

There were no stars that night, instead the sky was groaning. The clouds which struggled to withstand the rain; now released it and began a heavy downpour. Lighting and thunder accompanied it. There was complete darkness; the only lights on the street came from when the lighting flashed and the neon red sign of the diner; Jellybean. It was owned by an old African American man named Louis Floyd, but everyone called him Pops.

There was only one person in the diner. A waitress. The rest have had left. She was just about to close when the bell rang; signaling someone's arrival. A man entered, completely drenched in rain. You couldn't see his face; as he was wearing a baseball cap and a black hoodie; which completely hid his face. He settled in one the booths.

The waitress groaned because she was tried and just wanted to go home and sleep for at least 20 years. Today had been a busy day and she had been working from morning without any breaks!! But she told herself that she needed the money to pay the checks; so like a nice little waitress she went to take the order."What can I get for you, sir?", she asked.

But she didn't get any answer. The man just kept his head down pretending he didn't hear anything. So she asked again; a little louder this time "Sir, what can I get for you?"

The man shivered and shook his head like he was trying to clear his head. "Black coffee, no sugar", he croaked without looking up.

She stiffened when she heard his voice. She looked up at him but still he kept his head down. She thought it was His voice. No; it couldn't be His voice. He doesn't know that she lived here. No; that's not possible. What would He be even doing here; so far from the lime lights. No; definitely she was tired and thinking it all wrong. She nodded and turned to get the man his coffee.

As she started the coffee maker; she glanced at the man; he still hasn't lifted his head but she could see his hands were shaking. Well; he must be cold. She turned her attention back to the coffee maker.

Suddenly, she heard the bell ring again. Groaning; she turned to see the new customer; only to find no one. She looked back to the booth where the man sat; but there was no one there too. He left. She went back to the booth and found some money on the table. Weird. Something's not right, she thought.

Alright; that's enough weird things for one day; she told herself. She packed her things and closed the diner. The rain has stopped now. She walked towards her old truck and drove her way to Pop's house.

As she knocked on the door, footsteps rushed on the other side and the door opened. She looked down at the little being and said "How many times have I told you to ask who it was before you opened the door, Haven?"

A pair of gray eyes and black hair sheepishly smiled at her, "Sorry, mommy. I promise I won't do it again."

"Oh yeah, and how many times have you promised me that?""This time it's for real."

"No it's not", said another little being with the same grey eyes and black hair. They were twins. "You said the same thing the last time too; right mommy? You even crossed your heart."

"No I didn't, you're lying. Mommy, Hailey's lying."

"Alright, enough you two", said the old man standing behind the two girls. "Take that fighting to somewhere else, the old man needs some rest."

Both of them giggled. "That's right, girls say goodnight to Pops", said their mommy. Both of them ran towards him and kissed his cheeks, "Goodnight, Pops. Sweet dreams."

Then Pops hugged their mother and the three of them left his house to go to theirs.

Hey guys, this is my first novel. Hope you guys are loving it. Please feel free to leave your comments and thoughts. And do share it with your friends : )

Aurelia_2312creators' thoughts