
You’re It

Hazel Rose Compton is one of many girls. Not popular but not a hoodie girl either. She has always told her self that she is going to wait til college to find a love. Well at the age of 16 she has always followed that rule. One day at the pool she runs into Asher Reid Forsythe and she forgets about that silly rule. Asher is everything that Hazel has ever wanted. Kind but cold. Gentle but fierce. Athletic but smart. Rich but generous. They hit it off and everything is going great but Hazel has a secret and she want make sure Asher's HIM before she tells him. But what if it is to late.

Riley_Mack · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs


I woke up in a sweaty bed. I must have had a nightmare about who knows what.

But I cant think about that right now cause I am on a mission. Right before I fell asleep I remembered that it was the twins birthday and I didn't do anything because of the chaos.

So I am going to make strawberry pancakes and give them my presents.

I go into the kitchen and see about 12 workers cooking breakfasts.

A chef walks up to me. "Hello Ma'am what can I do for you."

I tell him my plan and he gives me full access to the kitchen. I start with the batter and then cut up some strawberries.

I put in my ear plugs cause who likes listening to silence.

I guess I get caught up in the music because I don't notice Foster and Asher walk in. And I guess I didn't notice that I was dancing.

Foster taps me on my shoulder. I quickly turn my music off and face the brothers.

My eyes immediately go to Asher and I think of his kiss. I smile and I see him smile too.

Foster looks between us. "Yeah I don't know what is happening but just know you guys would make a great couple." I blush at his words and turn back to the counter where my strawberries are looking very good.

I eat some. Don't judge I was hungry.

"Yesterday was the twins birthday and with all the chaos we didn't get to celebrate. So I am making them pancakes and  then will give them their present."

I looked at them and kept talking. " So if you boys want to be useful come help me make 12 pancakes. "

"12!" Foster exclaimed. Yes the twins could eat 6 pancakes and in 10 minutes.

I nodded and then started putting the strawberries in the batter.

"I would love to help you hazel but I am meeting Anna-Paige for brunch and then we are coming here."

He pointed at Asher. "So people are going to be on their best behaviour and let nothing slip."

Asher smiled, nodding them turned his attention to me. "I will help ya basil"

I nodded but did I not say anything in fear of saying "No you will not help me!"

In my mind I was screaming at him telling him to go away. I guess he didn't hear me because he rolled up his sleeves and started eating the strawberries.

I swatted his hand away and poured the batter on the oven top. We worked in silence for a few minutes before I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked bluntly. I wanted to get straight to the point. Apparently he did not because he asked me what my favorite color was.


"What is your favorite color?" He repeated .

"I just asked you why you kissed me and you ask me my favorite color?"

"Trying to change the subject." He said embarrassed.

"Well let me change the subject again" I said looking at him in the eyes.

"Why did you kiss me?" I said for the hundredth time. "I wanted to." He said


That has never come to mind that he had actually wanted to kiss me.

"Oh?" He laughing before adding "is that not the response you were expecting. Where you expecting me to say that it was a good night kiss and I do it to everyone I say goodnight too."

I nodded embarrassed that I had thought that.

He laughed again. Which made he more embarrassed.

"Basil has it ever crossed your mind that I actually like you. Cause it has crossed my mind ever since I set eyes on you in calculus."

I smiled remembering when I bumped into him and said so sarcastic remark to every thing that he said. Apparently that was attractive.

I look up at him and we both smiled. He likes me. My first crush likes me.

"What do we do now." I asked

He laughed again and then he realized thatch meant it.

"Basil is this your first relationship?" It was but I was never going to admit that.

Wait! Hold. The. Phone. Did he just say we were in a relationship.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Asher who said we are in a relationship. Cause I know I didn't." I looked at him and he just started rambling about how he was sorry to assume.

Again it was adorable!

I threw flour at him to make him stop talking. He looked up at me and smiled. Then threw a egg at me and it hit me right on my bruise. I winced in pain and Asher was by my side in seconds.

"Sorry Basil" he said and I could tell that he meant it. "Should I kiss it" he said grinning.

I laughed and pulled my arm away. "No but you can meet me in my room tonight."

Asher got exited and have me a suggestive grin. I punched him in the stomach and told him to stop thinking dirty.

"Hey no one knows about this okay? This is fosters week and not ours" I told him being serious. He nodded and we went back to cooking. Together!


When Crimsyn woke up I could tell it was going to be a bad day. Asher asked if he could wake her up and of course I said yes.

Asher came back with a bloody nose and a crying Crimsyn.

"Ash what happened" I said, taking Crimsyn from him. "She said she didn't feel good and when I trying to feel her head she kicked me." He said smiling weakly.

I patted his shoulder and took Crimsyn to the living room for her to calm down.

She didn't.

Eventually I put her back to bed and said I will check on her in a hour.

I walked into the living room to find Foster and a girl sitting on the couch laughing about something.

I didn't want to impose so I started to leave quickly but Foster saw me before I could leave.

"Hazel come meet Anna." I sighed and turned around and smiled.

The girl that sat with Foster had dark ashey hair and freckles on her cheeks. She smiled at me and I could see that it was genuine.

I sat on the couch next to Anna and shook her hand. "Hi I am Anna, Fosters girlfriend. And your Asher's girlfriend right?" That got Foster laughing and me rolling my eyes.

Anna looked confused intill I told her that we are just friends. Foster scoffed and I punched him in the arm. That shut him up.

"So Anna how long are you here for?" I asked. I could hear her accent now. It was very clear but I loved it. Now that I hear it Foster has a little accent too.

" I am here intill the end of spring break. "

I just remembered. It is spring break. School! Yay!

Did you hear that sarcasm oozing out of those words.