After the death of Harry Potter, he is resurrected as Project Kr, or Superboy. Young Justice Crossover, with other Marvel and DC elements. Creator: megamatt09
Harry arrived to meet Kara. To say they had a problem, would be an understatement to end understatement. Superwoman, in all of her kinky glory, disappeared into the city. Neither Kara nor Harry wanted to unleash her on the city.
"I hope Karen figures something else, and soon," Kara said.
"Ten minutes, I hope!" Karen yelled.
Harry figured it would not be that easy. He did not want to rush Karen. They might have only one shot to get this right, so they had to make it count. And if they slipped off, no telling how Clara was going to react.
"Take your time, we're going to have to subdue them," Harry said. "Merge Clara and Claire back together."
Easier said than done, but they had overcome many challenges and many mountains. Harry got a call coming through his ear piece and he put Lois on.
"Claire's okay, a bit sick, but okay," Lois said. "Drinking alcohol like water as a Kryptonian and feeling the effects of the human is going to really to her."
"Yeah, take care of her and keep her safe," Harry said.
Scanning over Metropolis, Harry got a pretty good glimpse of where he needed to go. He was going to have to get Clara away from a place which lacked the civilians which could be harmed. Easier said than done, but Harry had a plan.
"I'm going to head off Superwoman at the junkyard," Harry said. "Get Claire there."
"Right," Lois said. "Be careful...she's not in her right mind."
"I'll keep that in mind," Harry said.
Oh, everything could just turn out for the worse, if Harry did not time this one completely right.
"And I'll be there with the counteragent."
Harry nodded. Kara would be there to back him up, in case things got a bit hectic. And he had a strong suspicion things would get very hectic in pretty much no time flat. The Girl of Steel followed the Man of Steel. The Woman of Steel made their way close to the junkyard.
"Time to get her attention."
Harry knew just the way to do it too, given how Clara reacted to him earlier.
Superwoman found herself knocked out of the sky by a ballistic force which sent her flying down to the ground. She popped up and only relaxed slightly when she saw Superman standing behind her. She smiled and licked her lips at the young man's hunky body. How did that little girl scout even manage to last without riding him dry? Harry looked really good.
And now some little girl scout was not holding her back, Clara could finish what she started earlier.
"Have I ever mentioned how good you look in that suit?" Superwoman asked him. "The only problem is I think that it would look ever better on the floor, with me on top of you instead"
Superman kept her at arm's length, while at the same time not necessarily spurring her. In Clara's mind, he was ramping up anticipation for the eventual sexual joining of the two of them.
"I want you so badly, and I can give you something that those other bitches can't," Clara said. "We were meant to be together. Mother knows best after all….and I can make you happier than any of them...especially Lena."
The name had been spat with such venom Harry only had been taken back.
Lois turned up, along with Claire. Clara just smiled at her weaker, human self. So sad, and pathetic, so weak and fragile, so much of a coward. The human part of her almost turned Clara's stomach.
"You need to come with us," Claire said.
Wrong thing to say, and even Claire cringed. She always felt deep rooted resentment of how people tried to tell her what to do. But she had been too nice, some might say too much of a doormat, to argue against it.
"Oh, I grow tired of people telling me what I need to do," Clara said. "If it isn't you, it's Lois. If it isn't Lois, it's Chloe...but when it came time for her to listen to me, she got herself killed on some creepy doll island, didn't she?"
Lois closed her eyes, knowing that this wasn't Claire speaking. This was some demonic darkside, brought on by crude black Kryptonite.
Clara kept speaking, on a role which she had been unable to stop. Years of Clara biting her tongue came back.
"My father, both of them, Lena, all of them told me what to do, and Lex...oh Lex was the worst of all, wasn't he?" Clara asked. "You know, after I'm done staking my claim here, and showing my son why I'm the only woman who can satisfy all of his needs, I will kill Lex. Bastard keeps wiggling out of trouble. Let's see him try and wiggle out of the grave!"
Karen and Kara turned up. They locked eyes with Harry and they all nodded. Now or never.
Power Girl, Supergirl, and Superman all jumped her at the same time. They sent Clara flying instantly. Claire rushed over, and Karen shoved the rock into both of their hands, hoping that it would work. The flash of light emitted as something was happening.
The three Kryptonians held on for as long as they could before letting nature take its course.
The two of them vibrated together into one solid entity. Karen felt jubilant, as the job had been done. She had done it and she could celebrate.
And then in a flash, Superwoman split apart again, sending Clara and Claire flying off side by side, breathing heavily. Merging together, and being split apart rocked them.
Karen had been shocked, it did not work. What was more shocking was a jaw jacking punch to the side of the face which sent her down? Clara's eyes glowed completely red when looking down at them from the sky. She was angered.
