
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

Young justice!

" This! This is amazing. I never imagined the night sky was so truly beautiful."

Kai exclaimed, Staring at the beautiful night sky.

" My sense, I can feel more, see more, hear more. Is this what being superman feels like?"

Kai asked, feeling the divine power flowing through his body. His sense becoming stronger than he could ever imagine.

Kai sat in the clouds hovering above the city below, for what felt like hours only the sudden sound of explosions were enough to draw his attention back to the real world.

" Huh?! Those sounded like explosions. Guess I'm needed sooner than I thought. I had hoped I'd have time to figure out my powers, but I guess jumping into the deep end sometimes works wonders."

Kai stated nervously.

Kai began descending from the clouds at an astonishing rate, until he came to a sudden stop in front of a strange building.

" The noise. It's coming from below. Guess there's only one way in now. Down!"

Kai said before tunneling his way through the ground like a drill. He continued tunneled far down below the building. Eventually rock and cement turning into steel. When he emerged on the source of the noise, he was shocked to see the scene before him.

' Whoa, that's robin, kid flash, and aqua lad. And a superboy?'

Kai wondered

" Yo, you guys need a hand?"

Kai asked the teens

" Who are you?"

Aqualad asked, shocked at the sudden arrival of another super powered human. Kid flash and robin joining him on the curious side.

" I don't really have a name yet, but I don't think that matters right now. You guys look like you're in a bind."

Kai explained.

" No, actually we just got it figured out."

Robin answered back.

" Really?"

Kai asked

" Yes, our brother has chosen freedom. As such he and his team are free to leave."

The lead genomorph stepped forward and spoke.

" Oh, cool."

Kai responded back nervously.

" You all get out of here. I'll handle Desmond."

Guardian said as he too had regained his senses

" I think not."

A man in a lab coat said as he parted the genomorphs like the red sea.

" Project blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to cadmus."

Desmond said before downing the vial of blue liquid in his hand codenamed blockbuster. The man's body began to shift, and his skin began bursting from his body. His body grew four feet, his skin turned purple with dark red lines going around his body, his eyes turned dark red. He became a monster

" Hey new guy?"

Kid flash called

" Yeah."

Kai answered back

" Is that offer to help still on the table?"

Kid flash asked the man nervously, looking at him from over his shoulder.

" It might be."

Kai answered back nervously.

" Everyone back!"

Guardian yelled before charging the creature by himself. Blockbuster lifted his arm and easily swatted away the man like he was nothing.

" Raaaah!"

superboy yelled as he lunged at the creature. Superboy managed to land a blow on blockbuster's face before block buster returned one of his own. The two powerhouses began slugging it out with each other with superboy landing three impressive hits on the creature. Block buster, however, managed to land a heavy hit on the young man knocking him down into the ground.

" Raaaaaaah!" Superboy yelled as he jumped into the air, aiming to slam his fists on top of the man's head. The creature returned a yell of its own before tackling superboy through the ceiling onto the top floor of cadmus.

" Ok, that's one way to bust through the ceiling."

Robin said as he fired his grappling hook into the hole and pulled himself up.

' You just had to jump into the deep end didn't you.'

Kai said to himself as he jumped through the hole in the ceiling.

" You think old lab coat planned that?"

Kid flash asked

" I doubt he's planning anymore."

Aqua lad replied before joining the group upstairs.

The group arrived upstairs just in time for block buster to grab superboy by his feet and throw him into the group. Kai caught the superboy with relative ease.

" Mind if I take a swing at him?"

Kai asked

" Go for it."

Kid flash answered

Kai lunged at the man swinging his right fist into the creature's jaw launching it into the air.

' Now, kai take advantage. knock him back down into the ground.'

Athena whispered in the man's mind. Giving him instructions on how to defeat his enemy. Kai wasted no time in rushing above the creature. Using both of his hands, he slammed down hard on top of blockbuster's back knocking him straight through the floor below.

" Good job man!"

Kid flash excitedly yelled as he ran over to the young man.

" Do you think that stopped him?"

Kid flash asked hoping for the battle to be over.


Block buster's blood curdling yell answered the boy's question.

" Of course, not!"

