
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs


[ Recognized Rudra b08]

The voice of the cave's teleportation system rang out drawing the attention of the team to the newly arrived Kai.

" Whoa, man what happened to you? You look like you just got hit by a nuke."

Wally said as he stared upon the boy's bandaged up body.

" Training with wonder woman and her sister. That woman is a devil."

Kai explained as he began having flashbacks to the training of yesterday.

" What is your problem woman? Are you trying to kill me?"

Kai asked as he dodged sword attacks from donna.

" This is training, a real enemy wouldn't give you time to gather yourself."

Donna explained as she continued her vicious assault on the boy.

' This is crazy! If this keeps up, she really will kill me. I know I wanted to learn the hard way, but this is beyond insane.'

Kai thought as he continued to parry and barely dodge the amazon's fierce attacks.


* Crack Boom! *

Kai called down the lightning, transforming into his magical form.

" I didn't want to use this but holding back with you is a death sentence."

Kai explained

" She still beat the crap out of me after that. But I at least fared better."

Kai explained to the group.

' Though it would have helped to have your aid, Athena.'

Kai thought.

' You'll never learn if we always hold your hand kai.'

Athena whispered.

' You're right, Though I have to ask, are all amazons so beautiful?'

Kai asked

' As beautiful as they are dangerous young man. And the way you fight you'll never win an amazons heart.'

Athena explained with pride in her amazons, while also taunting the young man.

" Anyway, guys do we have a mission today?"

Kai asked

" No, but we know red tornado is supposed to be arriving here soon. We are hoping he will have a mission for us."

Aqualad explained

" Well, I'm going to lay down for a bit. My wounds still hurt."

Kai complained

[ Recognized red tornado16]

" He's here!'

The group yelled excitedly.

" Oh, great he's here."

Kai groaned as he got up to go join the team.

" Hey red."

Kai said greeting the robotic hero.

" Hello young Rudra. How, can I help you."

Red tornado asked in his monotonic voice.

" Seeing as how the others haven't rushed in here to get changed, I'm guessing you didn't give the team a mission."

Kai stated rather amused at his teammate's excitement for nothing.

" No, I have not. But i did tell them to get acquainted with the cave and its amenities. Something I would recommend you doing as well."

Tornado explained to the boy his earlier news to the team.

" Okay, see ya red."

Kai said leaving the hero to find his team.

' Where are those guys? I thought red left them at the entrance. I guess not. Wait oh there's Ms. Martian.'

" Hey Ms. Whoa!"

Kai yelped as he dodged out of the way of the flying woman.

" Whoa, what was that about?"

Kai wondered

" She was yelling something about cookies. I guess she left the oven on."

Robin said as he and the others arrived.

" Oh, hey guys I was looking for ya."

Kai explained as he got up off the floor.

" You guys can stay and talk I want cookies."

Wally said before running to the kitchen.

" Oh, is that the burnt smell. Boy is he gonna be upset when he gets there. Wanna watch?"

Kai asked gesturing towards the kitchen, getting nods from his fellow teammate's

*cough*cough* " Whoa, how long did you leave them in there?"

Kai asked as he and the others waved through a large cloud of smoke in the kitchen.

" I'm sorry, I guess I burnt them. I was trying out a recipe from earth and I forgot I left them in there."

Ms. Martian explained as she presented the burnt cookies.

Wally being the good guy he is decided to eat the burnt cookies.

" He doesn't seem to mind."

Robin said as Wally munched away at the burnt food.

" I have a serious metabolism."

Wally tried explaining.

" I'll make more."

Mss. martian stated

" It was sweet of you to make any."

Aqualad explained.

" Thanks, Aqualad."

Ms. Martian replied

" We are off duty. Call me kaldur'ahm, actually my friends call me Kaldur."

Kaldur explained.

" I'm Wally. See I already trust you with my secret Id, unlike Mr. Dark glasses over here. Batman's forbidden boy wonder from telling anyone his real name."

Wally said taunting dick and his mentor

" Mines no secret. It's M'gann M'orzz, but you can call me Megan. It's an earth name and I'm on earth now."

Megan explained


* Crack Boom!*

" My name's Kai! Kai green."

Kai explained.

" Whoa, dude what was that Lightning? That was awesome."

Wally asked excitedly while superboy went to leave the group.

' Don't worry superboy.'

