
The Competition

Clara has been studying very hard for the competition and her teacher Miss Cynthia has been guiding her in her study.

Good morning students, the principal greeted you all know that the international quiz competition will be coming up next week Wednesday and Clara Williams will go there to represent our school and we all pray she comes out with flying colors, they all chorused Amen. Matilda and her friends wanted her to fail so that the principal and teachers will be disappointed in her and they will laugh at her. After the assembly, the teachers were having meeting so the students were playing and making noise, Matilda and her friends moved round the school to punish the defaulters. they went to Clara's class and saw her reading with her friend Kamsi, Who is the class prefect of this class Matilda asked. Yes Senior Precious answered. Now get me the names of noise makers mean while Clara Williams why are you making noise? Matilda asked, Senior am not making noise am just reading with Kamsi Clara answered. Are you stupid am talking and you are talking too, are you crazy Matilda slapped her twice in a second. Senior I wasn't making no.... paaaaa another sound of slap landed on Clara's cheeks and tears was filled in her eyes. Nonsense, talk when am talking and see what will happen to you foolish girl and they all left her class. Clara was in pains, she felt like the ground should open so she would enter. Clara stop crying, they are trying to distract you in your studies so that you will fail but my dear friend you have to be strong and pray for God's intervention Kamsi consoled her friend. Kamsi am tired I will just go to the principal and tell her am not interested again, Clara are you mad how can you say such thing. This is the opportunity for you to shine, you are the light we have in this school. Kamsi if I don't participate, you were the second person in the exam so probably you will be the chosen one. Clara you are the chosen one and you have to face the challenges of life and also have trust in God that he is going to remove the temptations from your way and guide you throughout this battle. The two girls held hand and hugged each other for a while before separating.

Clara was coming down the stairs and she was heading to Miss Cynthia's staffroom when she felt that someone was following her, she turned and didn't see anyone she continued walking and suddenly someone hit her head with a wood and she slobbed. In the hospital, Clara's mother was sobbing while been consoled by Miss Cynthia who felt sorry for the poor woman and her daughter. What happened to my daughter my only child Clara's mother asked Miss Cynthia with a teary eyes. Ma we don't know, we heard a student screaming and everyone ran to the scene and we all saw Clara lying unconscious on the ground. Chaii my only child God please don't let her leave me like that save my daughter's life. After some days Clara woke up but had some pains on her head she slowly opened her eyes and saw her Mother, Principal, Miss Cynthia and Sir Michael and they were starring at her too waiting for her to wake up. What happened to me? Why am I here? Clara asked no one in particular. My daughter calm down you will be fine her mother said to her. After some minutes Clara began to explain what happened that day. I was heading to Miss Cynthia's staffroom, coming down the stairs I felt someone was following me I turned but didn't see anyone and I continued my movement then suddenly a wood was hit on my head. What!!!? all of them shouted together, my daughter you mean someone hit your head with a wood? yes mama but I didn't see the person. Priscilla started crying again, they want to kill my daughter in her school, did she do anything wrong by trying to achieve her young dreams? did she offend anybody? why are you all trying to kill her for me? Madam please calm down I will find out who did this to her, your daughter is a very good, intelligent and a smart girl nothing will happen to her okay? the principal said. You said nothing will happen to her right? Wasn't it the same school when a student slapped my daughter and she came back home with swollen face? What? you mean Clara is been bullied in my school? The principal asked in an angry face. She refused to tell me who did it to her and just give me an excuse that she ran into a fight on her way back home and I know she was lying to me. Clara who slapped you? I ran into a fight on my way back home.

Good Morning Students the principal greeted they students in the assembly ground. You all know that the international quiz competition is coming up in next three weeks and also Clara was admitted in the hospital probably she will be discharged today and she will be joining us again by next week. All the students were happy that she was coming back but Matilda and her group were sad and surprise because they didn't expect her to recover so soon. I also want to say this, I was told that someone from this school hit Clara's head on the day she fell unconscious and also she is always bullied by the seniors, I don't want to get such report in my office again, any senior that bullies a student will be expelled from this school. The culprit of Clara's incident will be punished severely. It was a new week Kamsi has gone to the gate to wait for her friend, she didn't wait for a long time and Clara came inside the school compound. The two friends saw each other and embraced themselves, Clara am sorry for not coming to visit you and I didn't know who to ask the name of the hospital you were taken to. Is okay Kamsi I understand. When will you remove the bandage? probably next week, next week? you know the competition is next week Wednesday. yes I know and I will remove it on Tuesday or Monday.

