
Young Aedan

À young boy with supernatural strength, born into a village terrorized by a dragon, trains with an elderly warrior to master his gift and defeat the beast. They run through the forest, with the master stressing the importance of control and mental strength as well as physical might. The boy pledges not to fail the village or his teacher.

Daoist3jp7wm · Võ hiệp
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

The deeper he ventures into the cave, the hotter it becomes. Sweat drips from his brow, stinging his eyes, but he pushes forward. Suddenly, the dragon appears before him, its massive scaled body blocking out the dim light from the entrance. Its eyes glow with an otherworldly fire, and its breath is hot and acrid. Aedan readies his sword, channeling his earth magic into it, infusing the blade with the strength of stone and earth.

The dragon roars, a deafening cacophony that sends tremors through the cave. Aedan stands his ground, focusing all his energy on the sword in his hand. The ground shakes as the dragon rears back, preparing to strike. Aedan knows that he must be quick and precise; even a glancing blow from the dragon's claws would be enough to end him.

He lunges forward, thrusting his sword at the dragon's underbelly. The blade meets with scales as hard as rock, and Aedan winces as the impact shudders up his arm. The dragon twists its massive body, trying to dislodge him, but Aedan digs in his heels and holds firm. With a mighty heave, he pulls his sword free, a gash appearing in the dragon's scaled hide.