
Don't Get In My Way, Cross

I was about to look away when I recognized the woman standing next to James – Magdalene Perez.

I picked up my clutch and managed a smile for Christopher. "I'd love to dance."

Arm-in-arm we headed into the ballroom and stepped onto the dance floor. The band began the first strains of a waltz and we moved easily, naturally into the music. 

He was a skilled dancer, agile and confident in his leadership.

"So, how do you know James?"

"He is my boss and I'm his PA." 

"You work for him?"


"Ah." He grinned.


"James must really be into you to go from meeting you once or twice to dragging you out on a date like this."

I cursed inwardly. I'd known assumptions would be made, but I wanted more than ever to avoid further humiliation. 

"James's acquainted with my father and he'd already arranged for me to come, so it's just a matter of two people going to the same event in one car rather than two."