
The abandoned house (part 2)

"You regret it, right?" She felt the breath of that man in her right ear, speaking in a manner of apparent calm. But even so, it could be perceived that it was just that, appearance. "Tell me something," he said softly with a kindness that did not correspond to the moment.

"Where did your insolence go?" Whispered the man with hair like night; he spoke with a slightly serious voice, even hoarse. He did not notice the instant in which he distanced himself from his face and in which he felt a fingernail scraping over his back, and then caressing with the tip of his finger, as if he were touching the wings of a little butterfly.

"Don't touch me" despite the tense environment, the situation they were in, those weak words could be heard clearly through the trembling and high-pitched voice. They sounded more like the squeal of a small animal.

"Damn it," he said more soberly. The man's anger had returned with more force. His flames were reanimated. The girl in pain was taken by the shoulders and stamped on the floor, being stunned by the impact, then she realized that this subject was on top of her with his legs on each side of her body without sitting on her and ripped her jacket with a sudden jerk, then with both hands he tore her like a piece of paper and flung it away, the same thing happened with the sweater, and the bra tore it effortlessly, then like a game in one swift movement and digging his nails into her back slightly deeply, emerging to the surface the red ink. Panic had seized her. She no longer cared about dignity, she no longer tried to silence her cries, a large part of her sanity had already died, she tried to kick, but the pale man, seeing that she was going to resist, pushed her again, with little effort against the ground. causing you more nervousness; she stopped fighting because it was clearly useless. The attacker firmly grabbed her brunette's wrists and pulled them over her head, causing her pain from her injured shoulder. He started whimpering louder. Kira moved, driven more by fear than courage, trying to break free of the man's grasp, but it was impossible. She was like a baby trying to fight an adult.

"Why?" The young woman said awkwardly, more to herself than to the stranger, while she trembled helplessly. The subject who had control of her and was on her back, felt that he was burning. Sensation similar to when he tasted the best of blood. Nope. It was even better. His chest made up and down movements, he was breathing almost like any other man. That was unusual. Feeling that soft, flexible body vibrate below hers was so…so exciting. That brat had made him lose his cool. So much time of experience and a child had thrown him off balance.

"Miserable" he said with a touch of anger and slight elegance. This time it was for the other to hear. He took her wrists in one hand, his free hand sliding through her soft brown hair. nothing mattered anymore. There was no turning back. Two lives were going to change from this moment.

Kira wanted everything to end right there and meet her mother in the other world, at that moment she felt that her clothes on top of her were completely torn. She believed that this was the end of everything, maybe he was carrying a knife with him and was going to stab her in a lethal point and so she could finally rest from his presence. Maybe he was thinking of mercilessly ripping her flesh off, starting from her back, maybe he was some satanic madman and was going to use his injured body as a sacrifice presented in a violent way, that house where they were seemed like a suitable place for that kind of thing, at this point he expected the worst from that stranger.

She jumped at the feel of those nails between her flesh, but she expected worse. She could no longer bear the mental torture, the promise of future horrors. Every second was the cry of what was coming, it was as if they were dragging heavy on her being, it was as if everything was in slow motion and her body was more alert to each smell, each touch, the pressure of that man's weight. on her, his hands cold on her skin. She was used to having nightmares, but this situation far exceeded them, she never imagined having a nightmare in a conscious state. If she had had something in her stomach, long ago there would be an irrigation of gastric juices on the floor, on that dirty gray floor, the contraction of her stomach due to fear was unbearable. She was afraid of dying, but she would rather die at this moment than endure this slow torment for another minute, while her tormentor dug her nails a little deeper, staining them red and then sketching inconclusive lines superficially on her back. she. She knew that the idea of escaping from her by her own means was deceptive, she had the same chance of escaping as a rabbit with three mutilated legs.No one was going to show up through that door, there was no chance of that. She was alone with that dark-eyed man and the rain seemed to be the only witness to her misery. She started to cry harder when she felt that all was truly lost. The feeling was like the wail of a white-tailed deer trying to drag itself along the road after being run over.

"Because?" She said in the midst of her fear, she was ignored by the man who was not interested in listening to her anymore. "Kill me now", she thought without being very aware that he whispered that thought to her. She felt how her hands were positioned above her head. The pain was alarming. The man hadn't shown an ounce of consideration for her injured shoulder. Her wrists were getting badly hurt. She felt less than a fly in a spider's web. The damage is causing it to move under her captor's body. But the horror was worse, she increased her when she felt his hand in her hair. A feeling so disgusting, so unpleasant that it turned on a red light in her brain, this feeling was familiar, it was similar to that time, of course, times a thousand, when on one occasion a guy approached her looking for a conversation, as she can. remember, that man was asking for an address and by surprise his hand with an almost perverted slowness. Kira just withdrew her hand instantly. She looked at the guy without knowing what to say and left there. She wished she had said something to him, she wished she could embarrass him. But she just let the moment pass.

But here that answer was impossible. Here she couldn't even crawl away. The dark-robed young man plunged his fingers into the soft brown hair and pulled the hair roughly, pulling his head back. He opened his eyes for a moment, but immediately closed them. He believed that his hair would be ripped from his scalp.

"Cagna," he said as he pulled a little more of her hair from her. "Cagna" he repeated again with the same neutral tone of voice.

Kira was a little confused and very scared, she didn't know what that word meant, she wasn't even sure what language it was, but in truth at that moment she had no head for that. It didn't matter that he was telling her a word that has a bad meaning in Italian, the meaning of the woman who rents her body. B*tch.

She was turned around abruptly, leaving her back on the ground, with that man almost sitting on her abdomen and her arms once again held over her head. Some of his fingers landed hard on her jaw, bruising her and by reaction she opened her eyes. What she saw in front of her was a man, perhaps her own age, but she supposed he must be a little older, with a serious expression that changed to a more corrupted one, with a look that, if someone looked into those black eyes, you really saw the reflection of a vicious soul, there was something buried in those eyes that she did not want to discover. This man was handsome, he even had a face that some would say was modeled after an angel. But his aura shouldn't envy a demon at all.

"Do you feel comfortable?" She said showing a crooked smile, as was her mind at that time. Kira couldn't react; seeing that white teeth had undoubtedly annihilated the vestiges of hope that she inhabited in her poor anatomy, she was now sure that her life would end in that deteriorated and dirty house of hers. Her pants were torn by this individual's hands as if they were autumn leaves, causing her skin pain, and then she pushed them away, throwing them to the other end of the room. She screamed as she felt her garments being torn from her body, but her fear tried to silence her again as she realized that he could hurt her even more if she continued to upset him; Confirmation from her came when her head was hit on the ground again.

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