
Jacob Discovered Her Secret

THE MAN GOT UP QUICKLY with his fist in the air, ready to attack her, but she moved quickly out of his way, and he landed straight in the water.

Ashley arrived with two guards who picked up the man. Most of the girls joined with the complaint.

Angeline shared a contented smile with Ashley.

"How did you do that?" It's almost like a whisper. Looking around, then back to her.

"I didn't do anything, but mostly trying to stop him..."

"Yeah, but you're good, though, "Ashley said.

"Didn't you have that in your class?"

"Yes, but I wasn't interested."

"You should learn, at least basic, to protect yourself. A lot of men behave like that guy..."

"I guess you're right. I should do..."

"I have a friend named Odette... I learned a lot of stuff from her," she smiled, remembering her friend. "I learned modeling, self-defense, but she's wild into parties so, I got it..."

Ashley laughed. "It's a good thing you were good at avoiding that lunatic. But I was so scared when he was about to attack you. I was thinking about your condition."

"No, I sense that he's a cowardly guy. And bored, I guess, " she frowned when she noticed the three men approaching them.

"Do we have a problem?" Ashley asked with her eyes on the men approaching them.

"Better not... But don't look at them unless they're talking to you."

"Alissa is done..." Looking at their eldest walking towards them. She was wearing a bright yellow two-piece.

"Hurry up, Alis, I'm getting bored. It's too hot in here. And I'm getting sticky," she called to her. "Let's move..."

"That's the idea. Let's take a swim and then feel better."

"Next time. Let's go home. I want to eat at home," Angeline insisted.

"This is all about pregnancy... Mood swings, pain in the neck," Alissa exclaimed. "I don't think I want to get pregnant. Ugh!"

She was still for a moment hearing that clear displeasure outburst. Then she started laughing.

"See? You're like a crazy woman..." Alissa said, smiling. "I can't understand your moods... from sweet to nasty, demanding bitch..."

Angeline and Ashley roared with laughter, almost in unison.

The men she saw earlier were walking towards them. She rushed when they said hello, but their eyes glanced at Angeline.

Alissa answered and chased Angeline, that continued walking to their things.

She picked up her yellow t-shirt a while ago and put it back with her jean shorts, followed by her shoes. She took a deep breath when she saw the three men with her sisters.

"Angel, we have a new friend," beamed Alissa.

"Okay," she replied, unsmiling. "I'll go ahead. See you."

"We'll follow in a while," Alissa answered. "See you back there."

She started walking when a hand grabbed hers. "Hey, can we talk with you?"

She turned back, looking at the guy holding her arm.

"Why? Do I know you?"

"Aw." He said but kept holding her. "You're the coolest one I've met, so-"

"Let her go..." An icy voice said from behind her.

Instantly, the man let go of her arm and walked away with his two companions after exchanging subtle glances.

She turned to face the intruder. She stood still, facing the strikingly handsome man in front of her. Tall, a good body built, piercing blue eyes with a shadow of sadness. His thick black hair surrounded the shape of his very white complexion. She remembered him.

He gave her a faint smile. "Fancy seeing you again at this beach. Yes. I remember that night you saved my life, " he said. "Allow me to introduce myself. You may call me Mallory..."

She nodded without taking his offered hand. "And I'm Angeline. Nice meeting you, Mallory. I can't shake hands with you because I don't think my hand is clean enough..." She explained with an apologetic smile. She was wiping her palm on her buttocks.

"No worries. Are you off somewhere now?"

"Yep. Heading home. See you..."

When the man nodded gently, she kept walking. She pursued her idea of swimming in their pool that night. Sometimes the crowd suffocated her. She enjoyed diving in the pool alone in the evening.

"There you are," Ashley beamed. "Jacob is in the living room, asking for you."

"Ugh, " her reaction. Eye- rolling. "I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone. That's my message."

"I'm here. You can tell me..."

"Hey, this is my private space... She retorted in an upset voice.

"What privacy? We've passed that stage already," Jacob retorted coldly.

Ashley stared at them before she left them alone.

Angeline kept heaving a deep sigh. She didn't expect to see the man at this time. Her  eyes followed his movement. He pulled a chair and occupied it. A glimpse of him, so relaxed in a chair. He was watching her quietly, between looking at his cell phone. It seemed like he had all the time to wait for her.

She swam to the ladder in a dark mood. She tried to shake off the water from her hair, then snatched the white robe from the lounge chair.

"Hey, I said I would call you..."A distant tone, still in a dark mood, she did not try to hide.

"Oh yeah?" His reaction in a sarcastic tone. "Why do I have the feeling that will never happen?"

"Spare me your sarcasm," she replied. "You don't sound like you're in the mood to talk either. So, what is this?"

He did not reply, but his eyes surveyed her. She walked towards him and occupied the chair opposite him. She poured the juice into one glass.

"You want one?" She waited.

Still, no reaction, but just looking at her. She poured another glass and put it in front of Jacob.

"Stop staring," she said quietly without looking in his direction. She held a drink and rose. "Whatever it is, my ears are open. Say it..." she exclaimed and sauntered.

Not a word, he got up and stopped in front of her. And quietly wrapped his arms around her waistline and pulled her close.

"What makes you so haughty, huh?" He asked coldly in a quiet voice. "Because of having a rich granny?"

"Let me go, Jacob," she stubbornly said.

"Stop fighting. You're just making it worst..."

She sighed in exasperation. Avoiding Jacob's eyes, she looked ahead of his shoulder.

"Don't give me that arrogance, Angeline," he said sternly.

She hated the way he talked to her. "Look, I did not say I'm going to marry you yet, so I'm asking you nicely."

"But you will, eventually..."

"Get away from me," she pushed him, stunned when she saw him at the edge of the pool. She moved quickly and grabbed him before he fell into the water.