
Chapter 20: Pretty Little Liar

Austin couldn't sleep after coming back from AWAN. He just kept thinking about how he could actually do what he said he would do to Bryan. Bryan and his stupid company made themselves come clean and also made him shoot the ad film.

The next morning was way worse. He had to go for the shoot also had another photo shoot for the magazine. The photoshoot is not the problem. The problem is with the clingy female reporter always coming for his ass.

Carol is her name. She always touches the sensitive parts of Austin. She is the one who helped Josh spread the rumor. The text about the full ad film releasing at midnight was also sent by her. Austin didn't know that until he returned home and saw Carol standing outside her condo.

Austin later made an excuse of being sick and skipped the interview somehow. Funny thing, the manager gave him his full support. He also knows that if Carol starts opening her mouth and Austin starts to do the same it would be a bigger chaos than last time.

The previous interview where Austin revealed his "proof" against AWAN was supposed to be hosted by Carol. But the manager pulled some strings and kicked Carol out. And now she's looking for opportunities to come right at Austin and the manager both.

And she isn't going to show mercy.

Austin was in his green room and suddenly, all his makeup team started going outside. Austin was confused. But not for long when he saw Carol coming from behind at the mirror.

"You again," He says "What are you doing here? I already cancelled my interview with you, didn't I?" He turns around as he says so. "Nothing personal but I simply just don't like you"

Carol folds her hand and rests them on her chest.

"The feeling is mutual" She smiles "And also, I'm not here for your interview. I'm here to say that I feel sorry for you"

This makes Austin confused. But he has to look neutral. Like he doesn't care about what she's come to say. He has to make her spill the beans herself. If she manages to find Austin's soft spots, that's where she will attack first.

"Fine. You've said it. Now go" he turns back.

Carol looks annoyed.

"Aren't you going to ask me why?" She asks.

But Austin is just touching random things on the dressing table which makes Carol even more annoyed.

"Fine. I'll say it myself"

"I'm listening" The trick worked.

"I'm so sorry that you were trying to show everyone AWAN's true colors but it backfired. I just didn't think you of all people would be so dumb to actually think that a simple video clip was going to work"

Austin hates how much her words are actually true. He really didn't think through.

"But" she starts again "I'm so glad that you did. I got to write the headlines on this topic and I also got a promotion for it. So thank you. I guess I came to say sorry and thank you"

"You've said it and now you can leave"

"I will" Carol gets angry.

  "And you know what? AWAN is organizing a live event show and guess who's performing" she covers her mouth when she finished but the cat's already out of the bag.

Before Austin could ask anything, Carol turns around and leaves, slamming the door from behind.

Carol was actually there to get information out of Austin but instead, Austin shooed her away. And that was very humiliating for her. She didn't think that Austin would smartly ignore her and at the same time would manage to get the most exclusive news from her. She sure underestimated him.

The photoshoot went smoothly. But Carol's words were still bugging Austin. He also has to film for the next series.

"Carol was at the photo shoot," Austin tells the manager.

The manager starts sweating.

"She told me something too. Care to explain?"

"About what?"

"The new event of AWAN? Seems like I'm the one performing. Funny thing. I didn't even know that"

The manager gets tensed. He thought of telling about it later. He thought Austin would get mad but he seems so calm. The question is why?

"It's not my fault you're an actor and a singer and I'm your manager who manages to do everything just fine"

"And are you?" He asks.

"Do you have the contract paper?"

The manager is surprised and happy at the same time.

The manager gave him the contract papers and Austin signed them without making any fuss. The manager quickly left for AWAN afterward.

On his way to the shooting spot, Austin called a few people. They told him that the event show will be held at the company. Which gives him a nice opportunity to get into  Bryan's office and gather evidence against him.

But the only problem is, he will be the one performing so he won't have much time. But that's okay. He'll figure something out.

Austin wears his outfit for today's shoot. It's a suit designed by the most renowned designer in Bangkok, Vince Palmo. In today's scene, Austin is supposed to go for an interview and he will be wearing the suit. The suit looks ordinary but all eyes fall on him once he comes out of the band tour bus looking as handsome as ever.

The pant he's wearing, however, feels a little tight. Walking is a bit difficult for Austin in this.

A female staff comes and hands Austin his dialogue sheet for today but she can't stop looking at Austin. She gets called by the director and she hates him for that.

Austin walks to the spot while reading the dialogue sheet and suddenly he stumbles upon a small rock. The sheet of dialogues falls on the ground.

"Shia!" He curses in Thai.

He tries to bend and pick it up but the pant is very tight. He bends a little more and the sound of his pants splitting off terrifies him. He quickly stands still and looks around. Everyone is looking at him but they don't know what's wrong.

Austin's face turns red and everyone gets worried.

"P'Austin, are you alright?" One of the spot boys asks. But he doesn't answer.

Dannis Haans comes from behind them with a smirk on his face. He stands beside Austin and looks at everyones' tensed faces.

"I'm not filming today. I feel sick" Austin says.

Dennis puts his right hand on Austin's butt and says to everyone,

"You heard him"

Dennis then looks at Austin and winks.

"You're such a beautiful liar"