
You’re It

Hazel Rose Compton is one of many girls. Not popular but not a hoodie girl either. She has always told her self that she is going to wait til college to find a love. Well at the age of 16 she has always followed that rule. One day at the pool she runs into Asher Reid Forsythe and she forgets about that silly rule. Asher is everything that Hazel has ever wanted. Kind but cold. Gentle but fierce. Athletic but smart. Rich but generous. They hit it off and everything is going great but Hazel has a secret and she want make sure Asher's HIM before she tells him. But what if it is to late.

Riley_Mack · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs

The Cliff

It was time for bed at the forsythes house and I was dreading it. I knew I shouldn't have invited Asher to come to my room but his smile got to me.

Today was a hectic day. Crimsyn was sick and I had to deal with it. Don't get me wrong I love family bonding but not when Crimsyn is sick. She always has panic attacks when she get sick thinking she has cancer or something and it is pretty regular to see her hyperventilating when sick.

Anna-Paige was a great help with Crim and I found out that we have a lot  in common. We both want to be a therapist for kids with disabilities and we love TLC.

"So you and Foster huh?'' I asked her while Crimsyn was taking a nap. She looked at me and grinned. "I love him and he is what I needed when I got to college."

I was about to ask her how they met but I heard a scream coming from down the hall and I knew the talking was done.

I ran up to Crimsyn's room but as I walked in someone was on the bed aiding to her.


Why does he have to be so perfect.


I was just thinking Asher wasn't coming when I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and told him to come in.

He walked in with a grin on his face and my worries about tonight where gone. "Hey" I said, scooting over on my bed to give him room. I didn't really know what to say so I was really glad when he took the lead.

"So I was wondering what I should do with you that would be cool and then I thought of something really amazing." He said taking my hand. I loved how he was so comfortable with himself and me. "And what is that? " I asked already intrigued.

"Come with me" he said standing up and grabbing my jacket off my desk. 


We rode in Asher's car which I found out had seat warmers. With New Mexico's weather every car needed seat warmers.

We rode in silence for a while but then I got bored of it and started fidgeting. "So what your favorite color?" I asked suddenly surprising myself and Asher. But he smiled and said "Gold. What's yours?" I wanted to say blue but I had a strong urge to say green.

"Green" I finally answered back. He smiled again and then we just kept asking questions.

"Asher want is your dream car?"

" Jeep. Yours? "

"Porshe. What is your middle name?"

"Reid. And yours is rose right?"

" Ya"

I found out that Asher wants to be a kindergarten teacher and that Mack is getting bullied in school. Asher hates marshmallows but loves smores. He loves the Red Socks and Astros.

"We are here." He said, parking the car. I looked around us and saw that we were at a cliff that has cacti's and little Charlie Brown Christmas tree trees. It also had a swing and a seesaw.

I got out of the car and walked to the seesaw. "Where are we?" I asked in awe. Asher took my hand and led me to the edge of the cliff and we sat down.

"This is where my dad proposed to my mom. And where I talked to my dad for the last time." I just nodded and let him speak.

" My mom met my dad in California when she was working at a movie studio. It was love at first sight and they started dating. My dad proposed to my mom here when Foster was just about to be born. I was born 5 years after that and that is when thing got nasty. Dad just found out he had this heart thing and liver cancer. The cancer was on and off for years and then it suddenly got way worse. When I was a freshman he took me to this spot and told me to be the man of the house now with Foster in college and all. The next day he dies it cardiac arrest. "

I didn't realize that Asher had started crying in till I subconsciously wiped them away.

"Since then mom has been out of control drinking and doing who know what"

I was about to say something about how it was all going to get better but I stoped my self. I had been living a not so good life for 17 years and it was not looking better. So instead I just took his face in my hand and kiss him.

He smelled like flowers and cologne. I could feel his hand move from my face to my back and I knew I should stop it there but... I didn't.

It was great for about 30 second then he want to my pants. I gently pushed back but he kept going at it. I pushed back harder and stood up. I was breathing hard and my head hurt but I didn't care.

Asher stood up and walked in front of me. I frowned at him. "Sorry Basil I just got carried away." But I didn't look at him. I was too embarrassed for saying no.

"Hey" he said taking my hand and putting it on his cheek. "Please forgive me" he asked.

I nodded and hugged him. I led him back to the cliff and we just sat there. Listening to the owls and wolves


I woke up to Asher snoring. It was the Monday that we were supposed to go back to school. And I did not see school in my future.

I guess Asher and I fell asleep with me laying on him cause I was still on top of him. Awkward.

I gently got up but the suddenly awake Asher pulled me back down. I giggled and let him win. I got off of him and instead I layed next to him with my head in his chest. "Morn'in Basil" he said kissing my forehead. I was still in my day clothes and I looked bad. But I just let that go and focused on Asher.

"I wanna give you a nickname." I said. It wasn't fair that I got a nickname and he did'nt. I thought for a second before continuing. "Reidy" I said, smiling and standing up.

I stretched my hand out to Asher and when he didn't grab it I had to have a plan B. I leaned on and whispered in to Asher's ear. "Reidy please get up we have school today." And then kissed his ear and neck and cheek until he finally got up.

Asher insisted on driving but I made him promise to keep his eyes on the road. We were going to stop by the house and get dressed since we were already going to be late. On the ride back we fell into a calm silence.

When we got home I was super quiet not to wake the sleeping Crimsyn up next door. I got dressed in a tie-die hoodie and legging while Asher got in his sports clothes and letter man jacket. We met back up at his car and he drove us.

"Hey at lunch come sit with me I want you to meet my friends." Asher said when we got to the school. "What will you introduce me as? " I asked him grabbing his hand. He leaned in to me and kisses my forehead.

"My Girlfriend"