"Everyone betrays me!" Clara fumed. "No one respects me. Not even my own son! Can't you see the person I am, is who I truly meant to be...well you'll find out as well. This entire city will find out soon who I am. Everyone in this city would die without me. They will all kneel before me!"
For one wild second, Harry thought Clara would attack. Instead, after casting them one dirty look, she flew off to the other direction
Claire rose up, pinching her nose to get the blood to stop flowing. Karen, massaging her jaw, leaned over towards both Kara and Harry.
"I really thought that would work," Karen said.
Something went wrong. Precisely what, Karen could not say, but something went wrong. There was some missing element which prevented Karen from putting Clara back together.
Karen ran through every single calculation in a very painstaking manner. Her eyes were red, from the lack of blinking she had. Harry put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her away. An intervention which was needed. Although Karen could not figure out what the hell she was doing wrong.
What was it? Karen tugged on her hair and rocked back and forth.
"Something's missing," Karen said. "What's missing."
The attempted racking of her brain for an answer caused Karen to develop a slight migraine. Something which she never thought was possible. She turned to Kara and Harry to gauge their feedback, only to hit a brick wall of frustration.
"You can't stop this with Earth science."
Harry turned around and noticed Giselle stand in the doorway. She had a rather somber and serious situation. She picked up the Black Kryptonite piece and ran a finger over it. It glowed and reacted to her, almost hissing in warning.
"This is not anything which can be stopped by third dimensional science of any kind," Giselle said. "Because, this Black Kryptonite, it was created through fifth dimensional science."
Harry knew the answer, and the same time, could not help and ask.
"Let me guess, it's…."
"My estranged husband," Giselle said. "I kicked him out and he obviously has way too much time on his hands. Perhaps if he learned to do a better job on cleaning the gutters, he wouldn't have been kicked out in the first place."
Giselle grabbed Harry's hand and he entered in some kind of tospy turvy world and entered the fifth dimension. His head had been spinning. Everything turned around, for the weird and the stranger.
"Normally, beings from the third-dimensional are not allowed," Giselle said. "But in this case, we have to make an exception...because there are certain things you have to know."
Harry answered by nodding. Everything was odd. The door knobs for instance were squares, and people put carpet on the ceiling. And down the street, a dog man walked a human on four legs. Harry figured it was best not to think about the fifth-dimension.
Especially when it started literally raining cats and dogs.
"I'll show them, oh they think they're so clever," Mxy said. "But, I found him, the perfect patsy. Just give him a nice little shiny toy to play with and bing-bang-boom!"
Mxy thought everything had gone smoothly. The idiot would play with any toy, if he meant getting the better of Superwoman.
"You'll be bing-bang-boomed if you don't tell us how to Reverse the Black Kryptonite."
Superman and his estranged wife were together. And neither looked too happy. Both of them staring at Mxy. Mxy swallowed when seeing Gspy giving him the same look that she did, when he blew their entire life savings on a Waifu pillow of Superwoman.
Worth it. Even after Gspy made him literally eat it.
"You're behind the Black Kryptonite," Harry said. "Tell us how to reverse it."
"Oh, you don't like the new and improved Superwoman?" Mxy asked. "All hotter, edgier, sexier, more extreme, like something out of a nineties comic book. You want me to snap my fingers, and just bing-bang-boom she's back."
Mxy turned into a bell and binged. He turned into a set of drums and banged. And then he turned into a stick of dynamic and boomed before landing on the ground on his feet.
"Well, guess what, Boy-Who-Lived-To-Be-Hyphenated In a Past Life!" Mxy yelled. "I'm not saying anything. My lips are sealed, zipped, tighter than a Nun's box. There's nothing that you can do to stop me, nothing that you can do to make me spill what needs to be done to reverse the old BlackK mojo."
An evil grin spread of Gspy's face. Mxy backed off a couple of steps.
"Nothing, mmmm?" she asked. "Well, you've left me no choice, but to employ Plan B."
"Plan B?" Mxy asked. "Plan B as in….oooh….no, no, no, no, no!"
Giselle snapped her fingers and another floating imp, cosplaying as Batman appeared. Mxy backed up, swallowing even more as he came across the one and only Bat-Mite. With an extremely wide grin on his face, which made him look like he overdosed on Smilex.
"Hey, friend, Mxy!" Bat-Mite yelled. "Did you know that a version of Batman appeared on Earth-Prime all the way back in 1939."
"Oh, no!" Mxy yelled.
Giselle just sat back and let the magic to happen. Once Bat-Mite started rattling off Batman facts, there was no force in the third-dimension or the fifth-dimension which could stop him, bar from just teleporting him elsewhere.
"Oh, and Batman does not need super powers," Bat-Mite said. "He manages just fine with a combination of world-class detective skills and Martial arts, along with Olympic Level training."
