time. Although she told me about her spinal implant technology, and I would have to say, she's beaten me at that game."
"It's not a competition, Monica," Lena said.
"Well, one could argue that competition breeds innovation," Monica said. "People around us...challenging us...stretching our limits although I have to ask something about your cousin…"
"What is it?" Harry asked.
"There have been innuendo that Lionel Luthor and Martha Kent had an affair years ago," Monica said. "And then...your cousin just shows up. Is he your cousin or maybe another half-Luthor….or something else entirely?"
"Believe what you want to believe," Lena said.
Lena put her hand on Harry's elbow. Monica had been eyeing up Harry like she was about ready to devour him. And being such a beautiful woman, he would let her try. In some ways, Monica reminded him of Marina, and Harry wondered if she was as submissive as her.
"I hear so many rumors regarding my family," Lena said. "I learn not to believe them after a while."
"Yes, I understand perfectly, just saying it's out there," Monica said. "And I'm always looking for a bright young man like Harry to be a part of my team. The future is not tomorrow, the future is now after all, and I think you would be a good person to lead the future. And I've seen your grades Mr. Kent and..."
Lena kicked herself. Monica was too smart for her own good, doing her homework on every little thing. The woman had been very careful, and had come here, knowing every detail she could on Harry. She would not be surprised if Monica put two and two together and realized Harry was Superman.
"Give me a call if you're interested," Monica said.
She took a piece of paper and put it in Harry's hand. Karen came around the corner to join them.
"He'll be busy this summer," Karen said. "We're looking on moving forward with a big time project at Starrwave...something super secret."
"Oh?" Monica asked. "Do you think that you can tell me what that is?"
Karen broke out into one of those knowing smiles.
"Now, if I told you, the project would not be super secret, now would it?"
Lena took Harry's hand and the two of them made their way outside of the hallway. They stopped, right underneath a clump of mistletoe. Lena broke out into a soft smile.
"It appears that I lead you outside underneath the mistletoe," Lena said.
"Oh, well that's a pity," Harry said. "I guess we have to kiss."
"Those who don't, are unlucky in love for the next year," Lena said. "Or so a friend of mine told me when I was younger. Don't know if it's true...don't want to find out, do you?"
"You don't have a problem with this, do you?" Harry asked.
"I'm not Claire," Lena reminded him. "I know exactly what I want. And how to get it."
Without any word, Lena leaned in and touched her lips onto Harry's. The minute Harry wrapped his arms around Lena and kissed her even more tightly, things developed from a single kiss, to a full snogging session. Lena could feel his hands all over her. The perfect man, the only man for her in fact.
Harry enjoyed the lips of his mother, so soft and so warm over his own. Her hands teasing him, and Harry had been riled up just a bit from Harry's teasing.
Suddenly, the door opened up and Sam popped her head out. She looked at Harry and Lena in a tender embrace and just had her eyes widened.
"Mistletoe," Lena said. "It's tradition."
"Yeah," Sam said before she recovered, privately wishing Harry had caught her under the mistletoe. "So, I heard. Emma told me that she won't be making it this year, snow is murder in the East."
"I figured as much," Lena said before answering Harry's question. "Emma Frost...another old friend of my from college."
Harry nodded, he heard of Emma, the CEO of Frost Industries. Her father was incompatiated by a stroke a couple years ago, and Emma took over the family business, and brought it to two heights. Smart, ruthless, and smoking hot, a very deadly competition for a woman in Emma's position.
Harry stood off to the side, dressed in a nice silk shirt, pants, and a pair of glasses. Lois stood to the side and moved over to Queen Bee. She sat on one side of a table, across from her throne, and Lois took the chair to the other side. They sat face to face. They were equals and this is unprecedented.
"People say that you ruthlessly slaughtered the previous ruler of this country and oppressed the people who opposed you," Lois said. "Do you find this to be true?"