Megan said psychically irritating and angering superboy.

' We'll find you an earth name too.'

Megan said trying to cheer the boy up, but only making him explode in anger.


Superboy yelled angrily confusing Megan and the others around them.

' What's wrong? I don't understand. Everyone on Mars communicates telepathically.'

Megan tried explaining to the group making them all grab their heads.

" Megan Stop!"

Kaldur ordered causing the girl to jump.

" Things are different on earth. Here your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy."

Kaldur explained

" Besides Cadmus creepy little psychic genomes left a little a bad taste in his brain."

Wally said adding his own two cents.

" I didn't mean to."

Megan tried to explain, but super boy wasn't having it.

" Just stay out!"

Superboy demanded.

" Oh, don't listen to these guys Megan. You're more than welcome to use your powers with me anytime. Besides, thinking about this logically, your abilities give us an edge in the field."

Kai explained, trying his best to cheer the sad woman up.

" What do you mean?"

Kaldur asked

" Well, if we're ever in the field and we need to communicate her abilities can't be tracked with technology. So, we have a better chance at staying under the radar than we would be using communicators."

Kai explained, bringing to light all the positive sides of the girl's powers. This gesture definitely seemed to brighten the girl's mood as her frown was soon replaced by a smile.

" Hello Megan!"

Megan said, breaking the silence as she facepalmed herself.

" I know what we could do!"

Megan explained as she flew off. The group of boys began to follow but Kai stopped beside superboy.

" You coming Mr. Grouchy?"

Kai joked.

" Superboy, please."

Megan said as she flew back to the two boys.

" don't talk to me."

Superboy demanded making the young martian sad again.

" Come on man, don't be like that. Let's go see what she has planned. It might make you a little less grumpy."

Kai joked trying to lighten the mood between the two. Eventually superboy relented and got up from his couch to join the others, much to the delight of Megan

' Kai!'

Megan called out using her powers.

' Hm?'

Kai asked

' Thank you!'

The girl said to the boy her smile growing larger and larger.

' You're welcome, Megan.'

Kai said back with a large smile of his own.

The group walked until they reached the elevator, taking it down to the cargo hold. Once they stepped out into the room, they noticed a strange red orb in the middle of the room.

" It's my martian Bio-ship."

Megan exclaimed excitedly.

" Cute! Not very aerodynamic, but cute."

Wally stated making Megan laugh at the boy.

" It's in rest silly. I'll wake it."

Megan explained. As she raised her hand the small red orb began to transform into that of a spaceship.

" Whoa! Megan This is awesome!"

Kai exclaimed excitedly.

" Come on, check out the inside."

Megan said inviting the boys onto her ship.

" Are we going out?"

Kai asked

" Yeah, come on!"

Megan said.

" One sec. SHAZAM!"

* Crack Boom! *

" What does that lightning do exactly?"

Robin asked

" It gives me my powers and my outfit."

Kai explained

" Dude that is awesome!"

Wally said to the boy as they walked into the ship.

" Strap in for launch!"

Megan said to the boys as a bunch of chairs sprouted for them to sit in.

" Whoa!"

Wally said as the seat strapped him in.

" Red tornado please open the bay doors."

Megan asked the robotic hero. The doors to the cave began to open and Megan used the controls on the ship to fly her and the team out of the cave.

" Incredible!"

Robin said with excitement as he watched the forest around him out of the ships window.

" She sure is."

Wally said with romance in his eyes, obviously infatuated with the young martian. Of course, when Megan turned to him Wally began trying to cover his tracks.

" I mean, the ship. Which like all ships, is a she."

Wally tried to explain

" Fast with his feet, not so much his mouth."

Dick joked to Megan about wally.

" Dude!"

Wally exclaimed

" Ahaaaa! Wally you got caught."

Kai joined in on the joke.

" Got caught how?"

Megan asked innocently.

" Nothing, Megan just Wally being Wally."

Kai joked

"I may not have psychic powers, but I can guess what you're thinking. You overreacted and you don't know how to apologize. Just say sorry."

kaldur said to superboy, trying to help the young man with his inability to say sorry.

" He'll come around."

Dick said to Megan.

" He doesn't seem to like me much."

Megan said back to the boy rather sadly.

" Don't worry about him, that's just how he is. A big grouch on the outside, a big softie on the inside."