Kid flash stated. The hope having left his wind.

" Okay, big guy. Where are you?"

Kai asked

The creature's hand suddenly came through the ground and pulled kai under with it.

" Ughhhhhh!" Kai yelled as he was thrown back into the room by the creature.

Super boy and aqua lad reengaged the creature trying to overpower it.

" That's it. Kf!"

Robin called as he began putting a plan together

" Got it!"

Kid flash said to robin. Kid flash ran off towards the creature and punched it in the face to draw its attention.

" Got your nose."

Kid flash taunted making the creature give up its assault on the others in pursuit of him.

" Super boy! Aqualad! Come here."

Robin called getting the two heroes to come to him.

" Destroy the pillars. This one and that one!"

Robin explained to the two boys. Agreeing with the plan Super boy and Aqualad began destroying the two pillars supporting the building around them.

" Ugh!"

Kai groaned as he began to compose himself

" Okay ugly. Let's see how you like this."

Kai said

Kai rushed the creature attacking kid flash getting it in a choke hold before yelling out. " SHAZAM!" As he yelled that word a bolt of lightning hit the creature.

" Hey! New guy. Get him over here."

Robin yelled gesturing to a giant white X.

" Okay, Superboy get ready!"

Kai yelled. Kai punched the creature in its face knocking him over to superboy. Superboy in turn drove his fists into the creature's stomach slamming him into the ground.

" Aqualad now!"

Robin yelled.

Aqualad used his water magic to create a puddle around the creature, then he used his lightning to shock it again.

" MOVE!"

Robin yelled as his birdarangs began exploding dropping the ceiling on blockbuster.

' Oh, damn!'

Kai thought as he rushed to cover the boys.

The shockwave destroyed much more than the ceiling. As the boy's dug their way out of the Debree they looked around to see the entire building had collapsed around them.

*Huff*Huff* " We did it."

Aqualad said to the group.

*Huff*Huff* " Yeah we did, just next time let me know when you're going to drop the ceiling on us Robin. I could have flown us out."

Kai said before collapsing.

" Is he done?"

Kai asked Superboy, who had just walked over to blockbuster.

" Yeah."

Superboy replied.

" See the moon."

Kid flash said to superboy as he held onto robin for support.

Superboy looked up at the man with awe in his eyes. As did the others. Soon an object or rather a person could be seen heading towards them. Descending down from the sky was none other than the man of steel superman himself.

" Oh, and superman. Do we keep our promises or what?"

Kid flash asked.

' That's superman. I can't believe I get to meet superman.'

Kai thought with excitement as he watched the man of steel get closer. He was soon followed by the rest of the justice league which excited Kai even more, as many of them were his favorite heroes.

' I don't believe it Superman, Batman, Red tornado, Aquaman, Black canary, Green arrow, The martian manhunter, Green lantern, Flash, Zatara, Captain atom, Hawkman and hawkgirl, Wonder Woman! And captain Marvel. Wait his outfit looks like mine. Is he the other champion the old man talked about?'

Kai wondered

' Yes, dear boy he is.'

Athena whispered

Kai didn't voice it, but he noticed captain marvel looking at him especially strange.

' I guess he knows what I am. Honestly it shouldn't be too hard I mean we're wearing the same attire, or almost anyway.'

Kai thought as he looked at captain marvel.

Superboy stepped towards superman and revealed to him the symbol on his chest. Taking the hint at what was in front of him, superman's face turned into one of disgust and shock.

" Is that what I think it is?"

Batman asked

" Whoa, It? He has a name!"

Kai spoke up but was ignored.

" I'm superman's clone."

Superboy proclaimed Shocking everyone nearby.

" Whoa, buddy you're more than a clone. You're you man."

Kai argued

" Yeah, what he said. Wait we still don't know who you are."

Kid flash said in agreement before acknowledging he still didn't know the boy's name.

" Yes, who are you?"

Batman asked sternly as he glared at the boy.

' Name huh, I need a name. Athena any ideas?'

Kai asked.

' How about taking a name from the Hindu gods. Rudra, or Indra'

Athena offered.

' I like Rudra. Thanks Athena.'

Kai thanked the woman who had given him his name.

