


Due to the fact that it is Saturday, we will not have any classes today. On weekends, I wake up late since I slept late at night. It's ten o'clock in the morning, and I'm still lying in bed, too lazy to get out of bed.

When my mom finds out that I woke up late again, she'll definitely be angry, but it's a good thing she's not here at home because she's in Thailand right now for work and won't be back until next week. That means I'm alone at home with the exception of our maids.

I don't want to get up, but I don't have a choice because I'm already hungry and haven't had breakfast. I first went to the cr to wash my face and apply some skincare. After that, I returned to my bed and made fixes.

I stepped closer to my room door and opened it to leave once I finished fixing the bed. Even though I've washed, I'm still wearing my pajamas and look like a zombie. I walked downstairs to eat and headed to the kitchen.