Kai joked trying to make the woman smile again.

" You guys remember he has super hearing, right?"

Wally said as he gestured to the annoyed superboy up front.

" Hey, how about showing us some martian shapeshifting?"

Dick asked

Megan got up from her chair and began shifting into different forms of the boys. Up first was a female version of dick himself. Megan appeared wearing a robin outfit and short black hair like dicks. She then turned into a female version of Wally. Wearing a kid flash outfit with his spiky red hair. Last but certainly not least was kai. Megan appeared with shining blue eyes, beautiful long white hair, and in his Shazam outfit.

" Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?"

Both Wally and Kai asked simultaneously while staring at Megan.

* Clap! Clap! Clap! * " Impressive, but you're not gonna fool anyone with those."

Dick pointed out while also praising the girl.

" Boys are a lot harder to imitate."

Megan explained

" And your clothes?"

Kaldur asked

" They're organic, like the ship. They respond to my mental commands."

Megan explained as she showed that her jacket was attached to her shirt, which in turn was also attached to her skin.

"As long as they're the only ones."

Superboy added

" Oh, come on man why do you gotta be such a mood killer?"

Kai asked

" You don't know what it's like to have someone in your head giving orders."

Superboy growled.

" Wrong, but okay, I get it. You're still upset about Cadmus, I understand. Anybody in your place would be. But don't take it out on Megan. She had nothing to do with what happened to you."

Kai explained rather sternly, something which the others were shocked of, as since they had met the boy, he had seemed to be a jokester just like Wally.

" Whatever."

Superboy grunted back

" Can you do that ghosting through walls thing that manhunter does?"

Wally asked trying to lighten the mood.

" Density Shifting? No, it's a very advanced technique."

Megan explained

" Flash can vibrate his molecules through a wall. When he does it, bloody nose."

Dick joked


Wally yelled in embarrassment.

" Here's something I can do!"

Megan Said with excitement as she began to shift the ship, turning it completely invisible.

" Camouflage mode"

Megan said happily.

" Red tornado to miss Martian. An emergency alert has been triggered at the happy harbor power plant. I suggest you get there to investigate, covertly. I'm sending coordinates."

Red tornado explained as a new emergency had appeared.

" Received! Adjusting course."

Megan said back to the robot as she began flying to the power plant.

" Red tornado's keeping us busy again."

Robin said agitatedly.

" You don't know that. This could be a very serious problem."

Kai answered back.

" Well, a simple fire led you to superboy. We should see what caused the alert.

" I think I know the cause."

Superboy said to the group

" Is it a large tornado heading our way?"

Kai asked

" Yep!"

Superboy replied

" I thought i heard something."

Kai said as the group all turned to look out the window superboy was staring at to see a giant tornado heading right towards them. Megan tried to fly the ship to safety, btu the group was sucked into the vortex.

" AGH!"

The group yelled as they were rocked back and forth. Thankfully Megan was able to pull the ship out of the tunnel.

" Get me on the ground Megan quickly"

Kai all but ordered.

The bioship pulled close to the ground and dropped the team off.

" Thank god, okay, now who wants to play with lightning?"

Kai asked as he looked around for the threat.


A group of people who worked for the power plant yelled in terror.

" Robin are tornados common in new England?"

Kaldur asked

" Robin?!"

Kaldur yelled as he turned around to see the boy wonder gone.

" He was just here!"

Megan said

" I need to get those people out! Kid flash help me grab them!

Kai yelled as he and Wally both ran into the building, grabbing as many people as they could, only to turn around and see that robin was fighting a robot.

" Who's your new friend?"

Superboy asked as he and the others arrived to help robin.

" Didn't catch his name, but he plays kind of rough!"

Robin yelled

" My apologies you may address me as Mr. twister!"

The giant red and black robot said before blasting superboy with a tornado. Superboy had tried to power his way through the raging winds but was soon picked up and slammed against a wall.

" There's no one here! Which means this was a set up. Kid flash we need to help the others."

Kai yelled

" Right!"

Wally responded as he and Kai raced downstairs joining the others. They all took a moment to gather themselves and with a nod they sprang into action. Wally ran towards the machine and tried to drop kick it but was thrown violently by the winds out of the building.

" Ugh! Argh! Oof!"

Wally grunted as he skipped across the field of grass.