Matilda that foolish girl is back again and the competition is next week Wednesday what are we going to do? Jane asked. Jane I don't really know but I think I have an idea, and what is that idea Sandra asked. We are going to set a trap for her in her classroom. what kind of trap are you talking about Jane asked. don't worry and watch me, okay if you say so.

The competition is in four days now and they teachers are preparing for the competition and on the other hand Clara was also preparing too but something strange happened to her on Monday when she went to school. Clara Clara Clara!!!! Kamsi cried out as she came to Clara's class and saw her lying on her desk lifeless. Precious rush out to call they teachers and they all arrived in the classroom including the principal. Clara was rushed to the hospital, after 2 hours the doctor came out of the emergency ward and informed her mother, teachers and the principal that Clara is fine but she eat food poison. What!!! Food poison? Like how? What do mean? Clara's mother asked in tears. Madam, I don't know but I assure you that your daughter will be fine by this time tomorrow and she can go to the competition. Thank God, The principal and teachers chorused. Clara was wake by evening time and her mother was happy. Clara what did you eat in school that nearly took your Life? Miss Cynthia asked. The only thing I ate was the gala and mineral which Kamsi gave me. Kamsi? those it mean she poisoned you? the principal asked. No Kamsi can't do that but I will find out if she opened the drink before keeping it in my bag because the drink was open Clara concluded. On Tuesday, Clara went to school and asked her friend if she opened the drink which she gave to her yesterday. Clara how are you feeling now and what did the doctor say was wrong with you? Kamsi am fine now and the doctor said I ate food poison. what? how? when? the drink you gave me yesterday. Clara, I swear I didn't poison the snack meanwhile the gala and drink were sealed so how will I do that and you are my best friend Clara please believe me. I believe and trust you Kamsi but the drink was open when I took from my bag. Open? how do you mean open? I said open like it wasn't sealed. Then who opened it? Kamsi asked. Those it mean someone wants me dead? Could it be Matilda and her group? Clara, you have to be careful because those seniors can do anything to bring you down or do nasty things for you to fail the competition. you are correct Kamsi, Firstly she was bulling me, Secondly she slapped me, thirdly I was hit on my head and now I was poisoned what have I done to them to deserve this treatment or is it a crime to pursue my young dream?Clara said in tears. Clara you have to be strong enough to fight the battle and also I will advice you to go home now unless they might have a bigger plan this time. Kamsi you are correct but I want you to do me a favor and what is the favor? Kamsi asked. I don't want anybody to know that Matilda and her friends are behind this even if the principal ask you tell him you don't know they people behind it okay. Okay but why don't you want to report them to the principal so that the will be punished? I don't want to report them because they are about to write their senior Waec and if I report them they will be expelled and it will affect their studies after paying lots of money for Waec Examination. you are right Clara and their parents will be heartbroken and disappointed in them even the school authorities and students will be disappointed because they won't expect a Senior Prefect like her to be involve in such an evil act. I have to start going now see you tomorrow Kamsi, Clara said and they bid each other good bye. It was the D-Day for the competition Clara, The Principal, Miss Cynthia, Sir Michael and some students including Kamsi went for the competition.

Good day ladies and gentlemen, the competition is about to start and the student that will win the competition will be given a cheque of 2 million naira and a scholarship to further his or her education till any level of his/her choice in any county he/she wants and also the school will be given a cheque of 1 million naira. After some hours when they competition was done the spokes man announced the results. The competition has come to an end and we all know that this students here did their best but we have a price for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position. Now the 3rd position is from Jeremiah Secondary school, please a hand of applause as the student comes to take his present and everybody clapped for the boy who came to collect the gift. Now the second position goes to Evangel Secondary school please a hand of applause as the girl comes to collect her present and everybody clapped for the girl that walked towards the stage and finally the First position goes to... goes to...... The Queen's College School a hand of applause for Clara Williams who is the winner of the International Quiz Competition 2022. Clara and her school authorities were all happy, Mrs Margret Njoku was too excited that she carried Clara up. Miss Clara Williams please come to the stage to collect your present with your school principal. The Principal, Miss Cynthia, Sir Michael, Clara and other students went back to school with victory. On reaching the school, they students and other teachers were all happy but Matilda and her friends were stormed and disappointed, Jane and Kate regretted why they joined Matilda in her evil plans to ruin Clara's life and dreams when she was a shining star that no one can harm.