
Youjo Senki: The Dacian Prince

After dying in an accident and having the famous Isekai, Adam finds himself in the body of the Crown Prince of the Grand Duchy of Dacia in the world of Youjo Senki. Now he's on a mission to strengthen the country, ensuring it can survive against The Empire and win the World War...as well as dealing with a certain extremely powerful and dangerous Loli. I Don't Own Anything.

PowerMan579 · Khác
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61 Chs

Chapter 39: World Trip IV

3rd pov

At Karbasit Airport, the Crown Prince of Imperium Daciae was seen getting off his plane, with several Dacian Soldiers from the Garrison in the Arab Capital being seen waiting for the Prince.

All the Dacian Soldiers made the famous Roman Salute as the Prince descended, in the distance some cars with Arabian Soldiers could be seen.

"Your Imperial Highness, welcome to Karbasit, I am the Commander and representative of one of the Dacian Garrisons, Stan Alexandrescu, I will be guaranteeing your protection," Said a Dacian Officer while giving a Roman Salute to the Crown Prince.

"Nice to meet you, Commander" Said Ferdinand as he offered his hand for a shake, which was accepted by the Commander with great enthusiasm.

After a little chat, Ferdinand was escorted to his waiting Luxury Car, his Entourage then proceeded to the Presidential Palace where the Arabian President was.

Ferdinand's arrival at the Arabian Presidential Palace was going well until the halfway point, being quite calm for Ferdinand.

However, as they continued to the Presidential Palace, some cars soon stopped in front of them, completely blocking the road, which made Ferdinand stay alert.

'Okay, this is not good' Thought Ferdinand as he grabbed a revolver that he left hidden in his clothes, just as the Computing Gem was under his clothes.

"Death to Dacia!" Shouted a man getting out of one of the cars while he took his Rifle and started shooting at the cars that were with Arabian and Dacian soldiers.

Ferdinand had to duck to avoid being shot at, the driver had done the same to protect himself but unfortunately, the Imperial Guard beside the driver was not so lucky and was shot straight in the eye.

'Damn! They dare to disrupt my travels and ruin my chances of seeing hot women?!' thought Ferdinand angrily as he crouched down and opened his car door.

While he may have a Computing Gem, which can help him create a Magic Shield, he wasn't foolish enough to believe that there wouldn't be among these Terrorists who are attacking him a Mage.

One of the many things he learned during his Military Training with the Russy's is to always expect the worst-case scenario or else you could die.

Ferdinand then used the open car door as cover before lifting just a little to see how many Terrorists he had before firing and firing back.

The surviving Dacian and Arabian Soldiers were also using something as cover to protect themselves and fire at the Terrorists.

Ferdinand kept shooting non-stop while taking cover, killing 3 Terrorists before having to reload his Revolver and take cover from the gunfire.

"Death to Dacia!" Shouted one of the Rumeli Terrorists as he ran to Ferdinand's car, with several grenades stuck in his clothes and other explosives.

"Oh fuck you!" shouted Ferdinand as he aimed at the Rumeli Terrorist's explosives and then fired, no way was he going to let someone cosplay Allahu Akbar with him.

With the Terrorist exploding, Ferdinand then focused on the other Terrorists and continued firing, with the Dacian and Arabian Soldiers also being more aggressive and even advancing.

"Finish those Motherfuckers!" Shouted an Arabian Soldier as he shot the few Terrorists left from this botched attack.

When the few remaining Terrorists saw that they were going to lose, they then got into their cars and tried to flee, with only 1 of the cars making it, with the rest being killed on the spot.

"Your Highness!" Shouted a Dacian Soldier as he went to the car where Ferdinand was.

Hearing the Dacian Soldier's scream, the other Dacian and Arabian Soldiers also rushed over there quickly to see if the Crown Prince of the Imperium was alright.

"Don't worry, I'm fine! Take care of the injured right now!" Ordered Ferdinand as he got out of his car.

The Arabian Police cars could soon be seen arriving at the scene, as well as the cars of the Arabian Armed Forces and the Dacian Garrison, who as soon as they arrived focused on taking Ferdinand to the Arabian Presidential Palace, where he would be safe.

At the Arabian Presidential Palace

"Your Imperial Highness! I heard what happened, I truly beg your pardon for not focusing on ensuring your safety." President Mahmood said as he knelt down to Ferdinand.

"Calm down, Mister President, stand up, you don't have to kneel before me" Ferdinand said as he helped the Arabian President to his feet.

"I'm willing to forgive that, after all, no one would have expected that there would be people crazy enough to try to attack us...but I hope you hunt down the remnants." Ferdinand said with a calm smile on his face before looking seriously into Mahmood's eyes, who nodded.

"Of course Your Imperial Highness, hey I assure you, those guilty of this will have their heads on the guillotine as soon as possible!" Answers Mahmood with conviction and seriousness, his career as Arabian President was at stake, so he will ensure that the culprits and their families suffer the worst possible fate in order to please the Dacian Imperial Family.

"Good, then you have nothing to worry about" Ferdinand said, patting Mahmood on the shoulder, who nodded seriously.


AN: 500K Views... I can only thank you for everything.

To all my faithful readers who have been supporting me since the beginning of this Fanfic, know that you have my eternal gratitude and the same for the new readers of this half-assed Fanfic that I'm writing.

I just wanted to say thank you, stay with God and drink water, have a good day, a good afternoon, or a good night to all.

From your Beloved Dictatorial Author, PowerMan579.