Up next both aqualad and Miss Martian were also taken down by the tornado themed villain. Aqualad was flung hard into one of the support pillars, While Miss martian hit the guard rail.

" I was expecting to be challenged by a superhero, not children!"

Mr. twister exclaimed to the two remaining heroes standing.

" We are not children!

Robin yelled as he launched his birdarangs at the machine. The machine used his twisters to stop most of the disks before they could explode. When the last one landed the machine just flicked it away.

" Objectively, you are. Have you adult supervision. I find your presence here quite disturbing."

The machine exclaimed.

" You talk a lot you know that."

Kai said before rushing the machine. The machine had tried to use his wind once again, Kai however was fortunate enough to be faster than the villain could account for, with one punch the villain was launched from the building landing outside.

" If you were disturbed before, you must be downright upset now."

Kai taunted as the others joined him outside.

" Rahhh!"

Superboy yelled as he jumped to attack the machine but was blasted once again this time crashing into Kai, knocking the two boys down. Aqualad and robin had tried to attack again but were caught in the villain's tornados and launched into each other.

" Indeed, I am quite upset!"

Mr. Twister said

" What did you do too my team?"

Wally yelled as he returned to the battlefield.

" Embarrassed them mostly."

The robot proclaimed before trying to blast Wally. Thankfully Megan had intervened and saved the boy.

" I got ya Wally."

Megan said as she put the boy back down.

" I would have thought you would have all learned your limitations by now."

The machine stated


Aqualad yelled

" Isn't it obvious? I'm waiting for a real hero!"

The machine taunted

" Calm down Aqualad! We must remain focused."

Kai said the boy.

" Megan read his mind. Find a weakness."

Kai ordered

" I thought I wasn't supposed to do that?"

Megan asked

" it's okay for the bad guys."

Robin spoke up and yelled. With the go ahead from her team Megan began to try and read the machine's mind, not knowing that the person was a machine yet.

" Nothing, I'm getting nothing!"

Megan said to the group in shock, before having a realization.

" Hello Megan!"

Megan said before facepalming.

" Mr. Twister is red tornado in disguise! He's inorganic an android. How many androids do you know that can generate tornados?"

Megan asked as she explained her theory to the group.

" Red tornado sent us here!"

Aqualad exclaimed angrily.

" After saying we'd be tested soon enough. This was his test. Something to keep us busy!"

robin yelled in annoyance.

" Speedy called it we're a joke."

Wally stated as kaldur slammed his two hands into each other.

" You guys need to keep on your guards."

Kai tried to explain to the group still weary of their tornado foe.

" Yeah, right. This game is so over."

Wally exclaimed as he, robin, and kaldur walked towards the robot.

" We know who you are and what you want."

Robin yelled to the robot.

" So, let's end this!"

Kaldur exclaimed.

" Consider it ended!"

Twister replied to the angsty teens. He began to create two giant tornados and formed them into one.

" An impressive show! But we will not indulge you. We will not engage!"

kaldur yelled

" Guys, I don't think that's red!"

Kai yelled as the tornado had gotten bigger

" Uh, can red tornado do that?"

Wally asked as lightning began to crackle in the air around the robot.

" You think I'm tornado? Ironic."

The machine said as the teens were struck by the lightning generated by the storm.

" Okay, taking him down!"

Kai yelled as he took off towards the machine getting struck by lightning. As he approached, superboy jumped into the air to join him in a combined strike, but both were once again knocked into the ground by lightning.

" Argh!"

Superboy yelled in pain.

And while he too was knocked back by the lightning it had only done just that.

' Guess I got to thank shango for that one.'

Kai thought as he rubbed the spot where he had been struck by lightning. Kai stood over the bodies of his defeated teammates as Mr. Twister approached and suddenly, they vanished or that's what twister thought.

" Fine, then I won't deny you children have power, but playing hide and seek with you won't help me achieve my objectives, so stay concealed. if you confront me again, I will show no mercy."

Twister said ominously before flying away.

' What does he mean we concealed ourselves?'

Kai wondered.

" What Happened?"

Wally asked as he got to his feet.

" I placed the bioship between us."

Megan explained.

Superboy in frustration began punching away at the ground he was buried in.

" And that's supposed to make it right? You tricked us into thinking twister was red tornado."

Superboy exclaimed angrily.

" She didn't do it on purpose."

Kaldur and Kai both said stepping in front of superboy.

