
You Need Some Milk

Content Warning: R-18, Fantasy-Smut, Fetishes. Luke Hunter was once an average dairy farmer who lived in the countryside and supplied milk to a large company. After getting involved in a work-related accident, he dies a virgin and gets reincarnated into a fantasy world as the son of a very rich and powerful noble. Even though his noble family's domain is still in the countryside, this new life is nothing like the previous one. He has Money He has Magic. He has a System. ... And he has a big PP! Watch as Luke Hunter, the last born of the Hunter Noble Family, and only male heir to the Dukedom, begins to achieve his dream of tasting the breastmilk of women belonging to every single race in this fantasy world. The journey of Milk Harvesting is just beginning! ==========================

Booba_Lord · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
36 Chs

The Mission At Night

The deep blue of the evening sky is painting the horizon, the world outside draped in an enticing blend of crimson and twilight hues.

I lay in my bed, nestled within my room, the soft hum of evening filling the air.

Rising from the bed, I gently pull on my mana, sending it swirling around me. The magic takes hold, my form blurring and then vanishing altogether.

'[Stealth Magic]'

A cloak of invisibility. It's a result of months of careful research and secretive practice, a skill I've mastered just for this moment.

Soundlessly, I glide towards the room's grand double doors, my bare feet barely making a whisper on the cold stone floor.

With a soft push, the door creaks open, revealing the dimly lit hallway beyond.

The occasional flicker of torchlight illuminates the hallway, the shadows cast by the ornate pillars dancing against the stone walls.

Guards clad in the Hunter family's crest patrol with a disciplined rhythm, their armored forms glinting under the torchlight.

With my heart beating a steady rhythm in my chest, I step out into the hallway, my form hidden under the veil of magic.

The guards remain oblivious to my presence as I move, their eyes focused on their path, their minds occupied with the routine of their duties.

Silently, I glide down the hallway, the cool stone beneath my feet, the scent of polished wood and burning torches hanging in the air.

The anticipation thrills me, the feeling of stolen freedom sending an exhilarating chill down my spine.

My goal lies just ahead: Lana's room.

Lana is one of the younger maids in the castle.

She's always been kind to me, attending to my needs with a gentle smile.

I've observed her over the months, gauging her abilities and temperament, and now she's become a crucial part of my plan.

Her room, just like the rooms of the other maids that attend to me, is at the end of the hallway, an ornate wooden door standing as the only barrier between us.

As I move closer, my heart beats with a newfound excitement.

This secret venture, this break from my routine, feels like the first taste of the freedom I've been yearning for.

The evening, once a calm end to the day, now holds the promise of a thrilling adventure.

Activating my Status Window, I bring up Lana's details once again, just to reassure myself.


Name: Lana

Age: 18 years

Race: Human

Occupation: Maid


- Strength: 10

- Agility: 20

- Intelligence: 30

- - Charisma: 25

- Perception: 15

- Endurance: 20


- Maid Duties: Level 6

- Basic Cooking: Level 4

- Basic Sewing: Level 3


The words glow before me, her average attributes and skills mostly centered around her duties as a maid.

She's not trained in magic or combat, nor does she have a particularly high level of perception. In other words, she's the perfect subject for my... ahem, experiment.

As the door to Lana's room looms closer, I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the task at hand.

The evening, once a calm end to the day, now holds the promise of a thrilling venture.

I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt for involving Lana in this, but I reassure myself it's necessary.

Yes... it's for the betterment of the understanding of my abilities.

After all, I've always been careful in my research, and tonight won't be any different.

The door to Lana's room creaks open soundlessly under the careful push of my invisible hand.

A waft of fresh linen and lavender greets me, indicative of Lana's meticulous nature.

Her room is simple, befitting a maid of the castle.

A small wooden bed occupies one corner, a bedside table bearing a single candle on its surface. Against the wall, a modest wardrobe stands, the polished wood glinting under the moonlight. 

Lana is there, on the bed, her chest rising and falling in the rhythm of a peaceful slumber.

Her features are softened under the veil of sleep, her normally alert hazel eyes closed, her brown hair spilling across the pillow.

She's dressed in a simple nightgown, the fabric billowing around her in the gentle breeze coming from the slightly open window.

'Wow... she looks so lovely!' My eyes widen as I find myself gulping down some saliva.

There's no particular reason for that... no worries.

The moonlight outside is spilling through the gap in the curtains, casting a silver glow that paints her room in ethereal hues.

The light falls on Lana, making her seem almost otherworldly, the shadows and light playing across her sleeping form.

It's a serene image, one that makes my heart flutter with a strange blend of guilt and resolve.

But I shake off these feelings, reminding myself of my objective.

I am here for a reason, and it's not to admire the sleeping form of a maid.

Concentrating on my magic, I weave two spells, their names whispered under my breath as I channel my remaining mana.

The first, "Hold Bind," targets Lana's body, making sure she won't wake up and move abruptly.

The second, "Silent Seal," is directed towards her lips, ensuring she won't be able to make any sound even if she wakes up. 

As I cast these spells, a faint, nearly imperceptible glow envelops Lana. Her brows furrow slightly before smoothing out again, the magic taking hold without disturbing her slumber.

Looking at her, I convince myself that it's all for the greater good.

[System Warning]

<Less 20 Than Percent Of Magic Power Is Remaining!>

A flicker of warning from my Status Window tells me my magic power is nearing its limit.

The magic stealth that cloaks me is consuming a good amount of my power, and I realize I have no more than ten minutes before it dissipates.

Now, it's a race against time.

With a deep breath to steady my nerves, I turn my attention back to Lana, determined to complete my task before time runs out.

I whisper a quick apology, promising to make it up to her one day. Then, with renewed resolve, I begin the task at hand.

'<Exclusive Skill: Milk Harvesting (Level 1) Activate>!'




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