"The previous ruler was a dictator, who would decapitate women and anyone with a lifestyle he did not support, just to prove his power," Marina said. "What people forget is that the United States fully accepted my rule and my path to the throne. But, they backed off because they wanted a puppet, and not a Queen. But, I cemented my rule."
"The United States used you to get the previous dictator off of the throne, and then you double-crossed them," Lois said.
"As a sovereign nation, we are not privy to the whims of another country," Queen Bee said. "They would love nothing better than to strike me down. Which is why they put their support behind a country like Quarac. Who so called Progressive Regime is nothing but a front, and a scam."
"How do you think it's a fraud?" Lois asked. "You manipulated the President of the country for unification and held his daughter captive."
"Only to ensure that I got back the land that we lost a hundred years ago," Queen Bee said. "People of a different faith then Quarac's main religion were imprisoned under their law."
"Wouldn't you say you imprison people as well for disagreeing with your rule?" Lois asked.
"I imprison people who threaten the security of my country," Queen Bee told her. "I don't imprison anyone who doesn't follow a different religion. Who doesn't worship the ground the President walks on. I don't turn a blind eye to rape gangs, and sentence women to prison for adultery, despite the fact they were victimized. And it would have been kinder of Noor Harjavti to be imprisoned in my country. Because, there's a war about ready to brew in Quarac...because the Extremists do not like the fact he's in bed with those Western...I believe the word they used was infidels."
"Surely, not all people feel that way?" Lois asked. "Perhaps they feel threatened that you've reinforced the borders…."
"If they have their way, they would have entered this country and slaughtered men, women, and children, in the name of their god," Queen Bee said. "And the only love that Harjavti has for the Western World is Western money. And there's big money, and there's big business in working together."
"But, haven't you made deals with LuthorCorp in the past?" Lois asked.
"I have, but I am not pretending to be a grand champion of change that the rule of Quarac," Queen Bee said. "I do what is necessary for the good of the people in my country. No more, no less. I answer all of your questions, but would Harjavti do the same? Could you look him in the eye and have him answer these questions?"
Queen Bee just looked Lois dead in the eye.
"Just because there's a democratically chosen leader, does not mean the leader is the best option to lead the country," Queen Bee said. "When you only have a select number of choices which the average person knows about, they're limited. You should know this better, Ms. Lane, as an American...and with your two party system. It's always a choice of a lesser of two evils."
Unfortunately, the two party system did have its share of problems. And it lead to tribalism which divided the nation. Lois conceded her point.
"As opposed to not giving people a choice?" Lois asked.
"Well, if you believe the numbers skewed by your media and their slant, I would not be a popular ruler," Queen Bee said. "But, I'm not the one with secret prisons."
Lois just frowned.
"Do you have any proof?" Lois asked.
"Would you be willing to print it if I did?" Queen Bee asked. "Or would your editor be willing to print it?"
Harry just caught Lois's eye and Lois slumped her shoulder.
"I like you, Ms. Lane," Marina said. "But, I have given you free reign to ask any question you wish. Unlike some, who have to have their questions pre approved, I allowed you free reign. Do you think that's fair?"
"Yes," Lois said. "But it appears you think that you're in the right."
"Much like you do," Marina said. "I will tell my side of the story and Harjavti should tell his...although I doubt it will be in anything other than a carefully worded press release."
"Fair enough," Lois murmured.
"I don't expect to agree with me on every point and I'm glad you fight for what you believe in," Marina said.
Lois nodded in response. She had one more question.
"How did Harry convince you go give this interview?" Lois asked.
"This is off the record, you must understand," Marina said.
Lois figured as much, but she had to know for sure. The Queen locked eyes onto her and she felt a warm feeling over her. Lois realized, as she succumbed to Queen Bee's allure, the woman could get Lois to write anything she wanted to, and she would be none the wiser.
Although, maybe that would not be a problem with Harry here.
"Help me show her," Marina suggested.
"Love to," Harry said.