" It was a rookie mistake. We shouldn't have listened."

Robin said shifting the blame on the girl.

" You are inexperienced! Hit the showers. We'll take it from here."

Wally tried to argue

" Stay out of our way!"

Superboy grunted

" It's not her fault, I warned you not to let your guards down and you didn't listen. This is the consequence. Now get back here and apologize superboy."

Kai said as superboy kept walking.

" I wasn't asking you. I was telling you!"

Kai ordered as he grabbed the boy's arm.

" Raah!"

Superboy yelled in anger as he punched at the boy. Kai caught his right-handed punch with his left hand before drilling superboy with a right of his own.

" Enough, this isn't the time for us to be at each other's throats. We have a problem out there right now, and whether you like it or not Megan is a part of this team. Now you three apologize and let's move forward got it?"

Kai said in the form of a question, but everyone really knew it was an order.

Robin, Kid flash, and superboy however decided to ignore it and ran off after the robot.

" I was just trying to be a part of the team."

Megan cried as she hung her head in sadness.

" To be honest, I'm not really sure we have a team."

Kaldur argued before running off to join the others.

" Hey, don't listen to them Megan. We're all still new to this whole team thing. Don't give up okay. let's get in the bioship and go find those idiots together."

Kai said as he extended his hand to the sad young lady. Megan looked up with tears in her eyes surprised at the young man's generosity.

" Why are you being so nice to me?"

Megan asked

" Because Megan we're friends now, not to mention teammates. And on earth Friends look out for each other, now come on we got to find the others."

Kai explained. Megan upon hearing the boy's words wiped her tears and smiled as she took his hand.

" There we go. Now, we need to call red tornado and report."

Kai said as he and Megan took off in the bioship.

" Rudra to Red tornado."

Kai radioed

" Red tornado here, what happened?"

Red tornado asked

" We arrived at the power plant to discover an android that could create tornados. We thought it was you and were caught off guard when it attacked. We managed to get away, but the team is split up at the moment and the android is attacking town. we need immediate help."

Kai radioed

" Acknowledged! Help is on the way. Find the others and retreat until help arrives."

Red tornado responded

" I don't believe that is the best course of action. That android is destroying most of the city. It would take to long for you to get here in time. But if we worked together, we could try to mitigate the amount of damage done, at least long enough for you and any other leaguers to get here."

Kai responded

" Very well, be careful and watch each other's backs. Help will arrive shortly. Tornado out."

Tornado responded.

' Hm, what is this twister. Why does he have tornado's abilities?'

Kai wondered before getting an idea himself.

" Megan, you said that twister could resist your telepathy, right?"

Kai asked

" Yes, but he wasn't red tornado. I don't get. Hello Megan!"

Megan facepalmed herself as she realized where Kai was going with his thoughts.

" He's an android as well. There's no one in that suit."

Megan replied

" Which means I don't have to worry about hurting anyone inside of it."

Kai responded

" Now, let's hurry over there before anyone else gets hurt."

Kai said as the rocket ship took off.

" Megan, we're getting closer I want you to create a psychic link with the others."

Kai said

" But superboy."

Megan started

" Will have to get over it whether he likes it or not. Now, link us up and I'll deal with superboy if I need to."

Kai responded. Megan nodded her head and began searching for the group.

' Listen all of you!'

Megan said to the boys through their mind.

" What did we tell you!"

Superboy started.

' ENOUGH! Superboy you will be quiet and let her finish. This is more important than your personal feelings, so Get. Over. It!'

Kai yelled at the boy getting him to shut up for a moment.

' Now, go ahead Megan.'

Kai said, letting the woman continue.

' I know, you don't like this, and I know I messed up, but now I'm very clear on what we need to do. Please trust me.'

Megan said to the group.

As the boys were fighting Red tornado suddenly dropped down into the battlefield

" Hit the showers boys. I was hoping you could handle this. Clearly you cannot."

Red tornado said scolding the boys.

" But we've got a plan now."

Robin tried to argue.

" This is not up for debate."

Tornado replied

" I was beginning to believe you would never show up."

Twister stated

" I am here now."

Tornado replied before attacking twister with a tornado of his own. Twister evaded and stopped red tornado with another twister. Red tornado dispersed a twister that was shot at him.

" We are evenly matched Twister."

Tornado stated

" No tornado we are not."