" My name is Rudra. And you should remember to treat strangers with respect Batman."

Kai answered back boldly.

' That courage of Zabba is really coming in handy.'

Kai thought.

" Rudra as in the god of storms?"

Wonder woman asked.

" Though we share a name I am not the god of storms."

Kai answered back.

" We'll figure the rest out later, for now start talking."

Batman said to the group of teens

After some time, the lanterns hawkman and hawkgirl along with captain atom took the defeated block buster off, presumably to prison somewhere.

The remaining leaguers stood by and debated what to do with the current situation.

" So, who are you?"

Captain marvel asked

" Rudra, I was recently chosen as the wizards champion. As in about a few hours ago."

Kai answered

" Is that right? Well, welcome. It's nice to see someone else like me around. The name's captain marvel. You ever wanna hang out give me a call I'd be happy to show you the ropes."

Captain marvel explained with excitement.

" Thanks, I'd be happy to learn more about our powers, but for now I think we should wait until their done grilling us."

Kai answered back.

" Oh, don't worry about them. I'm sure everything will be alright. I'll catch you later little guy."

Captain marvel said before flying away.

' I wonder if the gods we embody are the same?'

kai wondered

However, his attention was soon brought back to reality as batman had made his way over to the group.

" Cadmus will be investigated. All fifty-two level. But let's make one thing clear."

Batman was saying

" You should have called."

Flash said interrupting batman.

" End results aside, we are not happy. You hacked justice league satellites, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again."

Batman said as he glared at the group.

" I don't think you have the right to decide that batman."

Kai stepped forward and said to the man.

" He is right batman, we will be doing this again."

Aqualad spoke up agreeing with the man.

" Aqualad stand down."

Aquaman said to the youth.

" I am sorry my king, but no."

Aqualad said sternly making aquaman raise his eyebrow in surprise.

" We did good work here tonight. The work you trained us to do. Together on our own we forged something powerful. Important."

Aqualad argued

" If this is about your treatment at the hall the three of you."

Flash spoke.

" The five of us and it's not."

Kid flash said cutting the flash off.

" Batman we're ready to use what you taught us or why teach us at all."

Robin argued

" Why let them tell us what to do. It's simple either get on board or get out of the way."

Superboy said defiantly as he stood beside his team.

Batman glared at the group intently, obviously upset over the groups attitude towards him and the others.

[ Mount Justice, July 8, 08:04 edt]

" This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the justice league. We're calling it into service again, since you five are determined to stay together and fight the good fight. You'll do it on league terms. Red tornado volunteered to live here and be your league supervisor. Black canary is in charge of training, and I will deploy you on missions."

Batman explained as the green lanterns were busy rebuilding the cave.

" Real missions?"

Robin asked

" Yes, but covert."

Batman made sure to drive home that point.

" The league will still handle the obvious stuff. There's a reason we have these big targets on our chest."

Flash said as he pointed to the lightning bolt on his chest.

" But cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter. batman needs a team that can opreate on the sly."

Aquaman said

" The six of you are that team."

Batman exclaimed

" Cool! Wait, six?"

Robin asked. A question that the others wanted to know as well.

Batman gestured for the group to look towards the cave's teleporter.

" This is the martian manhunters niece Ms. Martian."

Batman said as the manhunter entered the room with a red headed young martian lady.

" Hi."

Ms. martian said to the group

" Liking this gig more every minute."

Wally whispered to Dick.

" Welcome aboard. I'm kid flash, that's robin, aqualad. It's cool of you wanna forget their names."

Wally said as he identified his two friends.

" I'm honored to be included."

Ms. Martian said

" It is a pleasure to meet you."

Kai said as he and the others walked over to the lady.

" Hey, superboy come meet Ms. M."

Robin said gesturing for the boy to come over.

As superboy made his way over, Ms. Martian shifted her clothes so that the colors matched his.

" I like your t-shirt."

Ms. Martian stated. Superboy merely looked at the woman and smiled before kid flash and robin ran up to him.

" Today is the day."

Aqualad said as he looked at the new team.

' I guess jumping into the deep end worked after all. This is going to be exciting.'

Kai thought as he watched his teammates laugh.