
Chap#3. Rose!

Three kids were walking in an empty street. It was already past their curfew. Brats like these are found in every neighbourhood. And his neighbourhood was also similar.

Out of those three kids, one seemed a little older. and others were calling him boss. Thinking themself as some kind of delinquent. They were in the same school I transferred to.

"Boss! Did you buy the game?"

"Dad refused to give me money."

"Man! you should buy it or you would miss its epicness"

"Boss! look, isn't that Leo the newly transferred student?"

"I have heard he works part-time."

"But he is a minor"

"His aunt has a shop in the main street."

"I saw her giving him some pennies."

"Poor him, he lives with his aunt, does most of the chores and even work in their shop"

"Who cares about an orphan like him? All I wanted to hear is he has money."

"hehe, boss you are evil."

"Sure am"

A few minutes later.

"Few business cards and stitch button in a burnt wallet. pathetic"

"Where are you hiding money."

" I don't have any."

"He must be lying"

" I am not lying."

"You are a lier. Your father probably left you because of that"

"lol! even your father doesn't like you"

"You are wrong! My Dad didn't leave me. hick! hick!"

"Hahaha! Are you going to cry?"

"You wasted our time."

"Boss beat him, beat him he deserves it"

"lol! He is going to cry"

"let him cry. We would still beat him up. Right boss."

"Yeah who is going to listen to him? He is a lier."

"We will just say we didn't beat him"

"You are pathetic, Leo"

After that, they beat me up. I could do nothing but cry. I clung to my belief that my dad would never leave me. There must be some reason. But I could say these words out loud. If I did they would beat me even more. I was hopeless.

These bitter memories are still with me, reminding him of his past. How long will his past cling to him? But he can only move forward.

Leo once had a face with no expression but now he was experiencing all these unique emotions.

This was all thanks to his newfound desire. The desire for her.

He got stuck in a loop between time and space. A separate dimension with its own set of laws and rules. Unfamiliar with this world, he has done his best to survive. To tell her that she is the person of his life.

When he arrived here, Leo had a temporary memory loss. He struggled to remember those memories.

  Unaware of place, unaware of time,  he has thought of giving up many times only to strengthen his resolve even more. A Lot of time has passed weeks months and maybe even years.

    Little by little his wavering emotions started to stable under his dominant desire.

   For now, let us hear the story in his words, what he has come to discover about this world?


     For a long period, I have been chasing her without knowing if she is even there. At first, I could hardly recall who I was chasing. But there was something in corner of my heart that kept telling me to reach her. That desire started to get dominant with time. As I started to gain back bittersweet memories I understood why my heart was asking me to keep chasing her. In her, I saw the beautiful part of this cruel world. She was the first person I fell in love with. She is the reason I haven't given up on life.

When I first met her, I knew she wasn't some ordinary person from the past. But a person who stayed in my heart.

    During my stay in this surprising void, I have come to decipher this bizarre territory.

    Like any other natural occurrence in our world, these events are also defined by some rules. All these events were connected and the thing connecting them all is my emotional state.

    It rained in this dreamy world when I was in a state of emotional confusion. A beam of light shunned when I had a glimpse of hope. Similarly, I would get hungry when I think of hunger and would lose hunger when my thoughts are indulged somewhere else.

    This void is surely a trial for someone like me. Someone who cants does a task without thinking of giving up. But I am not going to give up, I am not going to stop until I reach my destination.

     This world is outside the judiciary of time.... My lips shrunk. A person was approaching me.

       I was completely lost in my own world until I saw someone was closing towards me.

       The person I had been trying to reach all this time.

      She was right there, in front of me.

By stretching my wrinkled lips I called her:



  On my cheek was a sole teardrop of sorrow, pleasure and a little satisfaction from achievement.

This world started to change. That dark and dim world started to turn into bright and beautiful presenting scenery of Eden.

With its root cracking the floor a giant tree, size of a skyscraper grew in few seconds.

Behind me was thriving a wilderness that wasn't there, seconds ago.

All of that describing my emotional state. This was the description of love.



Now there was a lot of noise in the background. Even sound living creatures, beasts and birds. Still, I could hear unique out of restraint loud heartbeat.

-------- Chapter #3 ends --------