Twister replied before attacking red tornado with lightning and knocking him down

" Remain still android."

Twister said before extending his tendrils into red tornado's head. He had intended to reprogram red tornado. Suddenly when nothing happened, Twister was surprised to learn that red tornado had in fact been Miss martian in disguise.

" No!"

Twister replied before Wally lifted the android into the air with his speed launching him towards superboy. Superboy caught the android in the air and began punching it hard. Tearing two holes into its body before knocking him into the water. Aqualad had been waiting in the water with a trident, he stabbed into the machine and used his magic to blast it out of the water back into the air where Megan had grabbed it and used her abilities to tear its arms off. While still floating, robin had used his exploding birdarangs to knock it higher into the air.

" Light'em up Rudra!"

Megan said as Kai appeared behind Twister.

" Remember me?"

Kai asked the man, lightning sparking in his eyes.

" What?!"

Twister yelled in a panic.


* Crack Boom! *

A large bolt of lightning struck the metal android smashing it into the ground. The smoking remains of the machine had been buried in a crater. Suddenly a man had broken out of the machine's torso.

" Foul! I call foul!"

The man said in defeat

Megan after trying to read his mind still couldn't, so she picked up a large boulder to crush the man much to the shock of the others.


Kaldur yelled in terror trying to stop the girl from killing this man. Everyone watched in shock as the man was crushed. Robin glared at the woman angrily.

" Don't know how things are done on mars, but on earth we don't execute our captives!"

Robin said as he grabbed the woman.

" Settle down boy wonder. Why don't you all calm down and take a closer look at our so-called captive."

Kai said as he pointed to the remains of the man. Megan lifted the rock to reveal the body of another android.

" That's why I couldn't read his mind."

Megan said as the others inspected the Androids body. Wally in particular picking up one of his destroyed eyes.

"Cool Souvenir!"

Wally exclaimed

" We should have had more faith in you."

Kaldur said as he apologized to the young woman.

" Yeah, you rocked this mission. get it! Rocked."

Wally joked terribly.

" Ignore him. We're all just terbed you're on the team."

Robin stated

" All right you guys, let's get this mess back to red tornado before police arrive."

Kai said as he grabbed the smoking remains of the android and got on the bioship.

later that night.

" It was clearly created to sabotage or destroy you."

Kaldur explained

" Agreed!"

Red tornado replied

" Is that why you didn't help us?"

Megan asked

" Yeah, what happened to that help red?"

Kai asked

" No, this was your battle. I do not believe I have this role to solve your problems for you nor should you solve mine for me."

Red tornado replied

" Oh, great."

Kai responded sarcastically.

" But if you're in danger."

Megan tried to argue.

" Consider this matter closed."

Red tornado responded to the girl, cutting her off completely before walking away.

" Well, that was productive."

Kai joked

" Batman, Aquaman, and Flash would have jumped right in to fix things."

Wally said

" Guess if we're gonna have a babysitter, a heartless machine is exactly what we need."

Robin replied

" Dude harsh."

Wally said in shock

" And Inaccurate. I have a heart, carbon steel alloy. I also have excellent hearing."

red tornado said back to the boys.

" Right, sorry I'll strive to be more accurate."

Robin said

" And more respectful boy wonder."

Kai joked as he stepped forward.

" Speedy was so wrong."

Wally said as he, robin, and Aqualad all walked away.

" This team thing."

Robin said

" Might just work out."

Aqualad stated finishing the boy wonders thoughts.

Megan, superboy, and Kai watched as the group left. And before leaving himself Superboy stared at megan for a solid minute before speaking.

" Sorry!"

Was all he said before walking away, leaving Megan behind with a smile.

" See, what did I tell you. Grouchy on the outside, soft on the inside. Welcome to the team Megan!"

Kai said while patting the girl's shoulder before walking away himself.

" Kai where are you going?"

Megan asked as the boy walked towards the teleporter.

" Late night training with Wonder woman and Donna. I figure I'll just stay transformed before getting there. That woman is going to kill me."

Kai explained

" Wonder woman?"

Megan asked

" No, DONNA!"

Kai gasped in fear. His eyes turned into black shadows as fear loomed over his head.

" Anyway, I gotta go, I'll see you again tomorrow if I'm still alive."

Kai said before leaving the cave.

[ Recognized Rudra b08]