Mxy created a wall to repeatedly ram his head into. Which he did, repeatedly. At least until Giselle turned it into a giant marshmallow which eliminated the effect. White fluff splattered Myx's face.
"Throughout the universe, Batman has a wide variety of personality and interpretations," Bat-Mite said. "From the campy Batman of Earth-66, to the grim and all too dark and scary Batman of Earth-86. To the ultra-realistic, and quite frankly kind of bland Batman of Earth-05, with his gravelly voice which makes him sound like he smokes about twenty packs a day."
"Oh, Jesus take the wheel!" Mxy moaned.
"Batman's loyal butler is named Alfred Pennyworth, although in some early incarnations of Batman in the universe, he was named Alfred Beagle," Bat-Mite narrated.
Giselle and Harry almost could not keep a straight face at Mxy's anguish from Bat-Mite's excited reading of random Batman facts. He looked about ready to crack.
"Aunt Harriet Cooper was added to the Wayne Household for a time, to deter thoughts that Batman and Robin were partners of a different kind!" Bat-Mite narrated.
Mxy threw herself back and screamed out loud, anguish hitting him so himself.
"Batman's faithful sidekick is Robin," Bat-Mite narrated. "And numerous individuals have taken over the mantle of Robin throughout the years. Some of them have been Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Timothy Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damien Wayne…."
"Stop, please, I'm begging you, stop," Mxy said.
"Batman has numerous gadgets in his utility belt," Bat-Mite said. "From all purpose Batarangs to other single purpose gadgets, Batman has a versatile collection of gadgets. His most infamous gadget would have to be his Shark Repellent Bat Spray. And I shall name each and every one of Batman's many gadgets, and talk about their functionality…"
"OKAY, FINE YOU'VE PROVED YOUR POINT!" Mxy yelled. "I'll talk!"
Giselle snapped Bat-Mite away, just as he was about ready to describe Batman's various suits over the years.
"You need to get the Superwomen on some kind of common ground," Mxy said. "That will reverse the process. Scout's honor….tantric energy could do the trick, with both Superwoman halves involved."
Harry knew what he had to do now. Tantric energy, well Harry had no issues with that, none at all. Would be a simple matter really, and Harry could figure out.
Back at the Fortress, Superwoman prepared to show her power. Soon all of them would bow down before the might of a true Kryptonian.
A flash of light indicated the arrival of Harry and Giselle. Giselle slipped an object in Harry's palm, and Harry walked over with the object clasped tightly.
"What?" Clara asked.
"An apology," Harry said. "You were right. And to say, I'm sorry, I brought you some chocolates."
Clara took the box and they seemed to be on the level chocolate. She popped one, two, and three of them in her mouth at the time.
Coming from the Fortress, Claire arrived, to the visual of Harry feeding Clara chocolates. Giselle presented her with a chocolate. Claire eyed it, want but apprehensive at the same time.
"I really shouldn't….."
"Just eat the chocolate," Giselle told Claire.
Claire popped the chocolate into her mouth. It made her feel very good and also ready to take on the world. Harry leaned in and motioned both sides of Superwoman to come together.
Giselle smiled. Chocolate served to be one of the world's most natural aphrodisiacs. And spiking it with a bit of fifth-dimensional magic did not hurt their cause either. Harry wrapped his arms around both of the lovely women and pulled them in closer.
"We should be friends," Harry said. "Focus on the things we have in common."
Harry kissed Clara, dousing the darker side of Superwoman with pheromones. Any plans of conquest, or murdering Lex Luthor had been forgotten. He leaned in and gave Claire a kiss. She had been a bit reluctant to return it, but got into it, the adrenaline flowing through her body.
Giselle decided to pop out for a minute. Harry had the situation well handled. And the two lovely halves of Superwoman, who would be whole again, but only after a really big bang, found their common ground.
Mxy had been strapped to a table, unable to move. And also unable to close his eyes. On the account Gspy clamped his eyes shot. A view screen flashed in the lab which he had been sured. Mxy struggled against the bonds, but they snapped back and made him unable to move.
"Well, you really got into it, didn't you?" Gspy asked him.
Mxy groaned and tried to break free. He had been gagged as well. Because, the last thing Giselle wanted to hear was his mouth. It would ruin the mood.
"Everything is going to end just nicely," Giselle said. "Perhaps not for you, because after Superman's done putting those two back together, he's going to tend to my needs. Which have been left unattended for quite some time, I should point out."
Mxy gave several anguished sounds. Giselle replaced the gag with a bar of soap which she jammed down Mxy's throat and caused suds.
"Fitting, both of us are going to be foaming at the mouth tonight," Giselle said. "Although for different reasons."
She popped her lips and smiled, as Mxy almost choked on the soap suds. Her point proven, Giselle reapplied the gag and left Mxy there, breathing heavily.
"Enjoy the show, my little cuckholded imp. Because the shameless smut is about to commence.