
He’s out in the Rain (part 2)

After having cleaned up properly, she goes to the table to eat dinner. The dishes were already in place, the steaming, freshly made food, appetizing, voluminous, begged to be consumed immediately, through the living room window it could be seen that darkness was settling in what was previously orange and purple, slowly there was darkness reclaiming the place that belonged to him at that time, further accentuating the cold of that day that announced something, but no one could hear it, no one could see or feel it. She was surrounding them, she was enveloping them in an omen, but no one could notice.

They dined in profound silence, in which one could have heard the flapping of a fly's wings, if there were one flying near the table at that time. It was not an uncomfortable silence, on the contrary, it was a warm and comforting environment, many times words are not needed for a meeting to be pleasant, it is enough that the companion is someone with whom you feel comfortable, words become an unnecessary decoration. At some point the young woman's eyes fell on a photograph that was on the shelf, which recalled certain details of that woman who once lived with them. There was a woman with a round face, long light brown hair, long eyelashes, a turned-up nose, smooth-looking skin, and a kind countenance. It was undeniable that Kira looked a lot like her mother, although the difference between them was that she had short, medium brown hair, instead of long, light brown hair, her skin was a slightly golden shade than her mother's, and she was several centimeters taller than her. Her eyes were lost as she remembered that her dear mother was long gone and she had left them behind.

"Mom was so beautiful," she said almost like a sigh, remembering that woman who loved her so much and who will live forever in her memories.

"Yes, she was beautiful". said the man with a sad smile. "But she is one more

angel in heaven", he looked at the beige ceiling, eaten away by the passing of the years, wanting to confirm what was previously said and remembering the way of being of that good woman in life, the only woman he has ever loved, In addition to his own mother and daughter. "You're so similar to her," he said as he smiled looking at the girl. "If you were also in that accident... I... The man stopped to fill in the spaces between his words, and changed his sad expression to a more comforting "Thank God it wasn't like that." Adriano Valentin closed his eyes for a few seconds.

They finished dinner, Kira cleared the table and washed the dishes while her father watches TV. At the end she goes to her room and starts reading a book, tonight she chose to read the book The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, she hasn't read it for a long time, but It just made her want to do it, she wasn't very fond of reading, but the story was so fascinating to her with all that world of middle earth, the world of men and other creatures, other factors like a strange person obsessed with a cursed and powerful ring that condemned him to be crazy and malnourished, made this an entertaining read. The charm of fantasy –She thought as she approached the white-framed window in her room and watched the people go by. What would it be like if an ordinary human met someone who is not? Maybe a werewolf? Someone with powers like a superhero. That must be great. "I'm thinking nonsense" she murmured, she shook her head to both sides as a sign of denial realizing that this is impossible, in this world there are no zombies, werewolves, vampires or fairies. They are just fictional characters created from the minds of people with a fueled imagination, who enrich life and impress the world, who can give nightmares an image. But they are simply inventions, it is a lie to believe that something like this could ever have existed and worse, to believe that it is possible that they still exist. This world is already too complicated on its own to think of the existence of fantastic creatures.

She moved away from the window, realizing that there was nothing interesting outside, everything was as normal as always, and she sat down on her bed again, then lay down and looked at the ceiling for a while, she saw that a small cobweb had formed. on the white ceiling, "These bugs are fast" he thought for a moment before seeing how another bug had the bad luck to fall into that web. Now that she thought about it, he wanted to finish reading a book someone recommended to him. The first novel in the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones. Susana, a neighbor had enthusiastically recommended it to her, so she lent her the book, which was in very good condition. The neighbor was so in awe of the story that she wanted her to join in too. interested, but she did not want to comment too much so that she could have the surprise factor in reading, the human mind could be so surprising, create fantastic worlds from his imagination such as: going to the moon, studying the infinity of space, creating cures and diseases, satisfy needs and create them. People can be interesting, twisted, and beautiful. She thought as she placed the thick novel, which caused resentment in her wrists, on top of her desk.

The night was cool and she was curled up under the covers and couldn't fall asleep even though she felt a little sleepy, the clock said 09:50 p.m. Kira felt her stomach complain and demand to be pleased, she really ate very little at dinner, but she didn't have much of an appetite and the food on that occasion didn't provoke her. About half an hour ago her father was already in the world of dreams. She went to the kitchen, careful not to make noise, and quietly opened the refrigerator door. Everything inside lit up and she could see that, as she had anticipated, there were some leftovers from dinner inside, as well as something else in a container. of cherry jelly, a plate of lasagna also four apples, two oranges and a carton of milk that according to the expiration date was three days from expiration, but there was nothing he wanted. Hungry and somewhat annoyed at having to go out on such a cold night, she took her jacket and her keys, she heads to the grocery store that is only three blocks from her home. She hoped that if it rained that night, it would be after she came home.

In another place, someone was walking through the dark streets of that cold city, the cold could easily sink into the bones like razors who dared to go outside without proper protection to repel the freezing environment, that someone was trying to join with her, to unite with that night, with a cold exterior that perfectly embraced his also cold skin, forgetting himself a bit, so as not to feel that boredom that he sometimes felt about his existence. Sometimes trying to find a reason to To stay in that state, it felt like I was in a long party, of course it was fun, but sometimes it felt like the same thing, the same thing over and over again, in the end it became a graceless routine, as if the only true thing that he could feel the thirst outside, the desperate thirst that threatens sanity, this thirst that could only be quenched with the warm liquid that is in the veins of those who were lucky enough to appear on his way; when the need was satisfied, the taste of glory danced on his tongue, the emptiness disappeared and an almost divine tranquility enveloped him. Pleasure was a word that could not fully describe what he felt seconds later, when he no longer needed more liquid to go down his throat, nothing else mattered seconds before drinking and definitely nothing mattered seconds after finishing, the ecstasy caused a smile was drawn on his face and in doing so, the fangs that usually remained hidden thanks to years of practice were revealed, he had learned to smile slightly so as not to alarm prematurely whoever was going to quench his thirst. It was a delight the moment he saw that expression of astonishment on his face at the moment they saw him show that specific part of his teeth.

The man walked through the dark streets, he had to admit that the people of this city, of this country, were more orderly than the citizens of that Central American country where he was two months ago, the streets of this city were almost free of garbage, the things were in their order, people knew what they shouldn't do, possibly in many cases because of the values planted since childhood and in other cases, pressured by fear of punishment. He looked at the lights of the lights of an establishment where you could get liquor and sex, they were like flashing inorganic fireflies, green, red and yellow, some little lights were off, the little burnt-out bulbs forgotten in neglect, possibly already well worn. time like this "I'm a bit bored and I'm getting thirsty," he said to himself while a woman in a large purple scarf that covered her mouth a little passed by, but her eyes were fixed on him for a couple of seconds, that was a normal reaction, it had that effect on those who were attracted to the male figure. He inhaled and liked what he could sense of his blood, because he started to feel thirsty doesn't mean he would be pleased to drink whatever first came his way.